How do i get rid of my twitter shadowban?I draw vtuber porn, my stuff doesn't show up in hashtags
How do I check if I'm shadowbanned or not
Twitter hash tags in 2024 are superfluous.If you put the word in your post with or without hashtags, it achieves the same thing. Either way if your follower count is low your posts will be buried in searches.
If you're posting porn there's no getting rid of it.
>>7374621Search for your acct name, if it doesnt suggest you or autofill it and you have to type the entire name, youre search banned.It can be hard to tell with shadowbans unless you have data on views from before it happened.This shit is why people have porn alts
>>7374535if you gonna draw porn it won't go away every porn artist got it so it doesn't matter that much >my stuff doesn't show up in hashtagsjust untick the hide sensitive content