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/ic/, /gd/, /3/, /po/, and /p/ should all be merged together.
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no they shouldn't
Literally nothing happens in those other boards. /gd/ sees traffic like once in a full moon.
so be it. it's more organized this way.
Leave out /po/ and I think I agree
just make it /art/ or something
not to mention the nature of blue and red boards. putting them all together would just muddy things up and make it harder to discuss and get certain types of content.
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...Why does this look so utterly unsettling...? It's not even uncanny, but it's nightmare fuel alright. What the fuck is this.
There is nothing wrong with slow boards.
>Waah this board is too slow for my adhd zoomer brain
Ok so put family guy clips on next to your browser window while you wait.

Go fuck yourself.
you're so used to what the actual mona lisa looks like that when you see something that looks like an imitation of it, but not a perfect copy, it disturbs you
You seem really mad, lol. Cry more, monkey boy.
The girl he says you shouldn't worry about
what the fuck was wrong with leo
if he was alive today he'd have a kodyboy tier da gallery
it doesn't look like a fat eastern-european hag for one thing.
>american education
Well the skull shape *is* dramatically different, the Isleworth is much more Alpine, it raises questions as to which piece would even be the original.
I would like an oekaki option on ic
We should also be able to flip images horizontally with the click of a button.
please never post again
you too.
Looks better to me. Leonardo did better on the face that second time.
Why do scholars assume that the workshop assembled markedly inferior copies? Is it because Da Vinci was known to take his time on each piece or because a contract would dictate that he was the sole creator? It seems more like the workshop would design the more overproduced versions, otherwise why maintain a workshop if you couldn't delegate anything to them for the finished piece?
Because da vinci finished like 5 paintings total and had to be literally bullied to finish some of them. A painting existing already points he didn't paint it
was she not looking like a hag at the ripe old age of 24?
She would have been in her 40s with 6 children by the time it was finished, and even by the time it was started if the early attestment to the painting refers to the isleworth one
1503 (Age 24)
1517 (Age 38)
Or is that just too obvious?
Actually drew the model instead of his own face.
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>even the best struggled with sameface
it's not your fault anons
so we can get 5x the amount of crisposting? fuck no
oh wait a second... who could be behind this post I wonder.

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