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Are all these undressing challenge engagement bait posts on twitter legit or just ai generated?
that one is a.i. but im sure its a real trend
I dont know about them in general, most of them arent. But this one looks AI genera-
>those nails
>nevermind, this IS AI ge-
>six fingers
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jesus christ
Fucking Pajeets have ruined the digital art scene forever with this AI shit. They should be nuked and put in concentration camps just for this atrocity.
>saves picture
>pastes it into img2img
>naked anime girl extra quality amazing quality 8k good art fantastic art shot on imax
nothing personnel
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sirs very racist sirs pls delet
Never watched my hero academia. What's the lore behind her having 6 fingers?
Man Japanese manga is so quirky sometimes
this isn't even the worst of it. A lot of artists on twitter use ai but paint over it enough to fix things like the 6 fingers, and they have speedpaints ready to "prove their innocence". There's like this fog over twitter where people either don't care that its ai or they are really that stupid that they just believe some guy can appear out of nowhere drawing like a pro despite not having drawn anything before or having any kind of history with drawing online.
I choose to believe the suspicious and instantaneous spike in hentai rendering quality is purely due to people not wanting to lose to the machines.
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lmao even
If you look at this faggots accounts you'll see it's the same worthless BR spamming this shit across multiple accounts all leading to the same Patreon.

Don't you love seeing third worlders successfully enshittify every space you inhabit?
>Don't you love seeing third worlders successfully enshittify every space you inhabit?
I don't inhabit twitter
what's the implication here anyway?
that the guy used ai and it spat out the same image or that he took some ai image he found and painted over it?
no proof that was generated by ai
Damn that's hot, Ai is so good, almost perfect
How do you view hidden replies?
You nigga's are funny, I've been using AI since it came out but y'all comatose.
y'all on that low level shit. lmao
Don’t think about it, it’s just her secret quirk side effect
>y'all comatose
>y'all on that low level shit
what are you even trying to say
Always a sign of low IQ if you can't infer from context. Sad!
the implied context is obvious, the intent isn't, because he's talking like wigger
lil bro's saying gooners who can't yeet ohio get fanum'd fr
I thought all the huemonkeys fucked off to bluesky?
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unfortunately i must agree
Not just art but I am pretty sure they are the reason there's so much content farm garbage on youtube right now.
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Digital ar tis a shameless joke now thanks to AI I don't know how people can defend it
Yep, it's pretty fucking obvious when they crop up in the style of other artists right from the get go too. It's just disgusting seeing them larp as artists and taking commissions without disclosing that it's AI

I didn't know people could hide replies to their tweets, that's really scummy to avoid callouts. Unfortunately I only found one person suspecting someone I know is using AI
Yeah this is definitely slop.
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>Those goals
I know those guys are both delusional and botted but what the fuck


I see what you did there
Is it even worth it anymore if you're going to be drowned out by some guy paying 25 a month for NAI and mogging you for engagement while saving all that time. I feel like at some point you just can;t compete and anything you make is subject to be taken anyway
It's all cute until she tells deku to put the fries in the bag
who cares bro just do it for fun, you love it, right?
I think that's a pretty disingenuous way to look at everyone devaluing art to a point where you're forced to only look at it as a hobby or something you do for fun. Obviously people do it because they love it and having an option to do it for a living because you want to spend as much time doing it is also something to think about
that's a whole lot of nothing you just typed.
Okay but like that's not going to stop the jeets. It's here and people are using it.
Guess it's time to adapt and use the slop to make money and do art in your free time for personal gain
Welcome to the new age. People don't really care about how something is made as long it's something they can consume. Simple as, there is already so many artists before that I really do think people nowadays don't really care about anything other than the end product. And sadly, you just can't compete with just how fast and high quality some of those pieces are.
Especially a short-circuited world where most would rather just take the instant route and call it good enough. You can see this by just how many people are willing to pay for something like NAI or any other AI gen model out there. Not to mention there is already people who make slop who are making like 5k a month in patreon.
That is just how it goes nowadays, I hate this just as much as the next guy, but it's not going away.
Yeah, unfortunately people don't care at all about the process. It's the end result that matters and when corporations have all the power to scrape and train off of the skilled artists' works for free there's no beating that. It's just insane how artists are getting robbed blind all for the sake of profit and some goons getting their free material. It's like, was this really all art is worth at the end of the day.
Sadly, yes. Big corporations are the ones who are going to be winning from this. Since you do have to pay them for almost every single last model around. That was trained on pretty much a lot of skilled artists.
I just hope people are still going to draw and don't lose that spirit of trying new things.
Even worse because video generation is advancing and god forbid you ever show off your process in the form of a timelapse so that it can be scraped
We're heading into a world where all we're getting is rehashed gen AI work as it seeps into every piece of media. It's looking very bleak and I don't really see any new artists picking up art as it speeds up. Not to mention how our government is captured by literal billionaires who don't want to deal with regulation for their scraping so it's over.
why is ntr so addictive
Because you're a submissive with deep seated feelings of inadequacy.
because i self-insert as the bull taking women from the weakling betas
masturbating while thinking about your relation to a guy is Extremely gay.
Mogging only works if they look better than you.
> high quality
Nice try, jeet. In case you're not false flagging, use your eyes.
I hope you kill yourselves very soon

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