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VN Edition

>What is /fag/?<
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

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Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
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As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7351364
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First post for Braixen!
how do your set that layer when you do shading? was it mulitply? or something else? and why do you do it?
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gooner sculpt im workin on, also been a nice refresher on anatomy

not whoever you were talking to but I usually use overlays and sometimes hard light
>why do you do it?
it looks neat
yea I mean in photoshop.
forgot to mention that
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I kinda do that! Just a multiply layer with a color that works with the drawing, play with the opacity and add a layer mask so you can remove where you don't want it. Lazy, but gets the job done.
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I tried drawing Suki Lane
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I use multiply with mask for carving forms. Then a final Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to adjust colors. For pic rel I was too lazy this time and just used a black opacity faded selection on top of the color which somehow came out nice, at least I like the effect it gave
muscle mommy yes
Woah layers. I hope you dont mind if I ask what all those adjustment layers are for? I need to get better at post-processing myself still
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Not a lot, literally three of them are for the eyes lmao, one for simple shadows, the multiply layer, one for a effect that I like, and the last one to fix the brightness because I didn't like how dark it was looking.

Not sure if the webm works.
I should really get into Zbrush. It would help with my drawing
It's weird, as I start drawing I feel hesitant to draw lewds.
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newfur idk the nsfw line but cleaner vers
I get the opposite, I start drawing and always find myself on the precipice of needing to decide whether or not what I'm drawing becomes horny
truthfully its kind of a problem for me
I feel like I fucked up colours somewhere along the way, but can't figure out how exactly. Could I get some help please, before I'll move on to polishing it up?
Here's that image I'm having troubles with.
Light side is warmer, shaded side is colder and halfway to black but it still feels wrong somehow. I've been looking at it through black&white filter as well, but I still can't figure out what's wrong with those colours, besides that they look "wrong".
rendering looks fine but I think you might benefit from having some harder edges to contrast the edges that border objects in the distance, they're a little bit too soft and causes them to kind of blend in with everything else
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Looking at it in black and white won't tell you anything about the colors but it will help you notice how this piece of hair isn't standing out enough from the background. Also, adding a dark and saturated magenta to the background will give context to the shadows on the body. Other than that I think it's more of a value and contrast issue than color choices.
Example: https://files.catbox.moe/di7nd4.png
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How do you map out proportions for a specific design?
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Is it okay to add editing and effects to illustrations or do people mostly want to see the lines and base art?
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Hello anon, i have a question, if i were to get to the same level as you, what should i learn in order? I have sculpted couple of times before but i focused most of my time on other hobbies and would love to get back to this.
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i always like the lineart more but tried applying palette anyway
/ bobless for purity
Alright, thanks for the help guys! <3
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>Learn construction and anatomy basics (2D or 3D, doesn't matter)
>Collect anatomy refs into a pureref and always have it on hand while sculpting (If you don't have multiple monitors you can use vizref/droidref on a phone/tablet)
>Watch videos of people sculpting and study their techniques (Zbrush vids have value even if you only use Blender because a lot of sculpting tech is universal)
>You get more experience doing many quick sculpts over doing one fancy sculpt
>3D folks are usually more than happy to give advice or tips if you just ask

Truth is I don't sculpt too often either, I'm just lucky enough to know a lot of people who do. But I always encourage folks to learn sculpting as I believe it's an invaluable tool not just for learning, but also for being able to quickly make 3D reference for tricky subjects.

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