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Hello friends, how are you today? I need advices. I am searching for an anatomy book that does not have
>long, rambling bullshit paragraphs i lack the time to read
>a dearth of pictures, I need many pictures as to practice as I am someone who learns by example
I have tried: Morpho, Huston, Loomis, Proko, Goldfinger, Will Weston, Xiao (the chink), and Hampton. Are there any others? Specifically I am also seeking muscle insertion and exit points, simplified shapes ,etc. if anyone has a link to Proko's video notes in .pdf form that would be excellent, i simply do not have the time to watch a million 20 minute videos.
I have also tried Bridgman, and
Twelfth time's the charm as they say
you should probably just try doing one book over and over instead of hopscotching to different artists with different methods
try the morgue
if you've done that much anatomy, the problem isn't anatomy, it's the more basic fundamentals that you have a problem wtih.
Explain further. Anatomy is a fundamental, so I am unsure.
if anatomy is a fundamental then what isn't lol
>muscle insertion and exit points, simplified shapes
>i simply do not have the time
Well maybe if Prokopana had a fucking book we would not be here!
Stephen Rogers Peck Anatomy book has insertion and exit points, but so do Goldfinger and Morpho so idk that it will really help you when you've already read through books that have what you want, OP. Which Morpho books have you tried?

Maybe Stonehouse anatomy is simple enough for you? It has many pictures and goes into detail, but is not medical level boring like goldfinger.
Anatomy for Sculptors by Uldins Zarins.
Post your bridgman.
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>I need many pictures as to practice as I am someone who learns by example

Here's what you do:
>download Blender/pirate Zbrush
>watch a few vids on how to sculpt in Blender/Zbrush
>grab some anatomy refs from Google images and recreate them in 3D (protip: use a separate mesh for each muscle)
You'll get a much better feel for the human body, learn fundamental construction if you don't already have it down and have something nifty to show for it. It's also pretty zen, and being able to quickly sculpt something in 3D is an invaluable asset for a 2D artist. You don't even need a tablet, sculpting with a mouse works just fine.

You may also want to check out Anatomy For Sculptors, but I wouldn't say it's required reading.
>Anatomy is a fundamental


>i simply do not have the time
#1 mistake
proko is dog shit.
Tried this as well, not very good for me. It was good at first but then it went downhill.

Stonehouse as well I have tried him already. For Morpho I looked at Simplified Forms, not the book for me. But I will give Mr. Peck a try, thank you.

Thank you both for being helpful unlike some of the cunts ITT.
lmao nothing will change you'll still make the same worthless no-effort grey sketch weebshit as usual
Post your work, or suck my fucking dick!
OK, no work posted...you probably don't even draw, bitch. Go do that and try to better yourself instead of seething at those attempting to do so, sorry that my simple question triggered you so fucking badly that you had to enter MY thread and show off your fucking ass and balls. I can tell from this post that you're a piece of trash that will never go anywhere. Now then if you will excuse me, I am actually going to go draw, something you obviously know NOTHING about. Genuine scumbag, seriously. I feel bad for you bitch.
imagine drawing for 3+ years and make absolutely fucking nothing of worth
thats you, loser
Yes. Yes it is.
I started art this year, and drew for two hours...what have you done, bitch? Touched yourself to poorly rendered porn?

nta but what a "fundie" is basically up to personal discretion

everytime i ask someone they can't give me a list of every fundie
Anything that carries over regardless of medium or subject. Though for some people only 1girlwhitevoid exists, so for them, anatomy is a fundamental.

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