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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread:
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What resources are the best for someone who's decent in terms of drawing but beg when it comes to coloring? I've done painting studies and know some color theory. but when it comes to actually painting digitally, everything looks off. When I try to study art like picrel, my drawing is close but I have no idea how to even start when It comes to the rendering.
>inb4 do hard round brush studies
I've done dozens of those and it never helped
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Goddamn. What you doing here?
Best nip books on perspective?
Who's the best anime-style westoid? Like so good that you wouldn't be able to tell?
does anyone here have the latest password for setteidreams wip page?
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fell behind a little but w.e, gonna try to study more later today
im retarded and can't stay away from /ic/
if i want to talk about hentai is this the thread of is the sex thread the one
>anime style
These are logically contradictory. You mean people of western origin drawing anime? There's many animators.
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I'm learning colours also, I've found it easier to do the shadows and greyscale of the image first before colours.
I did the shadows here first then just randomly layered on colour until it looked okay.
I tried to redraw the image from memory. The very left is the original, the middle is a study, the right is me trying to redraw without looking.
I'll give you a handshake if you repost me.
>You mean people of western origin drawing anime? There's many animators.
precisely what I meant but ones who post art online and aren't just tucked away in a jap studio somewhere
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I need a wise advice because i am being stupid. I was doing this warmup every day and i started 3 hours trying to make the lines fitting the shape underneath, connect the ends, getting the curves nice and neat and i got myself down to around 50-60 minutes. But i felt like i wasn't progressing, i did definitely improve but i couldn't reach perfection. There never was day where lines are straight, curves are perfectly evenly angled and i know each time which path exactly it is to create the shape i want. I was happy when i got things reasonably neat in 40 minutes, and i was like this is it. But it wasn't. Yesterday was horrible, i spend 3 hours on it, absolutely unable to draw what i want. Hand completely ignoring me, not able to draw at the angle i wanted. And today, again, can¨t draw straight line, can¨t trace perfectly over shape, can't repeat that shape perfectly, there is again the disconnect, that uneasiness while drawing longer lines, i am don't know where the goal point is. So i gave up, didn't erase anything just went through it in 20 minutes, but i just need help. I don't want this stress. Why i wake up each day feeling i forgot everything about drawing and guide my hand like person with dementia? What should i do to get past this? Picture is the 20 minute warmup without using return. This is how i draw. After 4 years. I am so embarrassed.
anon, im asking this in the nicest way possible, have you tried actually drawing instead of just doing warmup exercises, could you show us something you have drawn?
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>This is how i draw.
But anon... That's not drawing. That's just "markmaking".
>who post art online
I suspect the ones that don't work for japanimation just larp as Japanese on twitter because they don't want to be associated with the westoid art community. That's what I would do at least.
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if only you had grinded 500 floating loomis heads...
500 settei*
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I guess. i wasn't drawing recently, just tracing because i want to be able to draw the exact line each time without my hand failing me.
What's markmaking?
have you tried perhaps drawing just by looking at a reference instead of tracing over it, not saying tracings isnt good but, you need to draw on your own at some point, it doesnt need to be perfect and its okay if it doesnt look as you expected it to look, thats what practice is for
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man youre not gonna get the lines you want down perfectly on the first try and youre not supposed to either. Every artists sketches the lines loosely first then goes back to refining and altering it. And even when they dont do this 2 step process will they fiddle with the lines till they look decent

Atleast make sure you attempt to freehand the subject after tracing it
>i want to be able to draw the exact line each time without my hand failing me.
this wont happen for years. just draw
very nice anon
How long? I've been trying to learn to draw for years.
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Many thanks
I think the body looks good but she's missing some mass and volume with the head and hair. Also, the hatching crossing over her chin sort of makes it look like she has a beard.
Stop meme "hatching". It's a waste of time and doesn't even look good.
next time measure where the hair ends then simplify. Her hair is a very apparent 'S' curve and your copy misses this. It doesn't need to be an exact copy but ought to be appealing and believable. Also her him is way out there as well. Simplicity is your friend
Do any of you guys use the liquify tools to change your rough sketches before doing line art?
Oppai no Nuri Kata 100-bai Ecchi ni Miseru Technique

How to paint boobs - a technique that makes them look 100 times more erotic


For those who don't have enough GP:
Credit to >>7396626

note: use base64decoder
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Forgot pic
you two done good
>I've found it easier to do the shadows and greyscale of the image first before colours.
this is what i started doing too
I remember trying exercises like this. My takeaway was that perfect markmaking was overrated, and it's not a skill you need. Drawing a perfct circle with no bumps or jitters, or perfectly tracing over a line, those aren't skills that artists use commonly. These are meant to be practice reps that help you steady your hand and learn how to make marks, not a task that you need to perfect and do every day.

Go draw something. Tomorrow, skip the "warmup" and just start drawing. See how it goes. Try to break away from these preconceptions about how things NEED to be. Everyone learns differently, and stuff like this can turn into a /beg/ trap. "Oh, it NEEDS to be like muscle training. You NEED to do warmups. You NEED to do reps, etc."

Your time would be better spent on fundies than "warming up". Your draftmanship will improve as you go.
yeah sometimes a little bit
>no matter what I can't seem to get the jaw line and eyes correct on my faces
I genuinely do not understand why my brain can't process how to do it correctly, but every time I try to do a face it has to go through 50 revisions before it turns out decent
where on /ic/ can I ask this information otherwise?
I feel that. If it makes you feel any better, even pros seem to mess up at least the eye placement sometimes, though they seem generally better with the chin/jaw. I might recommend trying this, to see if you can hammer it in a bit.


I haven't used this method in a bit due to laziness, but it was working pretty well when I did.
Did anybody actually do this? What were the results?
Any suggestions for highly skilled artists to study?
Raphael and Pontormo
pontormo literally drew in the anime style
I'm sold
what is it?
THE course
westoids won't 'get' it
as a westoid can you translate it into qrd form so I get it
her what
I want to give it a try the next month or the one after.
Not trying to procrastinate, it's just that I've just got a drawing tablet and I'm getting used to it and to CSP. I can't paint for shit lol
But I'll be sure to document the results, I can't see it not helping at least a little
Isn't it literally just master study? Saito Naoki has a painting background, so obviously he advocates master study.
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I'm not sure if th colored this himself but whatever.
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Alright guys, I need some help with gesture.
Trying to feel this one out, but I'm running into a problem. The green one is the way the gesture action line feels, but it doesn't line up with the anatomy at all. Red one is gesture action line that lines up with the anatomy, but it feels wrong and off balance somehow.
What am I doing wrong. Is the green one right? How do you get the anatomy to line up with the action line if it looks like it goes against it.
Pls help ;.;
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>what am I doing wrong
you're playing a game that shat on incels at the beginning, realising it backfired horribly, and is now back at desperately pleading to those incels
I just liked the pose...
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Gesture doesn't have to line up with anatomy. But saying that the green doesn't line up at all isn't really correct in my view. It connects the foot with the hip and the torso.

Drawing with gesture doesn't necessarily mean drawing around a line. It just means that you are attempting to capture the sense of flow in the image.

I would describe the main gesture with yellow. But that's just me. There are a bunch of ways to do it and it's only "incorrect" if it lacks the sense of flow.
I think it's only 'incorrect' if it doesn't help you achieve what you're trying to achieve. The way I use gesture is sorta like the first step in construction. I try to get the main gesture line down to get the 'flow' of the pose and to get an idea of where I should put the landmarks like the chest and hips and stuff.
The problem is when you have parts of the body that feel like they don't flow correctly. The chest is what really bothered me here, because it's flow feels contrary to the overall flow of the pose, and the landmarks don't line up. Like the C-curve of the chest is contrary to the main flow of the gesture I mean (you can see how I felt it flowed in red).

I run into this problem a lot when doing the gesture phase and I don't really have a solution to it yet... I might be using the main gesture line completely wrong tbf though
I was going to say the same thing, big C curve through the left leg. Maybe there's hope for me lol.
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Here is my work from yesterday. Dont like, it doesnt hit right... I was pondering. I did the warmup as major exercise for two months. And i think i needed it and will need it more. But i will stop with this particular form and move on to something more productive. It's still a good warmup, but from now on it will only be about speed. I will use the time saved tracing over illustrations. Because i am still easily fooled by how my dumb brain interprets things and my confidence needs to grow more. I hope there is some exercise i can obsess over for next two months. Thanks for advice
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How do you think this guy does the eyelashes?
I'm very new to Clip Studio Paint. I've been watching a few videos and gathering tricks. I thought maybe locking the transparent pixels and drawing black or using the airbrush over orange would work but it looks like shit haha
Sorry for the shit quality the image was too big. Here's the link to the originals

(Also is there a brush I can use to paint that doesn't change with pressure?)
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Bros should we tell him?
Use a clipping layer onto the eyebrow layer and airbrush it, and then if you want the orangeish color on the skin as well, do something similar but with the skin layer. You’d probably have to experiment a bit to get the ‘exact’ look he has though.
Yes. Always tell. This isn't shitposting general. Always teach. No matter how many times you repeat yourself.
Medical anatomy when it comes to anime is only useful for informing/remembering where the different parts of the body are located in a given style, i.e. the necessity to make line separations or emphasis to convey the existence of different body parts. It says nothing about the way of accomplishing this and can't say anything about something being wrong (if the style is of a high skill level/made by a high skill pro).

Anatomy as practiced in the western realism style of drawing is useless to anime, because there is no one anatomy in anime, but every style comes with its own version of anatomy so to speak. There is a spectrum of realistic->deformed but even within every single skilled artist's style closer to the realism end of the spectrum there are rules that are not judged by textbook anatomy.

Honestly just use the Nip terms to convey the meanings, modern Western language seems to be engineered to make people crippled artistically.

It's not 3D, it's 立体感 (feeling of solidity).
It's not female anatomy, it's 女性の体の構造 (structure/construction of the female body).
Or even better, it's not "anatomy of body part" but *body part*の描き方 (way of drawing body part) which necessarily implies a preexisting style of the artist that is teaching.
But I though Japanese artists do Loomis and Jack Hamm. That sounds contradictory?
>do Loomis and Jack Hamm
What does this mean?
posts starting with "but I thought" are shitposting 95% of the time
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This often confuses anatomybros.
>japanese artist copies western book
>his artistic output looks nothing like the western book
>must mean it's necessary to follow the western book's worldview to draw anime
The same thing happens with western media. Japanese media freely references it and takes inspiration but is never a slave to it. A Westerner with a broken aesthetic sense copying both anime and western books isn't the same as a Japanese animator with a deep love of anime practicing with western books. The context they see things in is different.
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私は女性の体の構造は立体感 に見れるのために勉強します。
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Seconding this. How do Japanese illustrators retain the anime feel even in highly rendered or painterly pieces? You see Western youtubers attempt detailed shading but it all ends up looking very un-anime. Maybe the lineart quality gives it away but I don't know.

>her him
probably meant "her hip"
Nta but I think your lines here look really good.
Stick to drawing little bros.
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Sir, yes, sir!
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pharmarr's anatomy is fucked in ways japanese don't fuck it up
that, and, wtf is this wrinkles shading? he should do shading master studies
her head is wide a little too wide in this case
I don't think it's even the anatomy/construction that's the most western part of it because I could tell it's western just by the lineart phase.
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Ah, that sweet schizo moment when you reach point in process where you have no confidence and brain begins to list all the other things i could be doing instead of struggling with learning. How did you learn to colour?
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the eyes were uneven and theface needed some work but I did some lineart overtop not the whole image just hair nd face
why the fuck are you copying ai trash?
Does anyone know which artist is it copying?
Thanks, I guess. I am terrible at seeing my own mistakes and don't know how to fix them. I can't draw eyes like you.
>I am terrible at seeing my own mistakes and don't know how to fix them
have a subwindow that has a zoom out and mirror view
Had both. Did not help. It looked fine to me/didn't know how to fix.
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I have no idea what's going on with those highlights. What am I missing? I am checking values and stuff, following process i got on youtube, but actually painting this is impossible.
Meh... Why not copy the artist the "AI" plagiarized to create the image?
I just grabbed simple image from discord to study on. So far i am not successful. Entire day wasted.
You have to go back.
You don't have friends?
where do u think u are...
Well I'm not at an advanced level so maybe we are both hopeless :3
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Yes it's not always easy to build a figure around a main gesture. For this figure I would not have used the yellow gesture but instead done something like pic related. Establishing the tilt and perspective of the torso is often a good start.
Hey I know you're being hard on yourself, but IMO it looks amazing. The ref is super cute, and you've done a... how the fuck did you get such an accurate copy? Did you trace it?
I can't draw faces for shit, and I'd love to be able to draw cute stuff like that. Ease up on yourself a little, you're doing well.

Man, it never gets better does it? I've heard that self-doubt and confidence issues don't go away when you make it, and even pro artists suffer from this stuff. Artist's curse huh.
his lineart is good but I don't think anyone wants to help when he posts ai.

it's better to copy an actual artist with a style and history of images.
>"I don't think anyone wants to help when he posts ai"
And you believe this despite the fact that you are replying to a post where someone is offering him advice?
There was nothing relevant to his original question. I myself actually typed up a reply before noticing it was AI and deleted it.
You're doing it the other way around, you have to place the highlight then "cut the shape" with the darker more saturated color, he's using a a brush with a lil bit of color smudging, idk what it was called.
Besides that you're not following the shape of the head, keep that in mind
The drawing is good if you didn't trace it
I traced it. It's part of my warm up, tracing, so i am comfortable drawing curves in any angle. I decided i will render the image too. I didnt realise it's AI. I havent decided on style so i just copy things i think i can do. I am confident i will persist and see results in couple of months. Right now, i can look at shape and copy it because i can feel those angled curves. Though i still fail at proportions. I didnt know ai is controversial. I wont repeat that mistake and post real artist next. Icomochi is good artists and mogoon also is worth closer study, though i am not fotm chaser.
How does one construct while copying? What counts as important enough to constitute a shape? For example, say I wanted to study this. What shapes would his hair fins be? Ovals? Triangles? Is his scarf important enough to count for construction? If so, is every part of it? Would I construct the kimono, or the legs and body under the kimono? How does one know which shapes to use for what things?
Landmarks, lines and correct angles. You triangulate picture into existence. You then connect the points, and you will get to see the shape. Ponder the shape.
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Ah, that's actually a lot better than what I was doing. For some reason when I do gesture, I completely forget the hip exists, and it usually fucks me over in the long run
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More studies, this time I was trying to apply the fundamentals into practice.
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colphne sex, what are some easy clothes to learn/draw
So, kind of a make your own connect the dots situation...?
do japanese people really copy/trace 3d models
how do I do lineart like the japanese.
Study Japanese artists' lineart. It's usually much more complex in a consistent way than what western twitter artists do and that might generate the uncanny feeling.
where an unskilled artist will use one smooth line the Japanese layer multiple lines in a specific way tailored to their style
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I like the skin rendering. The boob shapes/sizes probably need some rework. She'd look good in a nice short dress
A witch and/or warlock has threatened me with an evil curse if I don't read an anime study book by a Japanese illustrator instead of just drawing pastiches of bygone anime eras. Magic is fake as shit but I don't wanna take any chances.

Here's my OC, a re-design I drew of my OC, and someone else's much better drawn version of my OC - any ideas of who to study if I'm aiming for a style like the picture in the top right has? I also included my 90s, 80s, and 2010s anime era inspired drawings if ya think study under a particular artist would be promising.
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>A witch and/or warlock has threatened me with an evil curse if I don't read an anime study book by a Japanese illustrator instead of just drawing pastiches of bygone anime eras.
was it pic related?
>if I'm aiming for a style like the picture in the top right has?
A style really only exists in very high skilled anime drawings, most western stuff is bad imitations of a jumble of styles + idiosyncrasies of the author.
Just pick one artist to study with the Saito Naoki method, it's can be really hard to chose a model to imitate so look around and choose the one artist that fascinates you
And artists of 2010s and up are usually easier to study because the styles have been refined and there's a lot of material
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These are all really cute. Naisu!
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Alright, after a bit of research I settled on this book by a more contemporary artist. Wasn't on the archives so I have to wait for tomorrow for it to come.
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Drew the sketch on /a/ and planned to finish it.
Are there any line art coloring tutorials? I just use darker version of the base color for the lines, not sure if I'm doing it right.
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I know the eyes are wonky
Any feedback is welcome
eyebrows seem really short. Eyes are way too far apart. Mouth seems too tilted. Try to complete your sketch a bit more next time. Also do some studying of a master's works.
not bad so far. You could just change the skin lineart to be a dark brown or red
very nice spin on what the original did
cute. The hand seems a bit large.
biggest thing is that they're not level with each other. did you use a guidelines? if not use a guideline. try copying anime pictures you like and pay extra close attention to the eyes
Cute Miku, Mr.Lego! The only thing that strikes me as odd is that I feel like her head could be pushed out a bit more over her arms and maybe a bit more "cheek squish". Overall I like it.
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Very cute, I feel her soul.
Any advice on how to color using csp? It's been a bitch to try and color stuff on it, there has to be something I'm fucking up but I can't figure out what.
pyw anon, I can't really give you advice if I don't know what you're fuckin up
tablet or desktop?
Fuck me this is really difficult. So many little details to draw. Maybe doing this will take me to the next level but im tempted to jump ship to Imaishi's book
You're pathetic.
Not that anon but is there a difference?
he didn't say what exactly he's having trouble with. The UI and UX for the tablet version can be a bit different than desktop, which can influence your ability to draw. plus there might be a useful feature that he's not seeing due to a different presentation of the features
Tablet version. I'm having trouble with pretty much every thing, even shit like the fill tool is giving me difficulty somehow. I'm alright doing things on paper but man is it a real pain in the ass doing things in csp right now.
>I'm having trouble with pretty much every thing
Honestly you just need more time with the tool. I recently changed my workflow from desktop + Krita to iPad + CSP, so I probaly understand some of your struggle. What helped me a bunch was watching some of the linked video tutorials on the CSP website. Seeing how someone else works can be very helpful for understanding what's available to you and how to customize your setup. The first thing that I made after changing my setup was >>7404873 Not very colorful though
>the fill tool is giving me difficulty somehow
make sure to checkout the tool properties and that area scaling is at least 0 or more.
Make sure to search, find, and import a decent color set in the Assets store (skin color, perfect grey). Make sure to get very familiar with the select tool and clipping layers. Test some stuff out
Your brush size is too small. It might not be noticeable when you are zoomed in and viewing a single panel in isolation, but a comic is supposed to be read page by page. It makes you waste time on details that are frankly too fine for the purpose of the panel while losing the line weight of the overall drawing, giving a very weak and amateurish visual impression despite having good drawing skills otherwise
Next time make sure to zoom out and preview the first few lines and check they match with the "intended viewing distance".
i already used size 10 but i do agree that i feel like needed to use bigger for better visuals. I still needed to wait for my screen protector replacement to arrive first though since the scratches on it already are driving me insane.
How are you liking the iPad?
Overall, I would say that I liked using an iPad and Apple Pencil for drawing. I'm still getting used to the change in workflow, so I'm sure that things will only improve. Before the iPad, I was using a screenless pen tablet and computer monitor, so it's a significant change in drawing device placement, body posture, and arm fatigue. Some of that is related to having the iPad resting on an inclined stand instead of flat on a surface.
Drawing lines feels more natural, but hand shakiness is more apparent. Using hand gestures for shortcuts is nice, but requires building new habits and breaking old ones.
whats the name of the 12 hour drawing session per day book again?
im considering making the jump from trad to digital. thanks for the thoughtful response
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sure, no problem. Good luck with the eventual switch
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Does anyone have any good resources/tips on how to do stylized highlights/coloring like rabbit hole/dohna dohna drawings?

thanks, i will give her a dress later this week
i liked this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1SNs7KVgcI. Just read up about reference layer, area scaling and other things that he is talking about
do you have any socials anon? looks good
very nice
Often I can draw without references, but then other days I can't draw shit from imagination. It is very annoying, because those days where I manage to draw from imagination make me not use references. I just try to draw from imagination, unless I want to study something. But often it just doesn't work which is very frustrating.
I dont know what to do to next. I can copy. Draw a line. I know the theory behind perspective and anatomy. Watch the all kinda of methods and processes on yt. And I know what i am supposed to do in theory, but i just cant draw. I cant draw pretty face. Sexy pose. Or i cant colour. I just reach end of the line and no matter how many times i repeat the theory - set eye level, composition, forms should overlap, etc. All that mantra... I draw something i dont want to. It's not that i am not inspired, but i cant draw clothes, items... Just same beg tier nude silhoutte with no volume. And i dont know what to do, my brain just cant process it.
>I can copy.
>but i cant draw clothes, items...
Pick one.
>my brain just cant process it
Sounds like you spend too much time on theory. The brain gets overloaded if you put in too much information at once. You have to learn step by step, a bit of theory and then putting it into practice. You can't learn everything at once.
>I dont know what to do to next.

>I cant draw pretty face. Sexy pose. I can't draw clothes, items
There you have your list of what to do next. Learn how to draw pretty faces, sexy pose, or clothes

As long as you are realizing what you could do better, you are making progress
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not bad. It seems like you were more interested in replicating the body than the head and face details?
After finding this channel I feel the hide channel's teaching is too superficial, this guy gives advice on why you should do something and what to avoid, instead of just saying "do it like me, it's better"
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I tested myself.
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training kimonos for new years
That looks S tier. What the fuck is your problem?
Very smoll hands
Attempt 0 of my Imaishi artbook study. For attempt 0(before I got the book) i tried drawing Ryuuko from memory. It was not pretty. My initial goal will be to reproduce the Ryuuko on the right. The only construction skills I have to speak of are breaking down the figure into simple shapes and then using those shapes as a reference. I'll ultilize this method for my first attempt.
Are you insane?
Nah I just suck at drawing heads and faces. I'm gonna try to fix it later.
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fuck this i give up
i thought to myself "oh i'll just fix up that anime study, it's just the face it should only take me half an hour or so, then i can do some other studies fir a while"
it has to be so goddamn precise oh my god, everything has to be proportional, the eyes have to be JUST the right size and spaced the EXACT right distance apart, nose and mouth need to eb in the right places with enough space on each side, the face can't be too wide, aaaaggghhh fuck
i redrew the mouth a thousand times and i'm still not happy with any of it why is this so fucking HARD?!
>korean text
does anyone have an image that shows the difference between real and anime body anatomy and proportions? google isnt helpful
youll just have to feel it out. it varies from artist to artist. girls heads are usually biggers, ribcages usually smaller. etc etc. theres not one uniform anime style. pick your favorite artists and copy them
oooohhh, very nice. That areola on the left seems way bigger than the one on the right, but maybe it's possible IRL
for what it's worth, the head does look slightly better than before. At least you're getting more practice
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>Beako in her 2024 Xmas outfit
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Am I doing this right? I need somebody to show me where i failed.
lol. this is what happens when a stubborn westoid tries way too hard. you'll NEVER draw anime
>lol. this is what happens when a stubborn westoid tries way too hard
>the head does look slightly better than before. At least you're getting more practice
sounds like he's doing good
>sounds like he's doing good
By copying Koreans and not Japanese?
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Finished it.
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Drawing this for a commission. Do you see anything bad with it. I usually don't draw anime
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worked on it a bit more
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It's great anon. I just tweaked the vagina area to see if I could make it more appealing.
nice hands and feet
You made it less appealing.
>horse anus
damn. oh well, the original is really good so hope
anon doesn't change it then
Disgusting downgrade
sorry, just ignore it please
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Ignore the trolls that's delicious puffed up anus, your socials?
I find it better
lmao this stupid westoid is too cocky to even consider the very basics
congrats for being a laughing stock for 3 - 4 however the fuck many years you've been posting broken heads with absolute 0 improvement
4 years, really? grim
the hand on her ass and her face are fucked
really good stuff man, very sex
Ignore them, anon. The anus looks great
>westoid pic
>it's so good! wow!
/asg/ has fallen
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I know I could have put more effort into the hands, but in what way is the face fucked?
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her head shape is fucked but i think she looks cute
Leg is too but over all good job
Not those anons but her nose bridge is too high and the slope is too steep, if you look up official art for profile views the bridge is basically at the bottom of the eye and the slope is flatter
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Copying this piece I got from pinterest, just noticed the stripes look AI generated
yeah pinterest is just a slop dumping ground these days

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