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File: commission.png (1.05 MB, 1095x698)
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do you guys think a
>pay what you want
commission cost model would work?
no, for every one person willing to pay you there are 50 kids and 30 broke adults wanting free shit
so be selective of your clients and only draw ideas you like.
have a patreon that you post those works on too for supplemental income
i thought you were talking online commissions, nvm me then
you can still be selective online
good luck figuring who got money and is willing to spend a lot on jpgs online
No, why would you do that? Just get good enough to set decent prices and whore yourself out for whatever people want you to draw. That's what being a commission pig is. A whore. You're selling your beautiful talent like prostitutes sell their God-given bodies.
>No, why would you do that?
idk, just an idea. Rich people might just throw a ton of money at a drawing, other people might spend more than they would otherwise because you're being so nice and letting them decide how much they think it's worth.
you'll still get beggars that just want free art, but I wonder if it would balance out?
Rich people are buying trad art for clout, not a nobody's art
there are rich people that will throw $30k+ at a nobody woodworker for a dining room table. rich person art isn't just money laundering with 100+ year old paintings
>for a dining room table
Yeah, for clout. Is your art good enough to fill their clout? I never mentioned money laundering
>Yeah, for clout.
clout that someone no one's heard of made them a table that looks nice?
>be the first in finding a great artisan
>helps the artist by giving him 30k for his best work
Yeah, look at this generous man helping out an upcoming artist with great potential. Oh wait, now his friends want to see and buy a nice table from him. Oh shit, the craftsman is becoming popular in that group. Now, is your art good enough, is your average rich guy interested in the medium you work with and are you luck enough for someone to drop enough money to make up for the lost money from your business model?
>Yeah, look at this generous man helping out an upcoming artist with great potential.
how is this any different from commissions an artist to draw something for them?
Most (born) rich people have shitty ideas
Nothing is stopping you from charging 30k to begin with instead of working on shit for potentially nothing
Assuming you do digital, most rich people are not interested in .jpgs. Most people paying for digital goods are millennials or younger, most likely a nerd with enough money, that's plenty of ifs in a sea of people wanting to pay at most $100 for digital art. Not to mention the economy being atrocious for the mid/high mid class, your (in your dream) would be 30k client.
If your business model was successful someone would have done it before and plenty of copycats would appear to the point that it would be the normal thing to do with art, this never took off for a reason. But maybe you're the special star that will change the course of art from now on, anon.
>this never took off for a reason.
I've literally never seen anyone try it
Then lurk more old DA
This is a terrible idea.
Drom experience, doing art raffñes in twitter,only brought to my account cheap, broken people who wouldn't pay for art anyways.
Also, the cheapest your commissions, the more problematic customers you'll get that expect to make a thousand changes and request as many tweaks they can get away with. Not worth it.

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