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Thread to study the adult male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute guys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
>If you were banned from the server, you were banned for a reason. Do not derail the thread to bitch about it

Previous thread: >>7341936
That last artist is so goddamn good. Do they have a place where they post their art?
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A wandering, disgraced swordsman design
cute! does he have more backstory stuff? :0

sketch of my robo oc i'll probably never finish
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He burned down the house of a corrupt right-hand man of the shogun and ran away with his daughter
He also has a gambling addiction hence why he's a wandering swordsman
I hope u dont mind I edited the face on your drawing a bit. Really nice painterly rendering btw
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did a proper sketch this time
>come back after 2 years
>It's literally the same int drawfags shilling their generic twink OCs
Might as well stick to your shitty echo chamber discord server. Inb4 the usual suspects get defensive.
That pose is erotic
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Merc for hire, barq
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good post

Thank you, anon!!! ;-;

3 John cameos?! MULTO BLESSED <333333
Ok funny
Can't remember the last time something on /ic/ made me laugh. Godspeed anon(s).
we fuckin made it
cool anon. add some color. stop being gay as well
Beautiful response kek
drawing with a mouse rn sadly, so no color
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petty excuse. I draw with my finger and adding color is the best part.
A drawing tablet is $30

>t. use the tiny Wacom Intuos
im waiting for my tablet right now, i just lost the pen is all. i got da mini one too
when drawing with a mouse or using paint i add the colours down first, then do the lines on top.
might try it sometime, it's fun.
need to practice more with rendering
Effort-pilled and funny
I think yours already looks very nice. Are you using procreate?
thank you :) yeah i'm using procreate, i've been trying to hard round brush pill myself but i cheated a lot lol

much easier to sketch with it than to render fully..
Oh man, I was afraid you'd say that. Every time I think someone's rendering looks nice they always use procreate. I know some people say the program you're using doesn't matter much, but there must be something about procreate when so many people who use it color so nicely! I only use ibis because I'm an androidfag.
I've noticed a lot of the rendering I'm fond of is always done on procreate too. I wonder why that is.
i use ibis as well! usually i just flip between the two depending on mood
i think ibis is the nicer one out of the two actually, i'm just more used to using procreate since i've been using it for about 3ish years now

i used ibis for this drawing i made a little while back :)
Ooh nice lighting. May I ask what brushes you used (if you remember)?
i'm pretty sure i used one of the default airbushes and this one! i use the default pen fade one a lot as well w/ some adjusted opacity settings
Thank you so much anon!
Is that Kaneki Ken or OC?
it's an oc :) i get the kaneki comparison a lot though bc of the eyepatch lol
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returned back to an old drawing nd redid it
kinda want to draw that cute ceo shooter tbqh
Do it
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quick doodle
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Wanna do more FF16 fanart, that game had a lot of cute boys

wasn't this thread called /cbsg/? When did it become /cgsg/?
His arms looks really short there, the folds of the sleeve should be way lower if his hand is that close to his face.
Also try and get a ref for that hand in the "gripping" pose, it's very "salad fingers"-y as is
>i got da mini one
goodbye wrists, a Huion Medium years ago (back when you had to charge the pens) was one of the best purchases in my life
ymmv tho... I know some people with wrists-of-steel
Looks cool, very hero-shooter
He's a bit short, like 6 heads tall my guess. Is he meant to be young?
>wasn't this thread called /cbsg/? When did it become /cgsg/?
Like 2 years now? Shotafags were voted out and the thread was renamed shortly after for a fresh start
What's the difference between a feminine man and a femboy?
Is it clothing choice?
ye ive never hurt my wrists from drawing even once. only writing, or phone games.
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Today i tried to do a chubby guy
Uoooghhhhhh those muscles and colors...
Always a treat to see your work!!!
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my critique. the wide hips don't help him look chubbier just makes him look like a girl. also the two lines across his middle dont really line up with any fat distribution so they look off, try looking at how fat is creased by the ribcage on references, its not just straight across the middle. other adjustments like the face and neck and shoulders just my opinion, let of the black lines help make him look softer. cute oc and love his expression
this is my oc clement. he likes to larp as a freemason. also hes a wizard
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i am experimenting, glad you like it!
He lookin cool makes me want to draw a fur coat
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why am i afraid to render lineart im arleady happy with?
moe postal guy
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doodle page

really cool stuff! loving that border
I wish it wasn't so taboo for me to like guys with cock like this. It kind of makes me a little depressed. Our culture utterly hates it.

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