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1: Post a brief backstory if your OC has one.

2: Character design critique and discussion is welcome. Don’t be an asshole.

3: Keep it fairly SFW. Lewds are fine but no explicit porn.

4: This is NOT a request thread. Artist Only. No spamming OC/infodumps for multiple threads without delivering.

5: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy.

Previous Thread: >>7374761
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Her name is Zoe-CLXII, A robot trying and wishes she could just be a normal teenager but her mom wants her save the world when times come. Zoe-CLXII also how society hates dating humans primarily other ladies around her age.
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This is a difficult one to interpret, hope I got it right?
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It’s right and this was bigger version of the pick
Highschoolers who play baseball to activate their psychic powers and help people. Think Persona vibes, but American. Dress them up however you want, the designs aren't set in stone.
some minor changes - but probably won't finish this further
one from last thread I didn't get round to finishing
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I like drawing my character in different situations. This is the most recent drawing of her
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This is her whole story from the very beginning. She has done many things
The West has lost all creativity - it's just low witted clichés.
Her name is Shayatan and is the current Ruler of the Desert Kingdom. She's a Orphan and got basicly adobted by a Witch that lived inside said Kingdom as a Nun. She's got a sweet tooth and takes regular nude baths in the River that flows through the Palace Entrance. She is also about 2,80m tall
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I'm not drawing niggers
>I'm not drawing
We know.
Why is her name the arabic version of Satan?
Good lord you're fast. Have someone I can draw?
my boy Relf
What the hell is the OP image from?
I didnt see that from the last thread
Cause she can also look like this if she wants to.
Its like the burger king kids club
I got a bad feeling this is gonna be a thread where OC redraws drama happens again
Shame too because the last one felt really good
Another picture of Relf, he skateboards now
I'm not sure either - the design is similar to that blue bug "no one appreciates my oc" design
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Whitney, innocent Christian girl on her knees every night. (for Jesus of course!)
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We love Relf.
Yeah actually! The setting is meant to exude tacky 90's and 00's Americana like that.
that's sick as F dude
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Thanks for the Naomi drawing in the last thread. My Relf drawing is pretty lame so I made something else. I'll post it in a second.
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both of these are rad dude - thanks for the fills
I wanted to do something like this but couldn't make it look right :(
Please give blog, and also teach me your ways.
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a dark skin lovely in a red dress
after my heart
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yes, yes
for jesus
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It took me forever to come up with a composition that actually showcased her size but wasn't too tedious to draw lol.
holy shit! So good!
Well I'm sure OP appreciates the redraw

But seriously, what thread is this from OP, because I'm wondering why you chose this.
they highjacked the OP because they wanted to siphon art from people. Just straight up ignore the character, much like the AI slop here >>7393914
My character was made in animal crossing
>My character was made in animal crossing
So are you going to do redraws for other people in Animal Crossing as well?
Thank you, she looks great, I love what you did with her hair. And I've tried the same pose but its harder than it looks.

Thanks as well! I love her expression here
Nta but i thought it was a courtesy and not an expectation to have people redraw your OC as a thanks? I've redrawn a couple of OCs, often times it don't get a thanks or asked for my own OC. While it's deflating I also was under the impression everything in this thread is done out of courtesy and politeness.
I'm not trying to be rude mate, but, duh?
Of course everything here is a courtesy out of politeness. It's a fun thread where we get to see peoples different styles and takes on OC.

But it's also not a request thread (see point 4)
I don't usually post OC, I just like to redraw others, but if someone is going to just drop off an OC and F-off that isn't something we need either. We can just post random stuff no one here made and redraw it if that's the point.
I love these
Holy shit I love this. A few of those pencil strokes have more life in them than I have in my entire body. Do you have an OC?
>We can just post random stuff no one here made and redraw it if that's the point
But then it wouldn't be an OC now would it?
It's someone's OC.
omgggg looks so niceee i almost didnt watched this one (im the author of the oc) love it, have a oc that i can draw?
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I'll drop these three in one more time
gotta find a new set of outfits for them
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Hello hello hello i hace a couple of ocs and i want to make stories in a future. Ill just put this one here and some other in case anyone likes them

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and succeeded
love it
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OP here. I wanted to find OC Redraw thread to post it but I couldn’t find it as the last thread was weeks ago, so I thought I’d post this since I thought it’s long forgotten and there isn’t other thread to post. Sorry about it.

Brief backstory: it’s Thyme, the same Thyme from earlier OC Redraw thread many months ago, but he developed so much energy from unknown adventures, it went into his belly which ballooned him out, allowing him to create anything or weapons out of his body.

Again, sorry about it.
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I want to thank you, but idk your OC for me to draw, so here’s my response to the art. Lmk if you want it colored.
Thanks, she seems to be having fun.
Have you posted OC?
Wait, so you found the last thread, clearly, as you linked to it, but you posted your own OC instead?
I respect that. I might even draw him.

But don't do it again
>wanted to find OC Redraw thread to post it but I couldn’t find it as the last thread was weeks ago
The fuck? You literally found the last thread and still decided to plaster your shit on the OP instead of the work inside which also was still in the catalog before you made this thread. What a retarded thing to lie about.
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oh haha thank you!

I have her, Adina. a quick draft of her design but anyway, she's a royal vampire and a femme fatale, seeking innocent men to bed and then turning them into vampires. she's very lewd so nsfw is welcomed.
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Welp I've been mystery banned. Said it was for evading a spam filter or something. This site kind of sucks lol. Anyway I'm back now! Here's a return for >>7388440 from the last thread
It's a fat inflation artist, you think these guys think?
Cyclops-chan, you should post her in NSFW redraw thread too. I bet there are many here who would like to draw her naked
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Hi you did a fill for me and I didn't get around to returning because I've been banned lmao

Also can anyone tell me why I now have a 900 second timer before I can post
I guess it's some kinda measure to stop bots or spammers or something
think that's what I heard
regardless, glad you found a way back, this is great
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She is a good girl, people shouldn't do mean things to her
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thought some costume on her, maybe the buttons on sleeves were too much
alright that's getting drawn on her, that's too good
I'm not the guy who asked originally, but I saw the comment assumed you were gonna place her in the NSFW thread and ended up drawing a tasteful nude
>NSFW thread
This isn't a blue board, anon
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I want to see it. put pasties or bikini on her and surely cyclops-chan will approve
It's so that the OCs have a place to consent and can't metoo you.
Theres a specific OC NSFW thread because some people don't like messing with their characters in certain ways
I won't unless cyclops-chan says it's cool :)
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oh no. You clearly put very much effort into drawing her, If you cover her up a little bit, it will be okay,
I'll trust you not to do anything mean to her, since didn't you also draw her last thread?>>7386095 you made her look really good then
>anything even vaguely sexual is evil
I didn't know you were American.
mean=/=evil. there are some pretty depraving things being drawn in the nsfw OC threads, so I kind of get why he doesn't want to post her there. I don't want to post mine there either to be fair. It's pretty obvious cyclops-chan is Finnish and can you really say his girl isn't more than vaguely sexual with MASSIVE boobs like that >>7395565 or this >>7394113 lmao
Seems like hardly anyone likes posting their OC's in the NSFW thread, since then you are signing up for explicit porn being made you your OC. The threads been up of a day and only 5 people have shared their OC's there
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Wait she's a cyclops? Fuck. Well, I did something kind for her and restored her other eye.
in my experience, people in the nsfw thread have been pretty respectful
the only real reason I've been ok posting characters to it
but I can easily get why people wouldn't want to
it's a bit of a meme how everyone refers to his character as cyclops, since her hair always hides the other eye.
Sister I'm gonna be real with you, no offense intended, I mean this constructively, that doesn't look like the same character at all. Completely different face, body type, outfit, and (most relevant) hair style.
I gave her a bath. Wait.. yeah you're right... It's because I forgot the mole.
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you gave her depth perception. You had very interesting take of her. I appreciate your effort to draw her nevertheless :D

what do you mean? I meant I don't want people doing outright bad things to her.

It's the thought that matters
Cool as hell. Still working on fox's design realized. But I'm keeping this for reference.
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I don't want to do bad things to her. I want to marry her.
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Something different for a creature of the night.
The blog... my kingdom for the blog...
I put some pasties on her
YOOOO this is epic
got an OC?
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She looks very stoic, fitting for how she tries to present herself, thank you!

Judy is cute
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I do not post very often.
Cheers brudda'. I'll repost my guy from last thread.
you didn't go too overboard. Thank you for drawing her. you like to depict her to be very sweaty..
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Posting Naomi again. Alt outfit refs: https://files.catbox.moe/49x2vb.png
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from last thread, was a pleasure to draw, and i gave her earrings
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Sketch. I will return with a colored version at some point.
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The designs are fun :) Do you have a blog?
Omg you did her so bulky and cool I really like it!!!
What's your OC?
Holy shit! Do YOU have a blog (and/or character I can draw)? This is delightful. I don't really post stuff publicly anymore, but I was making a webcomic for a while, hoping to get back to it next year. https://farstarss.the-comic.org/
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Fucking spam filter...
https://catbox moe/c/nps2d5
https://catbox moe/c/7g38yg
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Cute, thank you
Might use this design for something at some point
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I named her Harumi
Ooh the rabbit is a dude?
The lipstick threw me sorry bud
No its a girl, lol
My cunts are all macho
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Thank you, and you should get back to it.
My twitter is @AshcanOffline

Maci is a mage trapped in the Undergark, after spurning her lover she made a pact with a demon to win him back, as a result he got his brain melted (metaphorically). When she's not having an existential crisis she works as the sage for a mercenary troop x casino. (NPC in a dnd game if you didn't already guess.)
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Who is that stranger?
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Is this supposed to be a redraw...?
>general doing well
>suddenly all of the usual gay faggot tactics to ruin the threads and push people away reappears
What a bored little faggot.
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Colored my sketch of my annoyingly death-resistant drow paladin from the end of the previous thread.
I think this one is technically better than my usual, but it feels dry and soulless to me because I'm bored of drawing characters doing nothing in a white void. After I finish >>7397035 I should work on backgrounds like I said I would a month ago.
genuinely curious, are you just dropping these into a pixel art software, or shrinking an image down on paint or something?
Or are you actually painstakingly drawing over the original images on a low resolution?
I drew her with a knife - I dunno what she was cutting though

Damn I didn't even know he was sick
Using a pixel art drawing app and try my best attempt to make it look low resolutioned on perpose
Well it looks shit
It's neither pixelart or transformative enough to bother posting
nta but if you're going to be a bitch then pyw
saw this thread, thought i'd put my say in, this is my faggot roz, an angel who went to earth to run from his fate of being a war lord, yes the sword is his halo, yes the sword is as tall as his body
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The Demon Entertainer Siblings Unhold and Knechtbold
They served the past Demon Lord Zunder as Jesters to keep him amused
Post that little slut in the nsfw oc thread.
So fucking cool. I love how you colored the pants. Thank you so much. Got an OC for me to draw?
I like that you drew her hair spikes. Thank you. You made her look really good
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Give this one a go
god that is great

I should paint instead of draw
Just do both dawg. There's no reason not to, they both teach things that you can bring into the other.
i would if i was good at porn LMAO
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Finished version of >>7397035.
I like this character.
I already have multiple times in this and the last thread
Why are you defending something that's clearly a filter?
I'm fine with no draws and people dropping off ocs and then just leaving - I come to the threads to draw
But if you're going deliver then actually draw something even pre/beg/ stick men have charm to them, SOUL even
But taking an image then reducing the it's resolution down to 10% and then showing the pixel grid is nothing
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I don't even disagree with you, I just didn't think your post was helping anyone.
Though, I did not consider someone would bother using a filter.
100% would read this manga
Oh that's very cool, it's them before they died and became a demon. Please post your OC, it'd be my pleasure to draw yours.
Oh wait crap I just realized I posted the unfinished version haha. U must have been like boy what? Demon? Please post ur OC whenever u can.
Gonna be the asshole here. The previous version was better.
Still nice, but adding more light and colors means you have to work the rendering a bit more to make everything clearer.

I prefer the less-is-more-approach from before, but just my opinion. Nice character though.
You're totally welcome to your opinion. I really like how it came out so your crit is heard but doesn't affect me or make me feel like you're an asshole.
Fair enough. That YOU like it is most important. My bad though, this isn't a crit thread, I just really liked the art when I first saw it. Keep it up.
It's a crit board + rule 2. I wish we got more crit in here, honestly.
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I'm glad you like it. And yeah, lol, I didn't know he was meant to be a demon. I just assumed he was a blue guy. Anyway, this is my guy.
Have you considered switching to watercolor?
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bnuuy rabbit halberdier

for the king! (and moni)
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Those aren't me, but I was the first person to call out the OP image not being from the last thread.

Look, this is a toxic site in general, I apologize for not being nicer. Please don't be (too) discouraged, and not do fills for others, the point of this thread IS to draw, after all.

I will also try and work on not being so cynical. This place should be more welcoming. New OC is a breath of fresh air.
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I'm gonna pretend like I'm not reposting an old redraw I did last year
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ill throw this one out here
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here ya go. I don't think I did your linework justice but hope you enjoy.
nta but lovely. so colorful. If I was into homoerotic elves I would be into this
I try to avoid thinking about colours when I draw but I had a palette in mind and it was exactly what you did. I think you captured his vibe perfectly. Love it.

you spent time drawing this instead of just having fun and drawing other people's OCs
if you upset people, fine, don't dwell on it - just draw
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AUUGH thats some good shit right there anon. Love it. Glad you like her

Sorry, not my best delivery
Evil general of a militaristic police state.

She got a big ego, loves hamming her role.
Don't beat yourself up. It looks great.
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Thanks bro
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bro u are just CRANKING out redraws
love ur style too thanks for the drawing
u have a character?
whew. love this piece, has a very regal feel to this. awesome.

hardcore pose. love the open coat too.

whats both your ocs? so i can get back to you
I'm sorry to do this, but could I have some more information on her? Or maybe a different character? I'm in a bit of a creative slump and can't come up with anything that would be a worthy return. I also don't know anything about DnD lore.
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Haha, don't worry about it. I'll include a couple.
Maci: Just a side character, so not much to her. A perpetual girl failure.

Top: Nephis - Runaway princess, a sorceress coddled all her life, when forced to marry a duke she found quite distasteful Nephis ran from her home alongside her two companions (a golem and a half-orc). She is very much unused to normal life and is enamored by peasant living (stomping on grapes to make wine, dancing at a festival, etc). She is also embarrassed by her large ears.

Bottom: Clementine - The secretary to the enigmatic Mr. Alexander Hobbs, she is a practical woman and seeming ice queen. But at heart, she is nursing an unrequited love to her employer. She comes from a victorian, steampunk-ish setting.

And thank you for the sketch!
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I drew cyclopschan in color this time. Hopefully I managed to capture her grimy aesthetic.
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how nobody else has drawn her yet is beyond me. what's her name?
love your art style btw
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topless version
this guy's gotta be trolling a bit. he turned the brown girl white and made cyclops-chan have two eyes
im high as hell but
woahhhhhh amazing i love it!!! TY so much. The name of the character is Ziliath tho i sometimes call it Sally for short
Do you have an OC or smth? A like your style and how you color
Yeah, this is an older drawing but her name is Ruth.
Do you have socials?
you seem to like to draw my character. you like to uncover her eye and make her have different hair. I still appreciate that you efforts to draw her :D
>he turned the brown girl white
I see no issue there.

The cyclops bit though, that was a mistake
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I do have socials, i only post my oc art and basically never rt anything or do anything besides posting my art and leaving lol

love it!!! thanks!
I mean this genuinely, your art is so so good. You're so clearly talented and you deserve way more exposure than you have.

If you're looking for somewhere to gain some traction, as much as I kind of hate Bluesky it does actually recommend art with tags to people regardless of your follower count. I just make an effort never to look at my recommended feed
Ohh yeah ive been using bluesky recently. Tho not that much as twitter and i forgot to post there and i do it in like a week after i post my draws. Ive been just using tags like "art" and "illustration" and ive gained a coupke of followers. Im still just seeing how it turns out if i dont advertise it on anything and i gain followers naturally.

Also ty so much for your words, i really appreaciate it, ty again :DDDDD
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Trired to make her bodytype close to the original draw, I dont know if it looks right cuz i dont tend to do this body
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I love muscle girls so much, especially when they’re boobs become pecs when they lift so much… my favorite is when they straight up have pecs instead of breasts… so hot. (especially irl)

Had to control myself, wanted to stay truer to the design.
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Tito has taken the best picture of a human the scientific community has ever seen! He’s not worried about the publicity, he knows his wife and newborn son will always be safe.

(Tito, Aja, and baby Theto pictured in front of the Tito’s work for the Human Exhibit)
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Why is this the 2nd time someone's drawn almost the exact same pose as me for the same character. Not your fault because I haven't finished but its so weird
>my favorite is when they straight up have pecs instead of breasts
*cough cough* >>7397184
Theyre also midgets though lol
Nah its fine in any form. Love ur art style friend. Awesome

What's ur oc BTW?
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play ball!
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gotta get a drawing of the cyclops
lovely little one
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love a muscle girl, especially with those eyes and hair
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this one is back
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big ego, prolly ego lifts too
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I'll slow down a bit after this, but as I said, this one is getting drawn
such a good outfit

I've been liking the ones you do, bring me a character to draw for you

and thank you again
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ty! My oc is the one that appeared a little above
nta, but god this one is coming along so good
It looks great man, thank you! You're the king of these threads, Tagashi.
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Tried making it with his face cover down. Prob gonna try to fix the hands later but here's this for now
Awesome stuff, he looks good as hell in your style. If you've got any more characters you want drawn, post em'.
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Thank you for drawing her. She looks really good. You have really nice style :D
Not super happy with how this pose came out
looks great!! she would definitely wear that huge hat. seeing her in your style gives me ghibli vibes

Do you have an OC in this thread? I'll draw them if I get time
I made her breasts smaller cuz idk
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cyclops ver.
Cyclops after the war. Nice.
I like your take on her. She looks really cool. thank you :D
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She looked like a good OC for a lip/ear chain
>how nobody else has drawn her yet is beyond me.
It's a pretty hard design to draw
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He's a good warmup character
ohhh i like it ty ty ty :DD

>It's a pretty hard design to draw

You think so? I try to keep my designs relativly simple lol
>You think so?
Everything about her is pointy
his name is jun, he used to be a bitchy college dropput but then he got possessed by a silly demon that likes having fun :p
>immeasurably fuckable
>probably reeks of cigarettes
Peak design friend
thats a very apt description lol ty
Is that even hard? you can just draw her less pointy idk
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love me a man with cracks on his face
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Sorry for the late an unpolished return, I bit off a bit more than I could chew. Hope you like it anyway!
It's so cool! Thank you, so much, I love it!
And the dress is great, you got the vibe spot on.
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Jesus, dude. How long have you been drawing, and what methods did you use to learn?
I've been drawing my whole life but I only started taking it more seriously about 6 years ago. I've read a few books but I don't really study. I mostly draw for fun but I try to stay on top of my weakpoints. That's part of the reason I came to this thread, I thought my faces were getting too samey and figured drawing other people's characters would help me break that habit.
thank u! he looks super cute here :D drop an oc if you have one!
it's these ones
Sorry I struggled with this one

He looks great
Also I was relooking at this one and didn't see the mysterious stranger in the back :O
Yooooo dude this one is so awesome i love it so much tytytyty i love the composition and line o factions it really shows that you really mastered those concepts. I love it, u have an oc i could draw?
Tyty, but I wouldnt say I've mastered anything, not yet at least. Here's my guy. >>7396281
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Utility knife oc, he is created from a flexible and regenerative steel. His spine is a single blade that branches into the arms. The blades on his head and arms can retract, and he can split his hand into fingers. His legs connect at the knee and ankle, so he moves around like a caterpillar, a fast and dangerous caterpillar. Due to his edgy nature, he accidentally slices anyone around him, giving him the reputation of a dangerous killer. Everyone is scared to talk to him, he lacks social skills and has a deep self hatred
flattie alt
this is tight as fuck
i MUST achieve this kind of artstyle, teach me your ways
this goes hard asf, not to mention this is one of the more unique character designs i have seen
I like how she looks in your style. Thank you for drawing her
A couple quick ones.
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not really happy with how this turned out but im posting it anyway
are you guys ever not fucking cranky
Not OR but these are real nice, anons
Thank you anon, plz drop ur oc
I really struggled with the ribbons so I skipped them :(
WHOAAA tyty i like it very much, and the big ahh nose lmao. I really liked it, send the uncensoured ver if you wanna, i have no problem
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Kino tysm Relfanon.
Ty anon got OC?
also he looks sick - thanks pixel-anon
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of course! i'll post the reference but hes also right here > >>7398741
Nothing feels worse than doing a redraw and not even getting an acknowledgement let alone a return redraw. It almost makes me want to just redraw the OC again but having them violently murdered.
Which OC is yours? I'd like to do a redraw.
Sometimes people miss posts. Don't get bitter. Just draw again. I almost never get (yous) and my oc has only been Redrawn like 3 times since I've came to these threads.
I always thank anyone who draws my character. No matter the artists skill, as long as I see they but in effort.
le amazing nipples ty dude, Do you have a blog?
>As long as I SEE
Your work might get lost in the scroll. Doesn't make it personal. Please don't feed into the suffering artists phenotype
I don't mean high EFFORT. I just want to see they tried
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Another one.
My guys >>7394081
just 4chan I'm afraid
link to pic plz - I feel like I've said thanks to everyone who redrew mine, but maybe I missed one
on a side note, one of my drawings only just got thanked, sometimes people just dip out for a few weeks
wow thank you!! drop your oc pls, i'll try to get to it soon!
This is beautiful
It was originally gonna be a full body but it was late and I was tired. I’m kinda flattered you like it

Thanks anon. I tend to dislike any art that I spend a night working on until the next morning

This is Kat, she’s an engineer who doesn’t go outside or like people.

>>7401806 is mine too if you’d rather draw her instead, no preference
One time I posted my OC in the handsome men thread and it was the only one to not get a single reply at all
Nothing positive. Not even anybody in the mood to troll a little and be negative. Just white noise. Since then I've never posted anything on this again

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