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>Week 65
How can we as a community help him ascend to anime greatness? The level of dedication is admirable but it seems he's missing something crucial to progressing?
yea, he's not asian
But neither is Basediepie.
Can't wait for his update on his art next year its gonna be good if he keeps drawing.
how do you even find this shit
is this your channel, op
I love consuming videos by westerners attempting anime, understanding the ways they fail at it is interesting to me.
No, the algorithm just recommended it to me.
>its gonna be good if he keeps drawing.
Or if he doesn't get subverted onto a non-anime path, which is sadly a possibility. I hope he can become a beacon of genuine anime light to westerners.
I'm following several youtubers that post up journey videos like this and they're all in the same bottleneck of progress. I'm not sure if they're just content with people chatting with them as they draw of if they're serious about improving.
I don't think he overlays his finished drawing over the original. Most mistakes are revealed this way if you're doing a one-to-one copy and you can just study what you're prone to do wrong.
Also the commenters constantly suggest garbage advice to him like "study from real life with values xD" and he always says that he'll try it.
>of if they're serious about improving.
His dedication makes me think he's actually serious unlike many other channels and the engagement isn't that high for it to be just for social points.
i hope not i don't want him to do gay western comics art.
Well he is in Japan, learning Japanese and draws cute anime girls so he has nice taste which should already make him a pariah in the modern art world. Hopefully it continues this way.
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15 seconds on the video, literally: the guy make the circle, to draw the face, but immediately afterwards he places the eyes incorrectly because he doesn't align them with the volume of the sphere... ok, that may be speculation on my part, buut check the second drawing he made, he gets right the "triangle" because in the reference the eyes are really marked wih that middle line to tell that indeed is a 3/4 view, in the first one that also appears but is a cut in the eye to tell it, but he didnt make it. Then in the third drawing, the real life girl, you can see that he put the circle but fucked up everything because he is not simplifying the image, and there you can clearly see that he's not really using the circle to copy the reference angle so in the end he not have a optimal reference to look because he's changing the angle, leave him alone because the reference is not telling him anything now.
That happens because he's not "blocking" as other people name it, that is, define the basic shapes the same as you do when you make gesture drawing, or take distances that you made on those real life drawings with the "grid", or the pen, or later doing it mentally.
Hmmm i quickly found this on google:

Is like that, you "block" the shapes mentally taking distance measurements, to get the shape, then refine, and continue, is very simple and helps you to make proportions and related things in a decent level, because you can't fuck the drawing if you are taking good measurements. If you still draw bad after that, then is all about the way yoy make the shapes and draw the things, that is only practice and repetition, and thinking.
If he continues could get better, if he stays humble and honest about his state, he's already making some measuring exercises, so eventually it will realize about those things
wouldn't hide channel help with most of his issues?
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I opened the video to dislike it (I do this with every youtube link posted on an OP as general principle) and saw pic related.
He keeps himself from ascending to anime greatness because he hasn't embraced it fully and draws this kind of garbage as well.
Also on the OP picture drawing, he did not notice or did not want to correct himself about the head size and kept going. You've got to copy but you have to notice, fix and internalize the errors and adapt.

I wish him the best though
>>He keeps himself from ascending to anime greatness because he hasn't embraced it fully and draws this kind of garbage as well.
Yeah this is true, it's what commenters suggest to him and it might stem from a lack of progress in copying anime but not realizing what he's doing wrong so he thinks he needs to do "other things" too. But that itself might stem from a lack of dedication to anime only.
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>I opened the video to dislike it (I do this with every youtube link posted on an OP as general principle)
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>I opened the video to dislike it (I do this with every youtube link posted on an OP as general principle)
>"study from real life with values xD" and he always says that he'll try it
This is why I feel like not posting to critique channels on discord. I'm just met with this and I end up taking it with a smile to advice I know is shit and won't help me just to appear nice.
You have to go back.
How did this mindset get so prevalent in the West? Is it just because of the language barrier and people not knowing how the Japanese learn/teach anime?
Any good channels (in Japanese so it's not reddit)?
>draw fuzzy collection of lines instead of a clear line
Why do people do this? Is it some Rick and Morty quantum nonsense where they want to have a multiverse of lines to choose from?
I think he's doing fine
accuracy is hard anyway, it's easy to be a faggot and use it as critique, but not so easy to actually do
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I don't know about fine, its clear that he has a /low/ beg mentality and doesn't study fundies and I'm saying that as a fellow /beg/ whos been drawing for about 8 months. I’ve seen other begs stuck in the same le copying anime heads cycle without critiquing their drawings or comparing to see what to improve. Most just see lines instead of thinking about the form beneath. art improvement needs more critical thinking than most begs realize. Picrel drawings took ~15 min each (a bit longer for the real-life one). They’re not amazing, but I can spot my weaknesses and work if that's my focus instead of mindlessly grinding 100s of heads hoping it’ll click, which imo takes way longer.
but he's doing "le fundies" since he is drawing real people. isn't "le fundies" just doing anything not related to anime to feel better about progressing instead of dealing with the reality of creating finished illustrations in an authentic style?
> just see lines instead of thinking about the form beneath
if they saw the lines as they are they would copy the directions of the lines.
>I think he's doing fine
For 65 weeks (1.2 years) of consistent study? It's not easy to do, but if this is the result after that time then there is an error in his actions.
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> isn't "le fundies" just doing anything not related to anime
picrel is generally whats considered the fundamentals

>if they saw the lines as they are they would copy the directions of the lines
that's easier said than done, going back to one of the fundamentals (proportion and placement), he doesn’t know how to accurately measure the lines he’s placing, nor does he take the time to look for negative space or landmarks of the face etc. he would've progressed more by now if he were reading one of the shilled books here like drawing from the right side of the brain or took a course to learn the fundies on the side.
But anime has its own understanding of everything there maybe except for perspective. There are no "fundies" completely detached from the final result you want to produce because you learn "le fundies" within a given style unless you are only drawing cubes and nothing else. Someone skilled in "le fundies" in realism could transfer over to anime with some work but it's not automatic.
>that's easier said than done,
Yeah, it's not an easy thing for sure but it's key and I was just using it as an example to show that beginners/unskilled artists don't actually copy the lines because they don't fully see the gesture/directions of the individual lines and how they relate to the whole image.
>he would've progressed more by now
Maybe so, but in a different direction that's even further from drawing genuine anime.
>le copying anime heads cycle
Yeah he should have branched out to Hide's full body lessons a long time ago.
>anime has its own understanding of everything there maybe except for perspective
that’s true, and he’d be better off studying actual anime illustrations rather than random frames, where things are often simplified and inconsistent. He’ll keep progressing as long as he doesn’t quit, though the pace he does so, might not be what he wants.
>Yeah he should have branched out to Hide's full body lessons a long time ago.
>random frames
That also irked me. I noticed that I started improving a lot more when I copied things from one artist or settei from one anime.
that's a good method, with just studying one artist you have a sense of right and wrong which will help you see and fix your flaws faster, I'm eventually going to start studying a specific artist as well. in the meantime though, I wish you luck on your art journey anon
Thank you anon, I wish you luck too.
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>100 head drawings per week
I wonder what his process is for those, are they just quick sketches? I think I advance more from finishing a copy unless I have something very specific I want to learn from it.
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bros, they're leading him astray hard.
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>1410 End of drawing session 70 mins. Finished detail head number 48. Week total is now 445 mins.
looks like he finishes and colors them.
accuracy training
the guy is just mindlessly drawing
and needs to measure more
rushing through blocking and placement, but then taking time doing everything else, without that proper scaffolding
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He should legit just sight measure draw for now instead of throwing all of those crazy construction lines (unless he's doing that on purpose to learn construction? But then again anime faces mostly don't make any sense in a 3d space, doing that with other anime body parts would be better)
>>Yeah he should have branched out to Hide's full body lessons a long time ago.
I did this. Now I fail at drawing heads and bodies
I'm a beg but from that picture it seems like a proportion issue, he needs to overlay his drawing and compare. I hope he makes it, dude is dedicated.
whats the bottleneck. i love anime
thats probably it. how do the japanese learn/teach anime?
Ti be fair, PewDiePie is a natural genius
He says so himself
>I want to make it semi realistic
They subverted him.
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>immediately gets better result when doing both sides at the same time
Doesn't help that he picks the shittiest images to study, I get picking korean girls to draw, as it's the closest thing to anime you can get, but at least get some professional photoshoot pictures, with proper lighting and cleanup.
>just spend years copying randomass anime screenshots bro!
lmao where is this retardation from??
follows the principle of drawing what you like
and it's a hundred times more effective than not drawing, mr crab
>both sides at the same time
I also noticed he rarely ever touches the eraser.
Does he really only like random cropped screenshots from series he's probably not even watched? It's much better to copy keyframes from animator artbooks because you can see a lot more line details there.
>animator artbooka
First time I've heard of those.
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Bros they got him. It's over.
When I see shit like this I feel an intense urge to help...
Maybe we can create a plan to help him and post it as a youtube comment, problem is that NPCs lead him away from the path with dumb suggestions and he follows them every time.
I feel like a youtube comment won't help, needs hands on approach with clever redlines that would illustrate what he should focus his attention on. A mentor? Int art friend? How does he not have art friend who can help him at this point
I don't understand, who got him?
It looks shit, but why?
Beg here, what did they get him with
I have no idea why do /beg/s go straight into trying to depict the hardest part of the body, at different angles, all the fucking time.
Basically, once you've got some fundies to a reasonable level, you pick an artist you like and copy copy copy until you get good. The japs understand that your place as a beg is pretty much to shut up and learn from your betters.
>I don't understand, who got him?
The westoid mindset
Because the face is the most instantly recognisable part of the human body and artists of all skill levels, begs included, understand on a fundamental level that they have to be able to draw it well
That doesn't explain much. You mean the focus on construction?
Honestly my anime faces started improving dramatically when I stopped trying to autistically construct them and just went by sight. They're still shit but at least I feel like I'm getting somewhere now
Mostly, yes
This can all be fixed if someone just taught him what symbol drawing is
is this some challenge where you don't look at what you're drawing?
I'm pretty sure Asians simply internalize the construction... or just end up drawing the same thing over and over.
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Fun exercise, in my defense I don't draw anime and it's hard (for me) not to make asian girls look white when you animeify them
I'm so glad I skipped the amateur phase completely. I mean, I got through it in highschool and by the time I was in college I was already at pro levels. The college I went to still uses my entry portfolio as the prime example of what to include in your application. I would kill myself if I were in my mid 30s and still drawing poorly made anime girls.
You should kill yourself anyway
probably. but only if you do it first.
Focus on "le 3D" instead of the lines where the soul of anime actually lies.
Yeah, just grinding anime settei would fix this issue instead of drawing "different races" of people now.
Nothing wrong with construction but he should focus on getting anime proportions / anime symbol drawing right instead of doing real life portraits.
What is generally meant by construction in a western context? Japanese use this method and it works well for anime >>7385686 but you need to learn when symbols change for other symbols, it's not purely 3D based.
>what did they get him with
Drawing le real life people in an indeterminate made up on the spot style with the end goal of getting better at anime.
pyw/kill yourself
Ah, right. Gotta symbol draw.
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Why is there so much bad advice surrounding anime in the west? Might it be part of an actual PSYOP like there was with classical music and the arts in general? Seems too effective to just be ignorance.
Anyone who listens to anyone except japs about how to draw anime deserves to fail
Permabegs and Krita, name a more iconic duo.
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I leave a small cry on his channel against the void because lol why not, we shall see how things turn out
>The most important part is understanding 3D and physics.
>Don't get too caught up in how your lines are looking
>3d is definitely one of the topics that gets brought up less than others, you gotta live and breathe 3d:)
Their advice reads like a parody of the westoid mindset.
It might not guarantee anything since he still seems to have a bit of aspiration towards the semi real Western slop, but it seems he may be willing to heed the voice of reason
>aspiration towards the semi real Western slop
Sad but he's likely corrupted beyond repair. When they start drawing "semi-realism" in the beginning stages it's already over, their love for anime is gone or didn't exist in the first place.
I'm starting to think that it's all just a cope for failing at anime and justifying to themselves that anime is inherently inferior and less skill based than so-called semi-realism, which isn't even a real thing. Someone with a real love for anime would never act like that.
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The first step is acceptance...
Begging for acceptance from the realism faux-anime crowd and downplaying the importance of anime is very cringe.
>Draws guide lines
>Doesn't follow them
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Do you think *I* could be the first amawu artist from the west? I like salivating over irl girls but it's mainly their bodies. If I knew how to bimbofy anime features that's all I need. Sadly, I've been drawing longer than him and never turned particularly towards amawu. Maybe if I amawu only maxx for the next 3 months
To be honest, given your western mindset and posting style it would be a miracle if you ever draw something close to anime. I'd consider detoxxing from all western media for a few years as a prerequisite at the very least.
Self-disparaging ironic terms and anime are mutually exclusive. Sincere and non half-hearted love is necessary to draw legitimate anime at a high level of quality. This is why most westerners fail at it.
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this video is the proof that none of the /asg/'s and any other retard on this board will ever suceed at drawing anime. the fixation on drawing anime heads ruined your perception on drawing in general, you cannot "construct" anime heads, because anime is about simple and super stylized shapes.

>"study from real life"
learning to draw real heads will only fuck you up more than u think if you wanna draw anime heads
>"but the anatomy and proportions"
you only use that below the neck and many artists dont give a fuck and commit many anatomical mistakes and still their art is great
>"b-but my fundies"
common anon, by the time you finish learning heads, that will take u at least 5 years at this rate, you will need 10 more to learn to draw the rest of the body and another 10 to paint, do you think that having to learn to draw naked old dudes to be able to draw anime girls is a meme? well, i guess the /ic/an't draw fellas here got you really good.
>anime is about simple and super stylized shapes.
what do you mean by this? how is it simple?
>downplaying the importance of anime
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when you are learning to draw there is something that you understand: the more realistic you want to draw, the more complex and easy to fuck up it becomes.

Anime is at the same level of complexity than cartoons, you will say that is not but if you are not able to see thru shadows and colors and see how simple anime really is, you are doomed. Sure, there are artists that push the fundies on anime, but thats the equivalent of just drawing an apple and then adding details that make it more complex.

taking that in consideration, anime has no complexity, once you understand certain rules you can crack any anime style like nothing.
>"what are these rules anon, tell me the secret to draw anime"
i wont. these rules arent a secret hide by elite japanese artists who made a vow to protect the nipon way, these rules are in plain sight during the process of learning to draw, all of you arent learning, you are literally making up things like "anime construction" and despite having insane amount of resources on this same board you are unable to draw a single appealing anime head. i dont think these heads i just did are good, they can be polish but none of you are able to do something of the same value and i draw furry, never anime.
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>Anime is at the same level of complexity than cartoons
>anime has no complexity
>i draw furry, never anime.
we can tell anon, we can tell.
ok anon, i want you to go and pick the more complex anime drawing/screenshot you can find. the only rule is that it needs to be anime and not semi-realistic styles.
>ok anon, i want you to go and pick the more complex anime drawing/screenshot you can find. the only rule is that it needs to be anime and not semi-realistic styles.
>once you understand certain rules you can crack any anime style like nothing.
>anime has no complexity,
You didn't even copy the OP girl, lil faux-anime bro. You're not ready for more complex things or for real anime in general.
How about you pick some post 2010 cartoons and anime from the respective top tier studios and analyze their complexity. Since you are skilled at anime we will learn a lot from this exercise, furry sensei.
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I agree with you with some of your points, specially the last one, i didn't realized how bad is to grind by copying until i read this >>7399942. I want to draw original things in my own anime style, replicating other people work doesn't take you that far, without that reference you are unable to draw and i think the furry anon did a better job by replicating other styles with a single reference.
im pretty sure he was waiting for (you) to post an example of what you consider complex to show something we missing.
>im pretty sure he was waiting for (you) to post an example of what you consider complex to show something we missing.
I want to learn from a living master among us.
the bleach girl other anons are drawing can absolutely be constructed though
so... you want a coping mechanism for not being able to draw the real thing?
both your and his "original style" is just soulless faux anime that screams "this was made by a westoid".
it's the perfect trap for people to limit themselves to creating lousy imitations.
you willfully forgo learning from the real and refined thing so you get this result every time.
it's all there for you to take and learn from.
but people think they are better than anime and above it while not being able to produce a result of the same quality.

it's truly baffling. anyone who was westoid but then got out of it than can help me understand this?
how can people say something is simplistic but fail miserably every time at replicating it?

kek, pretty ignorant statement isn't it?
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at least i draw
what now? what did i accomplish by drawing a screenshot that looks generic as fuck? did i unlocked the ability to draw anime? i bet you will claim my drawing has mistakes and no souls while the same mistakes can be seen on the ss but i bet that if i intentionally fix them that will also make it sovless and westie right?
based cunny archive poster, this looks great anon
>not wanting to be a copier machine is cope
>anything original is souless imitation of the great japanese
by your own logic animes like chainsawman, or dorohedoro arent anime, because they dont look "anime"
You are so retarded that the definiton of anime you have is moe-shit, if is not cute anime girl is not anime, so i guess any mangaka/animator from japan that dosnt draw like k-on is not doing anime/manga.
>what now?
still faux anime.
>what did I accomplish
nothing because your approach and world view is incorrect.
>drawing a screenshot
but you didn't.
>did i unlocked the ability to draw anime?
no because you're an ironic weeb and faux anime westoid.
>while the same mistakes can be seen on the ss
the ss is the standard you can't achieve.
>because they dont look "anime"
to westoid eyes maybe. wouldn't trust westoids with anything art-related.
>if is not cute anime girl is not anime
you wouldn't be able to draw cute anime girls or cool anime guys. but cute girls are an ultimate test of ability.
These posts are a great case study in "drawing what is there and failing" vs "drawing what I imagine". One's views really influence the way we see even seemingly objective data like an anime screenshot.
Good illustrations definitely rely on gestures hard
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Dude i've been drawing the same anime heads for 10 years and i've been pretty content, but you hit a wall where once you're able to imitate your favorite media you realize you're nothing without copious amounts of reference and you're still not as good as the animators you worship in your shows because they've actually learned their fundamentals as well as what they need to apply that to anime.

I'm not saying you can't get by just copying, some get very good at it, and if you're happy where you are then don't let anyone take that away from you as long as you draw. But if you want a complete understanding of what it is you're doing and being able to do the exercise I just did (which are called master studies by the way) then you have to crack open an anatomy book or at least observe from real life images. Because how else are you supposed to know why things are stylized the way they are? This is the fundamental truth I learned this year.
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Forgot to add, if you really can't stand the idea of fundies then trick yourself into learning them by studying those in the industry that clearly know them. Animators in specific. These pages are from Yoshinari's sketchbook.
>once you're able to imitate your favorite media
I feel you're pandering too hard to the general western zeitgeist and that doesn't bode well for creating genuine anime.

What does it even mean to you? It's quite confusing if you think this pic is the same as the "fundies" taught by Western Artgrift YouTubers. Or do you think copying means exclusively copying random cropped screenshots like the dude from the OP video? Copying is a deep study of a style and would include making copies of the pic you posted if you are studying that animator's style.
isn't the "faux anime" retard a shitposter? Why are you entertaining him?
Anons want to get baited, they are procrastinating drawing.
Is his post about faux anime wrong?
>crack open an anatomy book
If it's side by side with an anime book and you see anime as the epistemological and aesthetic criterion then fine.

The problem is the prevalent delusional idea of "I'm le going to le stylize this anatomy even though I can't draw anime" based on realism somehow being inherently more superior or complex than anime. Case in point is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkaqLooMGnk

The truth hurts eh?
>>I think it's a good idea to keep drawing ladies from the Korean peninsula
>I see your point that they are good references for anime but I feel I should also do more male references too.
>good references for anime
am I bad for feeling he deserves the failure for listening to this?
ngl this is the only anon itt who posted work i would listen to
damn nigga can you at least try
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low cognitive resolution bro?
very well done!
They look the closest to his amawu ideals irl so it might help push him that way even if he wants to draw le realisitc
I don't think he deserves failure for listening to bad advise because people can learn things from that too (of course it'd be better to learn from good advise).
He will fail (and deservedly so) because he doesn't want to or he's not capable enough to understand the things he's doing are meaningless for his end goal (which I understand is drawing anime style)
The problem is that he does not have anime ideals so he settles for slop. Koreans aren't close to anime girls than Japanese women but I guess choosing one race is bigoted in current year.
Pic related is the hardest red pill to swallow for the individualistic west.
what book is this?
companion book to the Saito Naoki 3 month method video, it was posted in the artbook thread iirc.
ty anon
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Will he learn guys?
What will make him finally take the red pill?

>1640 End of drawing session 130 mins. Did detail head number 56. This felt bad all the way through. I just feel I need more of a solid base which is why I need to work more on loomis method and getting the proportions right. Week total is now 550 mins
He needs keys to drawing. This is blatant failure to see what he's looking at.
Yeah his main mistake is not comparing his lines with the original art but now that he's using 3D it's literally impossible lol
Why don't his fans tell him straight that it doesn't look like he's even trying?
He's still symbol drawing everything. Somehow. After 66 weeks
reddit echochamber
>it's nice man you're trying
>I liked X irrelevant part of the drawing
>wow man, good progress but you need to learn 3D and fundies! think 3D!
>love the drawing but I humbly suggest to do more boxes
Someone needs to straight up tell him that his stuff looks like trash, that result after 66 weeks its to re-evaluate what hes doing.
Wtf is that
thanks anon!
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I was gonna respond angrily but I don't have the energy for it. You speak of love like it's a high ideal, but I disagree. I'll show you what anime drawn from apathy looks like, or something. I'm gonna draw from doujins from now on
What am I supposed to be seeing here
One of many failures till I succeed, if that day ever should come. Low expectations because nothing good ever happens
Is anger at the truth justified? What do you disagree with?

Success in drawing anime never comes accidentally, it's such a specific and technical skill that if you don't love it on some level you won't be able to reproduce it and internalize it. You have to love it more than whatever western style you were likely exposed to and devote yourself to studying pure anime.

That's already the first near-impossible hurdle to clear for the non-nips.
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>Week 21
How did he become worse over time?
Anger only at the idea that love is some grand ideal, since I've never possessed it for anything. Do japs love anime art any more than westerners do, or are they just mired in it more deeply?

In the opposite vein, people think that violence against another is some great thing fueled by wrath and hatred, but I contest that the mechanical act of inflicting harm is more important, and emotion is unnecessary there. It's just something banal.

Flipping the script, maybe it's just sour grapes cope that I wanna try to draw something I have no special love for, which is everything. I've been a shut in for 6 years now, 10 if we're being generous, so you can imagine what it's done to my psyche.

I spent 2 months drawing hands without direction, now maybe I'll spend 24 on anime. Because I'll concede it's nicer looking than western work, and im reaching a point where I feel no shame at all in being different from others, even at the risk of being outlasted which I already am
I think it's just generic do fundies advice. Though if you want to replicate a particular style you will have to copy and study it. Even capeshit artists recommend drawing pages of comic books to draw like them but for some reason people think they can study realistic anatomy and somehow an anime style will be magically extrapolated from that
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To add on, I scribbled this out whilst sick in bed. I have no direction, so I'll just let doujinshis guide me until I find a path. I might rope before the day I manage to master precious amawu drawing style
Westoid mind rot, spending too much time drawing 3dpd KOREANS
Why so many gooks though
Is it a fetish thing?
They're easy to find reference images of
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Week 68
>what you think your base is, is not as strong as you think it is
>what I thought I was solid in, I was not solid in it at all (talking about Loomis method)
>weird hybrid of realism and anime
>work to get a solid base, especially fundamentals for form
>draw from imagination so I understand what I’m drawing
>it’s very easy to use a reference, and when you’re unsure to look at the reference and copy
>need to pick an artist with a semi-realistic look
>last detailed head drawing (57/100) maybe looks okay maybe doesn’t, but shading and coloring needs work
literally all this guy has to do is draw what he's looking at
>it’s very easy to use a reference, and when you’re unsure to look at the reference and copy
I roll my eyes at 99.9% of /ic/ "westoid" shitposting, but this right here is one of the most destructive ideas that westoids have - the idea that copying is "bad"
japanese artists start by copying manga and anime, they learn it by rote at first and THEN dig deeper into construction and perspective and learn WHY the features are placed the way they are, etc., meanwhile westoids are stuck trying to reinvent the wheel. Just 30 more boxes and I get to graduate to cylinders! Man, I can't wait to draw an anime girl one day...
Meanwhile the best western comic artists (our answer to mangaka) all started out by... copying their favorite comic books.
This guy needs to learn accuracy and just study some manga he likes, if that's the kind of things he wants to draw.
I thought 68 days was bad but then I realized it said WEEKS
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>>draw from imagination so I understand what I’m drawing
...wat, if you don't know what you are drawing why would you draw it from imagination.
The general pattern seems to be that there is a dichotomy between something "classy/hard" and "fun"
>references, copying, studying anime in depth - fun but bad for learning
>3D, realism, fundamentals - hard but will magically help you do the fun stuff
You know the memes of "you need to draw like this before you draw like this" with ugly realism on the left and anime on the right? The exact same mindset.

He should've taken the Yui-pill already.
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Honestly, If his goal is to become anime he should start by copying his favorite artist(grayscale) / manga while doing basic fundamentals grinding. But I'm a beg so this might be a bad approach.
I think that was his goal at some point in time, if you look at the early videos it's clear. But I think he has given up already because he says he wants to find an artist to copy with a semi-realistic style that he likes.
I don't think he wants to do "realism". He just got crabbed by retarded youtube commenters into practicing on real people
>He just got crabbed by retarded youtube commenters into practicing on real people
yeah true, but in the video he explicitly says he needs to find an artist with a more
>semi-realistic style to see how they do things
and by that he means twitter/pinterest Korean artists who draw 3D women.
You don't love anime, you obviously think it's silly. Go back to realism, westoid. You will never draw anime well.
>Do japs love anime art any more than westerners do, or are they just mired in it more deeply?
Those aren't mutually exclusive but it's more of the former, western anime fans are often ironic about their love of anime and those who draw anime characters rarely commit to learning actual anime and instead settle for an uncanny stylistic mix of cartoons and anime.
Love for anime in the sense I'm using isn't a mere emotion or passion. It's more of a sincere acceptance and admiration of it for what it does and seeing its true value. Like >>7406650 says your relationship with anime is very self-demeaning/ironic so it's impossible for you to authentically reproduce it.
>claims to want to draw anime
>draws a 3dpd asian with eyes apparently styled after avatar
>has been doing this for 68 weeks
It's so over that it's almost sad. He might as well just start again from scratch because he has learned absolutely nothing
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Says you. I'd use violence irl if you said that to my face but instead I'll just leave it at saying that I'll draw amawu only from henceforth to spite and prove wrong anyone who says westerners can't. I'll make hyper authentic anime girls, girls so anime you've never seen them before, stuff you didn't think was possible. I know what I'm capable of, I know exactly how resolute my will is. You can keep seething all you'd like about filthy Westerners trying to replicate your sacred muh Japponese cartoons, I'll just quietly master your style and prove that love is lie in the process, that it's all just static lifeless pen strokes aimed at one goal. Once i get so good you can't ignore it, I'll treat my fans like that Miyazaki faggot would, especially you retarda cuz I know just how filthy and disease ridden your Pawan must be. So suck it!
>Doubles down on le irony, sarcasm, snark
Yep. Never, ever, ever.
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>0935- 1010 Did another exercise from draw a box 35 mins. Week total is now 200 mins
>draw a box
Is he trying to speedrun through every westoid cope now?
eh not a cope if hes just doing it as a warm up... which is what hes doing right?
nvm actually why did this take him 35 minutes? Wtf? I need to see him livestreaming, no way he isn't looking on his phone every 2 minutes
>drawabox now
Jesus Christ, who is feeding him this shit? It's like an /ic/ parody at this point
how do I get my brain to think at your comprehension
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>>0935- 1010 Did another exercise from draw a box 35 mins. Week total is now 200 mins
why is he phrasing it like its a chore he has to get over? i dont think its what he does but what he thinks that makes it hard for him to learn. picrel looks like he didn't even try just wanted to finish it as quickly as possible.
>why is he phrasing it like its a chore he has to get over?
Because that's what it is to him. He clearly has no real love for drawing or a deep desire to actually get better. He thinks it's a skill you level up by just grinding the hours. That's why everything he does just has this look of profound apathy, as you noted. Whatever inspired him to draw in the first place, which appears to have been anime, is now gone, all that's left is muh exercises. He's ngmi.
Weird motivation, but I think you can pull it off. Good luck anon
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Without love it cannot be seen.
It would be a miracle with a one in quadrillion chance of success.
It would not even be entertaining, unlike Arbiter Wolf.
>s-symbol drawing
The westoid cope/superiority complex never ends
What do they mean by it? I've seen it used in so many contexts I don't even get it anymore.
The unique appeal of anime is BECAUSE of so-called 'symbol-drawing.' You have to learn the visual language by copying, it's a heavily derivative style. As an anon said somewhere in this thread, most anime heads are so stylised that that they barely make any sense in the 3d space, and trying to autistically construct them robs the art of a large part of its appeal. And how do westoids respond to this?
>I can't construct anime? B-but I was told that's symbol-drawing!
Yes, it fucking is. Get over it. Learn how to do it, or give up hope of ever replicating it convincingly.
None of this was addressed to you btw, just wanted to give my analysis in answer of the question you posed
Yeah I understand now, it's a derogatory term for a concept they don't understand and were taught is bad for some reason.

Any given construction of an anime head already presumes a style/context that you will draw it in which tells you the "symbols" to use and how they change depending on the angles, i.e. the information anime settei created by highly skilled character designers encode. People like him >>7402659 jump straight into character design territory by trying to draw anime using 3D references without understanding the basics of any anime style, or even of traditional western drawing.
It's like trying to translate between two languages while knowing neither one, or like manually translating words for your entire life without learning to think directly in the target language.
Yeah exactly. Which is understandable, but what I don't understand is where this superiority and arrogance comes from, especially from begs.
>I want to draw anime but I refuse to humble myself enough to just immerse myself in and study purely anime. If I can't grasp it, there must be something wrong with the art form itself

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