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Are Japanese animators really living below the poverty line, or is that a western propaganda myth? There's no way Yoh Yoshinari isn't make less than 6 figures in US dollars
why are zoomers unable to look for answers themselves, the most braindead generation
Why are bad faith posters like you unable to allow people to have a discussion on a platform for discussion?
>Is the sky really blue? It should be yellow. Is it really blue?
junior ones are. there is specialty housing for them so they can live.
again, blatant propaganda to scam anime fans for money. "fund our dorms please" no fuck off
japanese animator average income (35-40k USD) falls roughly in line with the japanese average income overall (37,292 USD) but entry level animators absolutely earn dogshit wages (8-20k USD) and usually live with family/friends to avoid the squalor that little income provides
it's not a discussion, you're asking a question that can be answered with a simple google search. i guess the real problem is that you're a fucking moron
Bottom rung animators, yes absolutely. But it obviously gets better, or there would be no veteran animators.

All animators are living below the poverty line regardless of country
I love Eizouken so much
A common theme that’s been going on recently

>in b4 lol Asian Boss
lol Asian Boss
Why are her knees so freaking low?
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Yoshinari is a key animator and sometimes director, so he's probably at the higher end of the animayor pay scale. Newbies doing tweens are paid jack shit, less than a dollar per drawing.
someone who's name you know at a big studio isn't gonna be poor
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>japanese animator average income (35-40k USD
lol you won't be making 30k until you have 20 years of experience under your belt
and proud, bitchboy
This is why there are so many Brazilians that are animators hired by anime studios, because that amount matches with their average salary. Being an animator in Usa is way better still.
20 years only to get ihop server wages
god mother fucking DAMN what is that shit with the voice acting wtf
A-list talents bring an audience with them, it's a big deal.
A-list is why its like that.
Its kind of like when disney hires out famous actors to VO in ghibli movies.

Voice actors are overrated and full of shit. Do animators get royalties for their drawings? No. The voice is not the most important. They are reppacable.
>chief animator earns an order of magnitude more than the offshore animator
>a-list voice actor earns an order of magnitude more than b-list voice actor
>b-list voice actor is not included
therefore all voice actors are jewish
probably royalties/union/whatever
if you're making a video game, you might need the va, but definitely not the animator
if you reuse anime clips, you probably need to pay the va, but definitely not the animator
if the va asks for more money every season, you gotta pay them, but an animator can always be replaced
etc etc

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