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This is a thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets.
-Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.
-Please check for the CSP assets you want to request or buy here first before asking for it in the thread.

>CSP assets store wishlist.

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Are there other brush sets aside from the CSP ones?" / "Has this brush set been uploaded before?"
Check the archive. Chances are if it's popular some anon has uploaded it already.

Previous: >>7342313

Brushes in the OP are in the CSP assets rentry. (ID:2105222)
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>Suspicious encoded link:

Full of viruses (real).

I have the forest pack and another but for some reason the download is failing, i'll try on my laptop later
This might not be the right place to ask but does anyone know if I can get csp on Linux, and where?

Hi, thanks very much for this! (:
Hopefully you have better luck uploading the other one next time!

Definitely looking forward to that! ^^
It's much appreciated!
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Does anyone have Frankentoon's Mystery Box 03 oil brush for Procreate? The rentry one is for Affinity
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This might be a long shot but does anyone have corel painter legacy brushes?
I just recently pirated 23 version and it only has the 23 brush pack.

I remember in the past it used to have all the legacy brush packs from previous versions like painter 15 (the one i'm particularly looking for), x2/x3, 16, 20 etc.
Would anyone know where to get them?
Trying to get them from 23 store menu just says the file is corrupted, they're all free download for anyone who has the official version.

If some good samaritan could export at least the painter 15 set I would be eternally grateful.
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Updated version

Requesting these - https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1773205
What's a decent brush for sketching? rough drafts?
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I downloaded this one and feels like those bi-colored pens.

Any Greg Rutkowski brushes anons?
they're on the rentry
Please, can anyone help me upload this file please? For some reason I can't download it, it keeps giving me errors. :(

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Anyone have these?
Requesting any of these, I don't mind.


Anyone has this?
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Hello anons, anyone has any of these?
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I'm also looking for these.
2113841 and 2113839.
kek I was about to request 2133264 and 2133127 too
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Does anyone have these?
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1934359 – Most wanted (exterior).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1970077 – Most wanted (interior).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2009328 – OK.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1996269 – Also OK.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2031284 – Looks good.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2071067 – Nice.

Looking for Church 3D assets of any kind (interior or exterior, it's a bit of a mixture listed here).
Yeah, I was surprised no one even talked about 2133264 here when it has over 4.4k downloads and looks so amazing.
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Go for the most popular, anon.

If no one post 2108567, I'll post it later.

Bonus: CSP has this asset for the monthly subscription service which is also a church.

Yeah, I've seen the free ones already, thanks for mentioning it, though—I haven't seen 1685832 (the monthly subscription service one).

Wow, you actually have the 2108567 church! I'm really interested in that, as it's both an interior and exterior building, if it's not too much trouble to share.

Thanks a lot for replying so fast! <3
Can any kind anon export the Paper canvas from "KJ_-_Marker_Studio_•_A4.procreate" file? (Upload to catbox or pixeldrain)
I don't have procreate so i can't open it :(
Thank you so much, kind anon! :DDDDDD

I got 3 out of 8 :) Here you go, enjoy!





I myself am looking for 2133264 as well :D If any kind anon has happened to grab it, I'd be so grateful if you could share!

I'm also really interested in 2108567 if you could take the time to share! Thank you so much, kind anon!
I just got these I thought I'd share with everyone. I -think- they were requested before? I can't remember but it's pretty cool :D

Is a PNG fine?
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Here's a deleted brush pack "Lucien Brushes" has some nice textured painting brushes.
(Thanks to this i learned clip studio automatically saves pictures and thumbnails of brushes at bottom left catalog option, somehow i was blind to this until now)

Yes! that's perfect for my needs, thank you anon :)
Is this good enough?
Yeah that's perfect, Thanks again anon!


YAY~!!! I was waiting for this! :D
Thanks so much again! I'm extremely happy!
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From the wishlist and previous thread:


>Fur edge Nov 2024

(Expires in three days)

The last one is 400mb and was a pain in the ass to export in a way it would be easy to import. I hope you can forgive the mix of English an Japanese. Tell me if there's anything wrong with them.
Thank you so much, kind anon! This legit makes my day!

I was looking for this brush. Bless you, anon.
Does anyone have these?
Seconding, looks nice
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Some watercolor brushes.
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i'll post iniro's other brushes that i downloaded from patreon. they're for clip studio paint
These brushes look nice.
Is there an equivalent for photoshop/CSP?
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Requesting these

See rentry, there are tons of markers in CSP.
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how do i make it so the brushes opacity is tied to the pen pressure? basically want the brush on the left to sketch like the one on the right
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Click on the small square in the opacity option.
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is there a setting i have to turn on? the square isn't there for me
It's the arrow, it will open the pen pressure option for Opacity.
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what clip studio paint model would this be from? Tried to trace it to get it more clearer
Can anyone identify or point out a brush close to what this artist uses?
his name is Celebelian, havent found anything on his twitter posts.
Looks like real g pen in CSP.
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145 BRUSHES - Tapes & Cords PACK 1.0 JF

Hand Painted Smoke Brush Set (手描き煙ブラシセット)
What brush(es) do you guys use for highlights?
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what brush does this faggot use
I thought it was hard round with opacity but I just can't fucking replicate it, its not even close (maybe im just too fucking shit at painting)
It is the hard round, but he uses the lasso tool for sharp edges and airbush for gradients and what not. The entire thing looks like there's a noise filter on top of it with the cape being the most opaque part.
best place to buy CSP right now?
The official page, but wait for a sale.
so its basically a skill issue :^(
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Did anyone get this while it was 10cp? https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2130983
Also looking for anything else this person made.

I have their brushes set here when they were still cheap:
There's a similar version in Rentry, pic related.

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thank you friend
Does anyone have stuff from this website?

does anyone/the rentry have any of these brushes (or specifically Krupuk)

Oops, yeah i'll make sure to check that in the future
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Here's two deleted brushes, "chkchk pen" a textured pen with blurry edges.

and "Random Brush" a wet sketching brush set to one of the default texures.

Requesting someone with a baidu account to upload any PS brushes from here https://pastebin.com/WXFdJzy8
This was posted some threads prior, apparently it contains iotaectoplasm and other chinese artists brushes, the anon who posted these said this >>7128608 but never uploaded them lol.
beg here, i'm trying to find a good brush to do lineart with, my stuff feels too soulless because of my lineart

Is there any brush that can salvage my lack of soul?
anybody have these? https://scapefiend.gumroad.com/l/mexpert?layout=profile&recommended_by=search
is it the brush or is it your hand? there's plenty of ink brushes on the rentry but until u know what exactly u want out of ur linework ur cooked (I recc any kyle t webster, daub, or especially frenden)
As anon >>7400742 said, it really depends on what you personally look for in lineart, and what exactly is soulless about your current work. Is it too even? Try lineart with a pencil type of brush, try varying thickness, try keeping it purposefully uneven, make wobbly lines, lower the stability... etc Look at different lineworks and try pinpointing what you want to achieve out of your works

I personally use Taxe Black Pencil (Id: 1773170 already on Rentry) and the Main line marker (Id: 2085916 - Free) at stabilization 2 and 3 respectively as my go to for linework. But that's just me, your style might differ :)
Honestly, I don't know what I want out of my lineart. I don't think my art is terrible, I'm still a beginner, but I can do most poses and characters. However, when you look at my stuff, it just looks generic and same-y, and I think it's mostly due to my lineart.

I'll try main line marker and post it here.
anyone have Trent's ultimate brushes pack for CSP?
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Tried main line marker and It's pretty nice
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I don't know if feel offended or blessed.
anything cheaper is definitely a blessing
Does anybody have any of these?
A lot of these are trending under popular right now (or were a couple days ago).

Sorted by most expensive –> to least.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2080098 – 1,000 Clippy (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2059491 – 1,000 Clippy (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2046064 – 1,000 Clippy (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2126872 – 800 Clippy.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2041111 – 800 Clippy.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2116281 – 420 Gold (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2098733 – 420 Gold (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2095336 – 420 Gold (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2103951 – 410 Gold (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2090503 – 400 Gold (might have been lower at some point).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2136627 – 350 Gold (Limited Time Price).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2112704 – 320 Gold.

Or these? (Continuation).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2137181 – 150 Gold (Limited Time Price).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2098958 – 100 Gold.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2135311 – 100 Clippy.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2132579 – 100 Clippy.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2133257 – 50 Clippy.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2135348 – 20 Clippy.
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2136996 – 20 Clippy (Limited Time Price).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2137248 – 30 Clippy (Limited Time Price).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2137049 – 30 Clippy (Limited Time Price).
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2135006 – 50 Clippy.
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Request 100CP
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Can any brushGODS help me with recreating this brush as demonstrated in the gif here: https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2137448

The actual texture of the brush uploaded is different and it's quite easy to achieve the same look in the gif with a paper texture overlay but i wanted to apply the texture to the brush itself without needing to apply an overlay texture layer and this is as far as i got with my two shitty attempts, any help would be highly appreciated :)

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It got deleted, so here is.
What about this?

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Can someone purchase this plz
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I'm dumb, i should've specified i didn't mean the actual texture but help with brush texture settings so that it show up in a similar way with low pen pressure as gif rel. (and also going full opacity with high pen pressure)

I got the texture to show up right in my first attempt but it feels like a dry-brush instead of wet and the second one has the feel down right but doesn't go full opacity.

Honestly i'm now satisfied with my two attempts as trying to get it to work exactly like gif but with full opacity is a pain in the ass lol.
Only one link in that pastebin that has in it brushes isnt dead.
Ah thanks, unfortunate that they're all dead doubly so because that one was already uploaded before.
Sorry for the inconvenience anon.
Seconding this
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does anyone know the brush name?
Dont need it but I might buy it tomorrow.
Does anyone have a clone of the Vine Charcoal Brush from Procreate for Clip Studio Paint?
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example of the brush
Has anyone tried replicating this brush in CSP?
Does anyone have/know any good mixer brushes for procreate akin to Old Brush? Nothing fancy preferably.
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Does anyone have the balloon and last sai brush? I could have sworn they were uploaded to assets or the rentry but I checked both and couldn't find it, iirc someone asked about the last sai brush before. If no one has it I'll try to buy them from taobao or smtn
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The CSP Clippy Event has started today~! :D


Just wanted to let everyone know, in case they haven't seen the announcement yet.
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I'm sorry my brother in christ, gumroad does not take my card apparently
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I bought a ton of shit guys how do I upload it
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Thank you anon for your generosity!

With 3D materials, you can create a 2000 x 2000 px canvas, paste the material and then share the .clip file as is :)

With brushes, auto action and color palette, you can click the Export button in the burger menu to export it :D

You're welcome, anon!

I got a couple of these, will upload them




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Here's the link (base64):


Shop items included:

Idk who ones that reentry list but if someone could update it with these mats that'd be great
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Whoops, I forgot, this one is also included. Got it for free but I see now that the price is absurdly high all of the sudden.
I gotchu, anon :D Lemme help with the Rentry! Thank you so much :)
Hey, I'm the same anon as before who requested those things! Thanks so much for all of these! I'm extremely happy! <333

Wow, thanks a bunch for so many 3D stuff and brushes, anon! I was really wanting the two shops + two manor buildings + the log house, etc. Honestly, it saves me a lot of clippy! ^^
The brushes you shared look cool, too! (:

I will be uploading tons more things as I get them during the Clippy Event, and I'll be sharing everything here as a huge thank you for everyone's generosity!
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No worries, it only made a small dent in my clippy.
Uploading materials daily for 150 free daily clippy and getting monthly clippy makes it impossible to spend it all.
Ah, good to hear, and I agree that's a lot of clippy to keep up with. You could always look at the Wishlist if you need help figuring out what to spend the clippy on. I see a lot of nice-looking flower brushes there, and whatnot (which I don't think has been shared here much, but they're definitely very useful).
Exporting brushes is a pain though. The 3D things were easy enough but the brush sets have me clicking 40 times. Isn't there a better way?
I just got a couple of brush sets and image material sets


I need a bit of time to upload everything so please be patient! But I just want to let everyone know so there's no repeat if y'all are gunning for any of these! I'm also requesting this brushset if possible please!


Honestly, I wish there was an easier way anon T_T If there was, I have never heard of it, it's truly a pain. Alas...
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Back again~!

Spent some of my clippy from the on-going Clippy Event today, and got this nice watercolour set.

Rough Watercolor Set (荒水彩セット)

There is a virus warning when you download from there, but it's a false positive.
I tried to upload it to catbox more than once, but it made no difference. Sorry about that.
It's just plain CSP brush .sut files and thumbnail/sample images.

Yeah, I wish there was an easy way to export brushes (especially big brush sets).
But for me, I like sharing things despite the hassle since it's worth helping people out, IMO.

If there is indeed a better way, maybe someone else will give some suggestions? Since I'm not sure.

Hi, thanks for letting people know what you're planning to get, so I can avoid getting it!

Good assortment of things you got there. :D
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How do I turn this into a scale brush for csp?
Looks interesting to try with tones, I'll get it tonight.

also interesting in trying those art deco ones you got there. Waiting patiently for the upload (^-^)









Rentry has been updated (Including the Watercolor set (ID 2138015), too! Thank you Anon! >>7405941 ), wishlist has been updated as well! :) Lemme know if sth doesn't work as intended! Happy drawing!

:DD I'm very hype for it! Thank you, Anon! ^^ Art deco is uploaded :) (Id 2062379)
Question, do you use all these brushes/patterns? Or just hoard them?
I've already reached an unreasonable amount of assets and organizing them is a pain, you must have a cluttered as fuck csp by now lol

What's the point of hoarding, anon? :o I don't mean this as an insult but is there a possibility that you are projecting? I enjoy a highly decorative style that swings between Art Deco and Art Nouveau, that includes intricate border decorations, patterns, certain kind of color palette choices etc.

As for organization, there are plenty of guides online on how to do such ^^ I recommend LennyBunny's guide on how to organize materials, mostly brushes.


With image materials and patterns, I arrange them as you would arrange any references folder(s). By topics and uses (Foliage, Fauna, Geometry, Light and Shadow, Textures etc etc) and tag them by their asset id (so I can search for them easier when I need them) That way I can simply search for Id and drag them to the canvas ^^

Happy drawing, anon! I wish you a non cluttered CSP!
Requesting these souls

I seek the ones who might help me to my art style/manga and keep them. If a brush doesn't suit it/I don't like it, I delete it.

Tell me about it, I had to export 145 brushes >>7396376
Hey, if anybody is interested... I have a huge list of people who have high quality 3D objects and people who make flower brushes (obviously, this isn't everything, but it's a start).

This could also be useful for people trying to get rid of clippy fast (if you're getting some monthly) and don't know what to get.

It's mainly for clippy points, and I didn't list creators who only use gold ATM (so, let me know if anyone wants a list of 3D creators that use only gold).

Big List of CSP 3D Assets + Flower Brushes
Can you show me some art you made with brushes? I'm interested. I usually don't like frilly stuff but I have noticed I hoard fiolage and hatching brushes.

Thanks for the link
I'll check it out later. I assume you don't have any of the assets listed? Would be a waste if I bought them

Okay, thanks for the interest. To answer your question... I didn't buy any of the 3D assets or brushes from any people I listed in the pastebin.

You can also check the rentry list under the 3D section to make sure that no one has already uploaded it (to avoid wasting clippy on things already shared before). ^^

I also know those particular flower brushes I listed were never shared before.
It'd be my pleasure! ^^ Fair disclaimer this is only my style and my way of using them, it's not the "Right" way nor the only way :)

From recollection, I remember the thorns is from id 1770486, the chain is id 2067374, the different pearls are from id 2100676, the subtle decor on the light blue cloth is id 1742281 along with different glass and stained glass texture, different brushes to paint fur, the gold is from id 2079044... There's probs more but that's all I can recall, you can probs get away with more of these or less, it really depends on what vibe you want to give off
This is kind of a long shot but does anyone have the yakimayu brush pack? I was only able to find 1 brush on kemono party so I subscribed to her fanbox, and the prick only has 1 brush out of the the five posted. It seems like she just keeps posting one brush every month and deletes the old one.

There's no way I'm spending $40 and waiting 5 months for her brushes.... what a waste
Ah I see why this requires a lot of brushes, kek. Did you make your own folders? I might need to do that
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As for this piece, the pattern is from id 2062107, the rope is any rope brush, the peacock feather is id 1992404 that I cut just the top off, the eyeballs are different green scales, marbles, jades, mostly from KuroXer (They have id 2034276 brushes on the rentry, but I love the photograph materials :D) laces, drip brushes, a ton of blood brushes from 500㎖, so on and so forth ^^

And yes :D I made my own folders, I divided things by their type of uses (magic power/glow, magic by type - fire, ice, wind, thunder, etc, decorative elements, bokeh, decorative foliage, actual foliage... etc) I would probs recommend you sitting down and look at everything you have and divide it in a way that makes sense to you, not necessarily for others. For me, hair, eyes, eyeshadow glitter, body parts belong to a big folder, and then the other big human folder would be sexy cutesy things like blushes, cum, sweat, expression, etc and that makes sense to me. But your mileage my vary

Here you go ^^ Thank you for your patience uploading 150+ brushes

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>always use the default brush and a shitty cartoonist brush
>browse this thread
>All PS brushed are made by literal whos and youtubers
>Korean brushes
>Yeah these are the goods ones, they have to be good or their society will drive them to suicide
>1.0GB download for 23 brushes

yup it's drawing time
I mostly make manga so I'll probably have to divide up in different types of effects, hatching, inking, etc.

Your art is so unlike mine lol, but I like it very much. It's a style I'll never be able to achieve
Thank you, anon! I'm glad you enjoy my art ^^ I love my colors so much I admire mangaka who can do amazing things in just tones and shades and black and white. Amazing! I cheer you on in your journey to draw your manga as well! Good luck ^^
Thank you anon
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Or does anyone have any brushes that seem similar? I've just been looking for a good brush to render like picrel
Airbrush and hard round
I've done dozens of HRB studies and my drawings never looked even close to picrel
>INB4 learn how to paint traditionally or do painting studies!!!!
I've took painting classes and done many HRB studies and my drawings only got worse
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What brush ssaggy15 use?
You should see my last post, I posted a few 3D objects from creators on the list. >>7405873

Futhermore, I have bought the following:



Your Bokeh is here:

This took forever guys I'm not buying shit for the upcoming weeks. Consider this my christmas gift. Also someone update the reentry, I'm too pooped out to do it now
Aaaah, thanks a lot for everything you got! I see you fulfilled some things from the wishlist, as well!

Hi. I saw your last post, and I appreciate what you shared here already! It's super kind of you!

The pastebin was just a list I had been using myself to keep track of 3D creators, etc, I just wanted to share it with others if they are looking to use up clippy points quickly.
Although, of course it's meant to be cross-referenced with what's been uploaded here in this thread, or on the rentry itself.

Once again, thanks for all the gifts! You're great! <3
I hope you all have a good Christmas~!

I'll try to help update and contribute the rentry later with things that aren't listed there yet. :D
Plus, I'll be sharing more stuff tomorrow myself, so look out for that~! ^^
My gift card doesn’t work with gumroad srry
Anyone with 10 spare clippy wanna grab this? Thanks in advance
Feeling like buying some CSP brushes for Christmas and sharing, any reccs? Preferably something marker or pencil related
Thank you so much for the bokeh, anon! They are as lovely as they look ^^ I hope you get the chance to try them out!

One thing though, I think the link to the 3D models and stuff is wrong, both links led back to the bokeh rar file only. I can help you with the rentry ^^ But if you could reshare the correct link to the 3D models and that flower brushset too that'd be awesome :D

Merry Christmas, anon! Thank you for your lovely gifts ^^ Please take care of yourself :D

:) Glad I can help, anon! Looking forward to what you will get as well ^^

I gotchu, anon, here ya go
is it just me, or does the "on the rentry button" not work anymore? the markdown conversion script works just fine, but for some reason the other one doesn't.
>One thing though, I think the link to the 3D models and stuff is wrong, both links led back to the bokeh rar file only. I can help you with the rentry ^^ But if you could reshare the correct link to the 3D models and that flower brushset too that'd be awesome :D
Aww man, I probably fucked up copying and pasting.
I'm wagey cagey today so I'll do it tonight. Thanks for letting me know
i was going to buy these brushes but my card didn't go through.. would anyone be willing to share at least one of these?

Sorry about the confusion, the link to the actual flower brushes and 3D objects is here:

>I think the link to the 3D models and stuff is wrong, both links led back to the bokeh rar file only

The above one in my post does seem to work though, are you sure?
T_T Oh my God how embarrassing... I swore I copy pasted the right thing but maybe I copy the bokeh twice T_T The link works. I'm just spacy asdjkhadkj My apology T_T And thank you for your patience with me
Hahah no worries anon, happens to the best of us
Anyone knows equivalents in krita?
Came back with more!

Also, would anyone be able to get these daffodil and dianthus brush set, and/or lily + lavender/iris brushes? Either now, or at some point soon? Thanks if so! <3

Really need them for something.

>This is what I purchased with my clippy points today:
A brush that makes fur fluffy (ファーをモフモフに盛るブラシ)

Lavender (ラベンダー)

I'll keep sharing more tomorrow and in the following weeks! (:
I have the Ethan Lee brushes. I bought them a while back. Idk how to share I don't want to make a pixeldrain account

If you don't want to use Pixeldrain, you can use Catbox or Litterbox to share things (as you don't need an account for either of those sites.)
Just upload them there, and then grab the link.


Hope that helps!

I had these in favs for a while.

VK account with some brushes.
Rina have 50% sale stuff by using this code "HBDRINA" in here: https://nekorinaart.lemonsqueezy.com

anyone grabbed all these including new brushes?
Try gofile if catbox doesn't work for you (like me).

I'm converting these for photoshop but i keep procrastinating prease be patient, i'll be done soon™
does anyone have any of these 3d rain models (or something similar)?
Don't have models but there is rain brushes in the reentry I think
File: thumbnail.png (27 KB, 240x240)
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Link: aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL3pkem1pYi5yYXI=

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Does anyone have Avvart's Procreate brushes?
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>I hope you get the chance to try them out!
I definitely did! These bokeh are awesome anon. Did some backgrounds with them! Glad I bought them for you (and me, hehe)
Hmm some Moire on that right panel though, gotta pay attention to that it seems when I use them. In the big panel they look great tho (^-^) I'll fix the moire
Your style is so stinking cute, Anon! *_* It's adorable!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it ^^
Nice one, anon. I'll paint my first drawing of 2025 with your brushes.

Aw, your manga panel is super-duper adorable! Wonderful linework!
It's so full of personality, bubbly and fluid-looking! <3

Do you have any good tips or resources (books/videos, coloso courses, etc) for getting started with manga (like for panelling, tones, or storyboarding, etc)? Pretty much any advice would be appreciated.

I'm better at character art, composition, painting and illustrations, but I always wanted to get into creating manga... I just was a bit unsure where to begin. It felt like a totally different ballgame compared to regular illustrative work.
For some of the manga artists - free brushes
File: GTmZTUZacAAKYXg.png (1.62 MB, 1346x1647)
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1.62 MB PNG
anyone have this brush for lineart please?
File: berserkcopy.png (3.92 MB, 2379x1005)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB PNG
Thank you!!

Thanks anon. Hmm maybe you can try looking at the sticky in /mmg/ ? I have to be honest, I never looked up anything or read any books and just starting making manga, topkek. I post in mmg and ask what's wrong with it and apply the crit.
The only thing I really had to learn was how to use screentones, and it takes a little while to get used to only having greys at your disposal for coloring.
It took me a little while to transition from illustrating to manga making, if possible you can start with copying a few panels here and there like pic rel (one of my old copies). That helped me before I started making pages!

You're welcome! Thanks a lot for the advice. <3

I'm gonna go try some of what you're suggesting. First got to find some manga styles I'm fond of (like the way they apply screen tone, or set-up panels, etc) that I want to study in depth, and keep practicing before attempting to figure out how I want to approach things for my own manga pages.

Also, that's an awesome Berserk manga panel study, I really liked his detailed linework—you really managed to capture that there. (:

Honestly, I'm grateful for the example you gave (despite it being older), and you directing me to a manga making/critique area, lol... why didn't I think of that? Lmao.

Keep up the great work with your own manga! The way you do screen tones is very nice!
No problem anon! I hope you make your own manga one day! It's super fun to do (^-^)
And if you do miss colors, there's lots of comics/mangas/webtoons now a days in color so there's no need to limit yourself to grey either!
I'm looking for these brushes too. It would be greatly appreciated if someone can share these.
Just bought this and decided to share.

(Procreate) aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L1pxbVNBRmJ1

(PS) aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3ZyZFhTYXB4

(CSP) aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L2ZLVEE2aWph

Third-ing this please, especially the Ethan Lee set. I'd be eternally grateful for your kindness!
anyone recommends a really good pencil brush for csp?
Not my buys so no need to thank me, just reupped from tg to catbox.
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115 KB PNG
Anyone got? I look for them in there but couldn't find them.
Also any good recs for a lineart and sketching brush on procreate?
>it's both
neat thanks so much for sharing anon!
thank you as well anon!

merry christmas to you both
Thank you so much for taking the time to upload it anyway, anon. It's really kind of you!

Thank you, anon! Merry Christmas!!!
You still need these flowers? Which ones?
also the lavender one you got it right?
Does anyone have the DAE pencil? It got removed from the assets store
File: LavenderAsset.png (167 KB, 1297x1134)
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167 KB PNG
Speed lines (read the material page for usage!)


3D Station

My own Lavender brushes (monochrome version of: >>7407134)
It's not much but I got something to thank everyone for your generosity ^^ Merry Christmas!

An off chance but I was wondering if anyone has ever gotten this before while it was still free? Thank you, anon!


Ahmed remembered his password and is now giving his brushes


These are the flower brushes I wanted:
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1968086 – Daffodil
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2029716 – Dianthus
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2030015 – Lily
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2031283 – Iris
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2040508 – Cosmos
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1927414 <--- Other Lavender Brush I wanted that I still don't have.

I got a different lavender brush (that was less clippy), but I'm still interested in the other lavender brush I link here (it's by 96ko—and it's the one I link to at the bottom of this post).
In general, not many flower brushes have been shared here before, so it's pretty safe getting any. ^^

Thanks so much in advance for getting me any of these flower brushes that I list! <3

I'll come back here with more brushes as a big thank you! :D
I'll probably get them tomorrow, too pooped out to do it right now and export 1000 brushes
Anyone have the KolorMarc pack by true grit for clip studio? I've only been able to find the ps version online
Thanks for these! ^^

Wow, nice collection of things! Thanks a ton! I also like your variation of the lavender brush I shared here earlier. :)

Aw, that's such a kind gesture! Thank you for doing that! Merry Christmas to you, as well!

Cool, appreciate you informing people! <3

Okay, thank you very much! Super happy to hear that! :D
Looking forward to it!

Also, I hope you feel better. <3

>Here's more brushes I'm sharing today:
Halftone Airbrush (ハーフトーンエアブラシ)

Shadow Line Brush (3 Types) (カゲ線ブラシ(3種))

Clothes Blur Brush 布ペン
Merry Christmas. Also included DAE multipen because I can't see its listing the asset store anymore as well.
I'm saving clippy from the event to get a big haul all at once, got 2 accs so double the fun ^^ Here's what I'm going to get (still at the saving stage since these are all quite pricey individually) so there won't be any doubles ^^

https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1847231 (Map drawing brush set on the wishlist for the one kind anon that really wanted those ^^ I hope you still want them. Sorry it took me to a clippy event to get them :) )

I won't be able to get these until the end of the clippy event so it'd be a late Christmas gift ^^

Do you know what the id of those brushes are? If so can you tell me so I can add those to the deleted brush list?
Sure, is it the content ID? If so, it's 1806000 for all of the pencils. DAE multipen is 1784632, but after looking a bit harder it seems like the creator reuploaded it into their sketch set as well.
Would anybody have any recommendations on brushes, and or, videos on how to color like this, specifically the texture? I'm new to coloring so any help would be appreciated
>Okay, thank you very much! Super happy to hear that! :D
>Looking forward to it!
>Also, I hope you feel better. <3
Hi anon, it's gonna be tomorrow, no time today to be on my computer. I'm very sorry (;-;)

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