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Remember, doesn't matter the age. anyone can make it or be skilled at art, all you have to do is put in work.
You can repeat this ad nauseum. The people who know this already know, the people who look for every excuse to stop won't listen.
How do you even get into the art industry in your 20s if you have an actual job though? Do you just give up all of your free time after your 9-5 to draw?
just make time for it, career changes happens all the time. Especially on doing researching and talking with the right people. https://www.twitch.tv/pikat/clip/DeafCooperativeLadiesThisIsSparta-K9o9zoXNMPiv1nfL this is pikat, she's a software engineer that used to work for riot games before 8 months ago.
Having connects to the studio arguably producing the highest quality art right now is massive. She most definitely has illustrator giving her tips and crits, secret industry knowledge, etc. Not the best example imo. I do think it's true career changes happen all the time, but her case is definitely an exception.
yeah what that other guy said. i think everyone here could make massive improvements quickly if we had illustrators who have drawing longer than we’ve been alive to help us out
Depends on how bad you want it. You need a certain number of hours to get good, there are only so many free hours in a day, so many days in a year, so many years in your life etc. But "making it" by doing original work that you like takes more work than reaching the bare minimum to whore yourself out for fanart commissions
> just be in this 1% situation where you work for one of the biggest companies in both art and gaming while also having the chance to be mentored.

good message but bad example
are you going to post something who's skilled in art?
theres a lot of people who every time they have a creative impulse, they go on ic and make a thread to convince themself of why they can never ever draw. there's really no helping them because they want to sabotage themselves

you don't have to grind like people suggest on here. i draw 1-2 hours every 2nd day and am improving at at a decent rate
He's a 3d artist and he started drawing as a kid.

Jon de Martin started drawing at 28 if you want a good example.
lmao. literally every single 'started at 30' pityparties ALWAYS actually began decades earlier. fuck right off
only happens if you're female
Age does not matter actually what matters is you need to be rich in order to be good at drawing. Look at Pewds, he can draw animu girls in a white background all while maintaining his subs and endless cashflow. He doesn't need to draw for anybody yet somehow he rakes in so much per day he doesn't have to do the upfront work like most normies.
the autistic 40 year old CRIS and HOWIE will never start drawing.
This cope is hilarious, what are you even doing on this board genuinely?
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Can I call a truce on the autism thing as a third party on them? Because I have a Howie Problem, I'VE got autism where I can't look people in the face properly and I have bad times with social stuff, and I don't want to make a bunch of threads, I just want to ask the one time and stop.

I want to draw and I bought a bunch of shit to learn how to draw, to make some fanfic stuff, but I don't do it. I just do other stuff all the time, and when I do draw it's sporadic, and I have trouble sitting still and reading the books, and even imagining the characters I have trouble picturing the faces.

I just keep finding reasons to not do it, and when I ruminate on how I'm not doing it I just get depressed and I hurt myself when I'm depressed, and then in some sort of emotional cleanse I can draw for a while, like a day or so, and I just want to draw at that level, like a page a day of drawing, but I find every reason not to and I end up in the same cycle

And I want to break it but I don't know how to flip that switch and find means to commit to the process. I just squirm at it, and I hate it and I hate myself for not doing it making it worse. I think it's an autism thing, I think it's an adhd thing, i don't know, I just want help. I want to catch that spark I get when I hurt myself out of depression, all the time. I take adhd meds and then I draw nothing, I go to therapy and I still don't draw. Do I just hate the process? I want to draw, I do, I mean I think I do, but I don't. I don't and I hate myself for it, and I don't know why I can't start. And I want to know how to start.

I want to know WHY I don't, just draw, and how to fix that and get on with my growth as an artist already. What did you tell Howie before he became a meme? I don't want to be a meme I want to learn to draw, I have the tools, I'm just, I'm stuck and I don't know what's wrong with me and it's maddening.
Why do you want to draw.
There's a show called The Owl House, and it's not, good, but, it's really triggered my autism, in that, drawing from the Pokemon and FullMetal Alchemist inspirations, I wanted to construct a Blue Version to the Main Timeline's Red, where it's, not like a swap AU outright? But a bunch of events are changed, her little secret demigod race sidekick is a character of the OTHER ancient demigod race that fought them, and the original's this big threat without the MC, swap stuff like that, and there's different versions of some characters, but older ones are just in different situations, and the main villain's the love interest, and the love interest's mother is the main villain, and also I want to make it be 108 chaapters to match the Shikoku Pilgrimages 88 main and 20 bekkaku temples for symbolism, direct references (the canopy of lanterns of Ryozenji would be matched by a canopy of lanterns in this big open galley of a ship in the first chapter, and just, I don't know why I just wanna add that part of my life to the story.

So I want to draw this in a webcomic I share these chapters on, but I know I need to get the basics to get there, and copy this style of the show, or fiddle with it a little for the comic like how Avatar's a bit off but gets the focus of this toonboom-ass structure. And I like to imagine little segments of the story when I listen to music I like, and I want to share it, but, I need to learn to draw first, and I don't.
>I want to draw this in a webcomic
>copy this style of the show
So you just want illustrations for your fanfic. Thats it.
Why dont you just use AI, you clearly dont like drawing, and you just want to do it as a complement to a thing you actually like and want to do, drawing is just a stone in the road for you. And even if you wanted to learn, you also want to copy an artstyle that isnt yours, so not only would have to actually get good at drawing, you would have to get good at being a copycat, something that tends to add a lot more time to the process.
Again, just use AI, there has to be a model somewhere that matches the style you want, and you can just tell it what you want instead of slicing your brain into pieces trying to come out with something.
You should try drawing simple things first. Draw fruit as realistically as you can. Then move to stuff like teapots. Learn 3d form and value for a while. Learn to light them in perspective, try drawing one and rotating a light around it with perspective and plotting how the shadows change around it. I promise this kind of stuff will help you when you return to trying to draw humans.

If you let the autism loose on a book like How to Draw by Scott Robertson, you might become a perspective god. And that would help immensely.

Drawing people is hard. A lot of shit is going on. You have forms in perspective, you have value affected by unseen things happening in the anatomy, worse you also have to draw the clothes and wrinkles on top, hair is its own strange kind of suffering, faces have a template to follow that squashes and stretches per person, and you still have gesture of the pose, weight and balance, dynamic angles, and image composition as a whole too. Drawing people is like the final boss and you're starting at it, so no wonder it's overwhelming.

Try the simple things first so you can learn these fundamentals, and then you can move up to more complex things slowly. I think Eviston's book on drawing can help you out with basics of learning to draw what you see.
It's like you jeets are incapable of understanding integrity. Like the very concept just baffles you.
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Who's that one artist that only made it in his mid 40s basically grinding art outside of his regular work? I always found that guy to be an inspiring example of how someone at an age that most would very much consider to be your set it and forget it, can't teach an old dog new tricks office rat age is still able to pursue and eventually break into their passion.
I've considered AI, in fact I really hope someday the thing can be used to exponentially save on inbetweening by just learning the style of artists on similar toonboom-style models, it would make these sorts of things easy. But I also figured you guys didn't want to talk about it so I never asked.

Would this still work if I was using it to make fantasy food too? I know fundamental practice is important, but drawing bananas over and over was boring really quickly last time.
I started at 30. I've been goingt at it for about 10 months now. I hope I can go a bit deeper into it next year when some issues I have are fixed.
I started at 30...
If you think it can't be done then give up, stop bitching. There's a sizeable amount of the population that will only ever amount to flipping burgers or picking crops and that's perfectly fine, the more talented and important part of the population need you to do that then they'll make your shitty lives better by developing things that make your crop picking easier.
It's an ecosystem. Don't be ashamed you have to do the most boring shit ever, you at least get to watch copious amounts of porn and anime on your day off, it evens out. Embrace physical labor if you are too stupid to do anything else and if you want perspective, at least you aren't spending 12 hours a day assembling iPhones in a factory. You got it made if you can still watch the latest episode Family Guy and can complain online.
>Remember, doesn't matter the age. anyone can make it or be skilled at art, all you have to do is put in work.

This has been obvious for the longest, but most people, especially on this board want to make up excuses for not being able to draw and/or sit around for some "Big Drawing SECRET!" to be revealed so they can become good in a month. That shit doesn't exist and everyone basically teaches the same methods anyway. You just have to buckle down, realize you're going to suck at multiple points during the journey, and just do it.
If you have an actual job then you don't have to sit down and put a deadline around your neck of "I have to do this for a living so I need to get good enough by THIS specific time, or it's all over!". That's just added on stress. You can make decent progress with just an hour a day. One hour of dedicated focused practice can get you further than just grinding it out all day because at some point your attenion span will just give out.

you also have the weekends to work with too.
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>starting in your 20s is ok!!
haha ha... ha........ i'm almost 40...
I mean it's a trope in movies for a reason. The wise master has the impatient student do bullshit they think is retarded. They want to get good fast and think it's all pointless until they have the aha moment where they realize that there are no shortcuts. The answer has always been hard work and perseverance.
If you you think injuring your own body is justifiable in any shape or form, then drawing advice isn't your priority.
Either learn to enjoy the life you were given and stay busy with the infinite amounts of knowledge and distractions available in the world or get a nice noose around your neck, stop digging yourself into the detriment to society ditch.

I say that as someone with similar procrastination problems.
lol ur mad XD
Well nigger what have you been doing with your life thus far? I genuinely want to know. How's it going?
This is a board where we actually learn to draw. Get out.
>he thinks prompting isn't a skill
You are as skilled as my technologically illiterate non english speaking and uneducated mother who also knows how to operate Google. Way to go champ.
If you can't differentiate between a noob's and a veteran's prompts you might be visually disabled
The quality of bait has gone down drastically since the election
What if I've been drawing since I was a child but I'm still dogshit because I didn't have a mentor and didn't know what to do?
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Damn, I fucked the image up.
Most people doodled as kids, he probably dropped it as a teen and picked it back up as an adult
>"h-he started drawing as a kid"
>acting like most people didn't draw as a kid, like those chain drawings, flowers, stickmans, etc.
Honestly I tried motivating a you guys, just quit drawing already. Why are you even on this board in the first place?
>Would this still work if I was using it to make fantasy food too?

Yes. Every fantasy creature, place, object etc. ever conceived is based on something in the real world, the artist didn't just pull them out of thin air. Think medieval depictions of dragons, harpies, griffins, they're just combinations of real world animals. It's about mixing and matching different attributes and features to create something new.
You don't have to endlessly grind life drawings of fruit, but doing some studies each day, say something like 30min to an hour, helps immensely. Draw diffrent subjects, fruit, animals, various objects, try to understand their form. Try to draw them from a sligtly different angle than the reference. Then try to draw something you want from imagination, applying the knowledge you gained from studying life. Maybe try your hand at mixing different ideas, look at other artists work for inspiration. It's difficult, yes, and it will take time.
In short, alternate between studying fundies and doing your personal projects.
>Do you just give up all of your free time after your 9-5 to draw?
Depends on how fast you want to improve/get shit done. I don't play guitar anymore and barely play video games or watch anime ever since I started drawing. But if you're not in a hurry, you can keep your hobbies and still a little bit everyday.
When I was a kid my teacher told me that art is not for me and I should stop.
Which hit me so hard I only picked up the pencil decades later.
still draw *
>give up all of your free time
You mean pursue a hobby in your free time instead of doomscrolling twitter and shitposting on 4chan? If you view art as a chore that you're giving up your time for rather than wanting to spend that time on it then you shouldn't pursue it.
Adults can be so inadvertently cruel to kids sometimes. I have a nephew who loves drawing and my sister tells him to quit since it's not his thing. I always make sure to tell him he's doing great and improving when I see him
artwise? nothing
I've been stuck in dead end jobs and periods of neetdom. time passes faster than you think. but now i want to take a stab at getting good enough to take art commissions
Yes. If art is a chore that you have to force yourself to make time for, and not something you love doing so much that you will sacrifice sleep to do it, then you are ngmi
>hard work and perseverance.
And this is the biggest filter there is

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