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Previous episode >>7383335

>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
comfy op, king
banana won
promptroon lost
I want to draw, but I worked chest and back today, and I feel so sleepy, I cant sit upright for more than an hour without feeling like Im going to pass out. When my broke ass can buy something that lets me work from my bed, I'll level up.
improvement tier list now
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Is this a Nicolaides exercise? What did Ocos and Urazi get out of this?
>What did Ocos and Urazi get out of this?
why not just ask them, sweaty?
Because my desire to give fuel to the thread is stronger than the care for the actual answer.
ngmi mentality. suit yourself, though.
Not my fault you can't recognize rhetoric!
i feel bad for uploading mostly doodles day after day but i'm so tired kek. it's easier to zone out in a game or just doomscrolling than it is to draw sometimes...i need easy escapism. thanks for reading my blog
>do a flip
okay, just for you
>i feel bad for uploading mostly doodles day after day
you're not that important. upload what you like, no one cares.
drawing IS the easy escapism, you're just looking at it wrong!
That's a Viktor Kalvachev exercise, I believe. There's even what he calls a "hatching cloud" at top left.
It's supposed to improve crosshatching.
This >>7395020. When I purposely deprive myself of cheap entertainment, the only thing left to do is draw. And the more I draw the more I want to draw. And if I don't want to draw I can't do anything else to feed goblin brain, so I'd rather draw.
I'm actually breaking my rules being itt right now.
how can a woman look so ugly
Reminder to ignore vagueposting
woman are the ugliest beings of them all, in aesthetics especially, maybe that is a bit extreme, but in 99% of the cases it is just true, the overall features might be interesting, if they actually exercise a healthy amount, but often they themselves desire to have the proportions of some fertility goddesses carving from the neolithic era. i despise how much some of them are willingly reducing themselves to sexual objects through the pressure of their environment. an asexual virgin twink will always be the most beautiful thing to live besides in the world, even better if they keep their delicate features through hrt and stop their body from decaying into the ogreish end-stadium that is male aging, preferably one would need no hormones, but our biology is shackled by either having to choose the bpd drug that is estrogen, or the factory setting of an nostalgia riddled ape that is the average mediterranean unkempt uncle. hopefully one day we can remove sexual reproductive organs completely without ruining the manipulated flesh around it, as for they should not be defiled. i just long for the apokatastasis of mankind, and for that the stolen rib has to be returned.
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Ur mama is ugly and she gave birth to an malform waste of air.
>started a new job
>the sunday is extremely slow

Hell yeah, I lucked out on downtime lottery.
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You got so offended that you forgot to use common sense. That's the only way falling for such obvious bait can be explained.
>you took my bait LOL
How is this different from habitica or todoist?
Stupid idiot 2
there’s no difference except a community
Not a single person read your post in its entirety.
I did. Does that make you livid?
really good thread so far
Interesting theory. Now let's see your house hours.
your whining doesn't exactly make it any better. Be the change you want to see.
Are you ticklish?
do it yourself
Everytime I visit you cunts gallerys I keep repeating to myself that youre all worthless bottom faggots who draw nothing good.
update it if you want tier lists to be made retard
We use this thread to demoralize each other down until there's only one person left
where the paedophile bitches at
Stupid esl.
Anon, you did such a a great job. You answered every question!
I spent too much energy interacting with DADs. I will stop talking for a month to recharge.
talk to me if you want
Interesting implication. Let's see the reasoning that led you to ask for house hours.
>link doesnt lead to the tierlist
>pfp's probably not been updated anyway so whatever
What's the benefit of joining the discord server of this general
You gain access to the community habitica group where your real streak is.
Why the fuck did my left wrist/thumb joint suddenly started hurting yesterday? I did draw a lot (~5 hours is a lot for me) that day but I'm righthanded. It doesn't hurt that bad but is annoying.
I hit a new record of streak today guys :)
>Why the fuck did my left wrist/thumb joint suddenly started hurting yesterday?
without additional info we couldn't possible know
Try to stretch before and after you done drawing (repeat each 2 hours of drawing). On youtube you can find some exercises.

And go to the gym to strength your muscles. If the pain doesn't go away, go look for a doctor.

take care anon
Are we still doing secret santa?
if ones body starts hurting and they havnt achieved anything in life, it is the signal for that their existence is a waste and one should lessen the burden placed upon the world. i myself am waiting, hopefully my time will end in 2025
After wad was banned it was cancelled :(
Really? dang
thanks, I think it got better after some stretches but I'm still baffled why my non dominant hand would get strained. I need to pay some attention to it next time I'm using my tablet for long stretches of time.
he was supposed to do gifts for everyone, too.
mr. banana I am trying to make my first submission but I'm not getting the email verification, I sent you an email to lastartiststanding3@gmail.com <3
btw does anyone know if this is a common issue? I signed up with a hotmail and my friend used a gmail address and they got the verification link sent right away
I hear if you're a deeply closeted gay guy the system knows not to send you a verification link
Well actually I'm not gay at all, straight as an arrow
hmm, well let me ask you a question: do you own a dog house?
No... Hey, didn't I see you at the university of logic yesterday?
maybe you (i.e. one of them gays) meant the university of science, of which I am in fact the professor of logic. you seem nice though, you should have a chicken with me someday.
awww man
you signed up with hot-men
hot male
what are the actual boundaries of the website? i know that edgy stuff and porn is allowed..
but regarding the 2d in 3d challenge, could one upload a picture where one would make a joke with fresh cutting wounds and their character?
I dont think your cry for attention will gain you any support here, regardless of rules
yeah, i think itll most likely just seem like that, ill not do it then. although its a bit sad how strong the topic is in the public eye. i think its healthier than people who smoke or drink, but whatever.
>draw somebody drinking themselves almost to death
wooow my heckin representation, isnt that guy cool and mysterious
>draw somebody cutting
what an edgelord and attention seeking faggot, despite the former killing way more people on a yearly basis then it could ever accomplish
I'm not here to console you over your alcoholic family, anon
dont think so the only things not allowed are pedoshit (not really)
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73 posts and only one drawing
good jobe
what do you mean? there are multiple people who posted progress on a full illustration they are working on
Which dad is the most vulnerable?
>the most vulnerable
to hwat?
obviously me.
You for asking this.
that's obviously a digital painting, not a drawing :^)
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Are these dads in the thread with us right now?
Visited the submissions page and WOW not a SINGLE GOOD DRAWING SO FAR!!! You guys seriously have to put some fucking effort into your shit.
it's because i didn't submit yet :3 (it won't be good either)
why should anyone care what you think about art?
Heheheheh damn I haven't finished a drawing in like a week now. I've been clocking in with 30 minutes worth of lethargic or drunken slop. Help me get my groove back, somebody say something motivating please. PLEASE!!
OK, but this also goes out to all the anons I see who post self-pitying things in their submission titles and descs. You are still putting in the effort even if it doesn't feel like it, and other people recognize that even if you don't. So perhaps the 'need' to finish a work feels awful and oppressive, because you feel lazy and useless, but that just isn't true. Underneath that ugly feeling there is a part of you that really wants to finish a piece because you really want to, because you have something you want to create and share. So go for it anon.
9099 I recommend you use a diary instead of attentionwhoring
Woah that was me! Nice job, what gave it away? That's pretty wise anon. I need to speak my mind once in a while so I can relax, I dont use those gay ass social medias to do it like everyone else. So much for art being an outlet huh? HAHAHAHAIA
That's good advice for everyone, nice job
>I'm only one post off from making it
It's so over...
im wondering who of the other three you are
niggas be drawin' 'n' shiet
Journaling is legitimately good advice, I second this unironically.
9099 damage should just be banned for how much of a toxic asshole he is to people for no reason
wonder how wad's fairing in these trying times
I'm plapping his cheeks as I type this, AMA
how's wad fairing in these trying times?
Everyday he comes up to me crying and telling me hes sad because no senorita will suck his mini Pepito. So I have to give him my own salami stick to sucke on until he stops crying. He's a sensitive soul.
If you're some nerd I was mean to, you had it coming! Not sorry! Cracka
Please, tell me what is the worst thing about my art,What makes it unappealing?
addiction to 3/4ths profile heads, try drawing faces/heads that work better with the bodies you draw. Also with the heads, it seems like they're trying to tuck their chins into their necks (except bottom left).
I don't think this is a productive line-of-questioning, as people simply have different taste. I can imagine plenty of people online seeing your stuff and going (g)a(y)pe shit over it. I personally don't find it appealing, but I tend to like more classical and traditional art.
I see what you mean, Thank you a lot anon
All my art keeps badly flopping compared to my friends, even in the targeted communities, so there must be something in it which repels ppl and makes them not like it. I really want to work on improving it, but I don't know what's wrong
well presumably you want to make stuff that appeals to (you) as well, so I think a better approach would be to provide references wherever you're asking for critiques - whether of your friends' work or other work you would like to emulate which also gets more engagement than yours. also, while I don't know the specifics of where you post your work - and it's not like you have to tell us - perhaps it's worth considering that there are other things you could be doing to improve your engagement aside from simply changing how you draw. I would assume that even in your more particular vein of style and subject matter there are worse artists who get more praise/engagement.
NTA but adding onto the heads thing, they seem a little too big to me (mainly on top right and bottom left, it fits the 2000s style better).
More on top right- you could work on your anatomy, his arms seem too low. If you raised his left (our right) arm higher you could put more emphasis on his fat tiddies by having them stick out of the silhouette.
Your rendering is really great and I love your devotion to your husbando, please don't get too down on yourself!
I actually love your rendering very much and I admire how clean the result is. I’m curious, how long does a piece usually take you? Would you ever post a process vid or maybe a screenshot from your layers or something?
I love this kind of anime look but i can never get it to look right, it always ends up looking sloppy ;(
There's nothing technically wrong for what you're trying to accomplish with this artstyle, but subjectively I just find it incredibly boring, it makes me think of Crunchiroll ads or something very sterilized like that, I just tune out and ignore it
But if you like this style keep going there's nothing wrong with it
Top right looking fucked up. Consider using reference for buff bodies next time.
Thank you anon, I’ve been thinking about it yesterday and I think most of my problems stem from the flat angle/poor perspective which makes the characters not engage much with the viewer. I try to post on platforms with no „algorithm” and it flops there as well, which made me certain the art just isn’t good enough and I really need to change something. The replies have already helped me a lot

Thank you so much anon, I’m really happy to hear it, I will start paying a lot more attention to proportions and anatomy instead of rendering since now on

Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me… I’m extremely slow when I draw, I think 70% is studying the reference. I think the rendering itself doesn’t take so much time, I used to over render a lot and it looked very plastic but I think it’s a bit better now. I would love to help with process/layers, which drawing from my gallery as a whole is your favorite? I switch between two different processes (very clean layers for 00s and overpainting one layer for modern style)

Do you know any similar anime artstyles that you find interesting and would you mind showing me? I think my art is boring as well and that it’s missing „something”

I’m not very good at male bodies yet, I will put more effort in the construction next time
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and they say women are oppressed
what's the silliest way to get myself banned?
I really like the portraits you did on the top left and bottom right, the 2000s style. I think it’s very appealing, I try to emulate it too but like I said it always ends up looking so sloppy, and I end up merging all the layers because I get confused. I don’t know if I’m not careful enough or maybe I’m underestimating how long a render like this takes.
That’s why I’m curious ! And like I said, very admirative c:
generate a loli hitler
track your time as 29 minutes every day and see how long it takes
Seconding this one, thats actually funny
Oh I see!! I think it could be all about the shading layers-- I'm really happy that it appeals to you btw..... I tried to take a screenshot of my layers but I feel like it's really confusing, and then tried to describe the process for 15 minutes but it was a chaotic mess as well (I'm not good at explaining) so I think I'll have to record a timelapse on the part where I do flat colors and arrange the shadow layers, I'm going to work on a 00s drawing in a few days so I'm gonna upload it on dad and link the video in the description
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I forgor about the screenshot but I don't think it helps much, I need to record the video
>more than 5 layers
what is this trash
shut the fuck up
You can't take any criticism? Weak ass bitch, you're never gonna make it.
Huh? You probably get ignored by everyone irl right?
It’s okay, he just really wants attention but thank you for standing up for me
Thank you so much for response and looking forward to it !!! Just seeing the layers is very insightful. It’s interesting that everything is separated (arms/shirt/collar…), because what I do is that I do a layer where all the color flats are and then I add a ‘shading layer’ for the whole thing. I imagine that’s why on my end it gets messy so fast lol. Is there a reason you use masking on the folders and stuff ? Is it just so you know what you’re working on based on the shape ?

Also I’m curious as to what your filling in method is? Like after the line art and before the rendering, just blocking in the color planes. I use a mix of the wand and lasso selection tool but I feel like I always end up with missing little pixels here and there or like ‘filling artefacts’(I wouldn’t know exactly what to call them but I’m sure you know what I mean). I’ve seen people in speedpaints really meticulously paint each area in and I’m wondering if it’s worth doing haha
shitty paedophiles like Sens need to be hanged
>try out pokemon tcg on mobile
>one of the missions for rewards is to register one friend
It's over
Stop playing gay mobile games, and maybe one day, I'll let you be my friend
don't forget Not Important
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what is it with gay people and shit?
We just love eating shit! What else can I say?
dey reach in and eat da poo poo
like a ice cream
that should suffice. thanks for clarifying!
Dumb as fuck challenge.
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4 years of doing this and I'm still drawing like an amateur. Am I ever gonna make it /ic/ bros?
>criticizing others on an artwork/critique board must be a cry for attention :^)
Remind me, which dad are you? I don't want to accidentally give advice or any feedback to the likes of you. Since you're assuming I'm malicious, you should have no problem with making sure I won't interact with you in the future, so give me your name.
>Am I ever gonna make it /ic/ bros?
well it depends on what exactly you mean by "making it": whether you mean it in a strictly technical sense, a commercial sense, or both. but your potential to gain technical proficiency isn't defined by an individual drawing, nor by the sum of your drawings up until this point. if you want advice on how to improve, be clear about how you study and we can see where you can improve your routine. commercial success always includes some element of luck/chance/opportunity/whatever you wanna call it - something outside of what you can control. so will you ever make it in that sense? perhaps not. it's worth considering, if you want commercial success, that most people don't make it in that regard. doesn't mean you shouldn't try, but being realistic can save you a lot of trouble.
as if that is not enough he puts the hand DEEEPAAH
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Well I just want become better in a technical sense, I feel like I'm stagnated and people who started after me got to a much better technical skill level. I can't transfer what I learn to practice. This is the best thing I drew and even though I felt it was good enough it still looks like a wip rather than a finished project
>I feel like I'm stagnated and people who started after me got to a much better technical skill level
that's par the course. some people have more time and/or get better advice and instruction through better resources. how often do you study and what resources have you used up until this point?
>This is the best thing I drew and even though I felt it was good enough it still looks like a wip rather than a finished project
>looks like a wip
well yeah, because you didn't push it that far. only one character has any tone, and it's relatively minimal (hair and socks). also it's on a blank background, which makes it look more like an incomplete idea. incomplete ideas and studies are fine, but if you want something to look finished you need more than just some line and minimal tone. what's the most time you've put into a "finished" piece?
stockings/pants, you get the idea
I see, well I'll try to get out of my comfort zone more often, but before I go I wanna ask for your opinion on that second picture? It was my attempt at drawing different, more dynamic poses. Is it good as it is stands? What would you change about it?
>Is it good as it is stands?
all that really matters is if you like it. you *could* make either character more dynamic - having the standing girl bend down more, say, and having the other girl flail her legs or something - but obviously you can exaggerate poses quite a bit. so I wouldn't say dynamism by itself is desirable. for something like that, it would probably be most productive to see references and artwork which have dynamic poses you enjoy and try to analyze and emulate them - whether that be by copying, or by creating original drawings with a similar degree of dynamism. depending on your purpose you might want/need a pose that's quite stiff. so always try to think about the pose in the broader context of the piece or study.
Well clearly someone isn’t good enough for a level 3 badge.
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>someone doesn't like POOOOOOP
>draw shit
jokes on you, all my drawings are shit by my incredibly high standards :^)
Therefore I'll be drawing shit, even when not.
you sound fat
damn, that nigger 9099 is on some GAY shit
Dont worry babygirl, Im not, I'm 90kg but its ALL muscle B)
Woah gee anon, a nigger and gay? lay off already!
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This new huion tablet isn't bad.
Anyway, fuck 2024. Year of the dragon my ass, more like Year fo the dragon dildo, it's been one pain in the butt after another.

I completely failed to work on my game this year. I'll just pretend 2024 never existed.
>I'll just pretend 2024 never existed
or you could let it serve as a benchmark to surpass in 2025
Can I make a Stupid Retarded Nigger challenge?
you can but, unfortunately, it won't stay up
what exactly would that entail
You can, but its poor sportsmanship to make a challenge suited to something you're significantly better at than everyone else. heheh eheh
you submitting
who should I draw peeing for the pee challenge in all my pee challenge pee drawings guys?
seven frogs with diarrhea
By the way, "2D in a 3D world" challengers, your submissions are being processed by the highest of GeoGuessr autists and your positions are being triangulated as we speak.
shit, piss, cum? what happened to propriety?
I just realized Zernd is that one guy. wonder why he made a new account.
and the scum of the earth, the rapists and pedophiles will reveal themselves by signing up to these challenges
I see, thank you anon this was very insightful.
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definitely not to post any art, lmao
does anybody here relate to having regressed the past years in art? if so, what are your responses to it? my art from 2.5 years ago just looks better weirdly. i wouldnt call it better in how it is done, maybe to a degree, but more so better in soul and character. how could one even counteract that? i feel like returning to the roots, and drawing like one used to, yet wouldnt that just defeat the purpose of the entire last years? it would be like admitting defeat. should one just push forwards and hope that on a yet distant day theyll be a breakthrough grand enough to justify it all?
it kind of feels weird, especially in regards to the other people on dad, because whenever i go through the galleries of others, its at most very slow progression, seldom utter stagnation that im witnessing. maybe it is because of how and what people decide to post? but i just cannot relate to anybody on this site sadly.
Are you pushing your drawings so they look as good as you can get them, or relying on ugly crutches and settling because it looks finished?
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he is
i think so? its not like i used to spend more time. i personally hate overrendered pieces, and think soft brushes are a bane to art, but this shouldnt restrict me, as there are many good artists who have the same mindset. its just that the colour, motive, perspective and general feeling feel disappointing. especially in animation, i cant even replicate what i did months ago
Beauty it is in the eyes of the beholder. I would rub his belly if he let me.
I wasn't talking about being a render monkey
I mean do you settle on your stuff being ugly, not making changes or seeking aesthetic appeal because it's what you're used to? When did you last ask for critique? Are those people used to you saying "that's just my style"
GREAT now I HAVE to join the challenges to keep up my reputation
He doesn't look like how he draws himself
Page 2 and still posting art with AI reference
John Jonhson - No
Porygon 2 - No
Oliviet - No
Fran99 - No
Ray - No
Sunless - No
Fofo - No
Amani - No
King - No
Chooby - No
Calli - No
Alt - No
Ulala - No
Kita - No
Mehl - No
ドリアン - No
Gitgud - No
Soco - No
Donnie - No
Ator - No
Dtier - No
Kerk - No
Outoffear - No
Vastian - No
Seval - No

I CHECKED eveyone on page 2. You LIED. Shameless DRAMA HUNGRY NO DRAW BISH. YS
Post a confession. I've posted other peoples art because I found it funny and I wanted to see DADs critique of it
my DAD crush commented back and it made my week
i suppose im just coping, thanks for pointing it out
I don't remember how it's like to be an absolute /beg/.
Is claiming to spend over an hour on just those few lines reasonable or a sign of foul play in your opinion?

And what about this: https://dad.gallery/submissions/323469 - does it look like 30 minutes of effort to you?
yes, leave them alone
He probably meant page 2 of submissions he's made, not the page 2 of dad users.
Those doodles would take me just 5 minutes and yet people consistently put me in a lower tier than him.
I think either you or Dataizm is lying.
foul play indeed, I say!
My point is proven that nobody can tell
>one guy checks
>(((allegedly))) fails
>"see, no one can tell!"
No one cares it's not like you put DAD on your resume or anything
I don't work as hard as I should
I've never had sex
I like lolis.
Me too
you wish you were king assripper
The shit challenge is made after the shit-eating grin drawer drops streak. What's going on?
>the shit-eating grin drawer
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Rent free!
>I don't like browsing
>browses every day
>types like a retarded toddler

lol stupid bitch lmao
>I don't like browsing the threads but I do it every day and it tires me out and I get annoyed
maybe stop then, you homosexual paedophile rapist
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you just know this took 29 minutes, 59 seconds, and 999 milliseconds to draw
I posted this btw
I want to have sex
if a fair women were willing, I would indeed gain carnal knowledge of her
I wish dad would stop talking about my art in a bad way because it makes me feel humiliated and it makes me horny, it's terrible.
i feel bad about posting my results due to how shit they are
>i feel bad
not enough to stop posting them
If I make a knee fetish challenge will you guys join
In my excuse that wasn't the first draft.
I did a lot of erasing and re-measuring to where I became sick of it
Nice knowing someone is noticing me though. I'll do my best
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Only if its fat knees like this
>posts same thing 3 times
is this how you get your house ahead, chat?
well, yes. i will get better with practice (debatable) but i can still feel the cringe.
How so?
- A Rapist
If its normal knees, sure, keep it normal, like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGVGqeSlglU
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computer issue. lost the progress for this particular sprite and had to make some compromises
resize, unsharp mask, remove background, did the same for the alternate facial expressions and tried to get them to match up with the initial sprite as best as i could. looks noticeably blurry and unsharp masked next to the rest of the sprites but it was a relatively quick recovery
all i know is pain. i'm lucky i didnt have that much progress on the other one i lost
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>Same lame people
>Same low IQ comments
>All personal attacks and not a single counter argument.
>vent thread unhappy about the /ic/ thread
>/ic/ thread unhappy about the vent thread
The Thread doesn't care about the 'vent thread' (crybaby thread) -- it's a joke, to be laughed at.
I draw another day, I win again. I can't stop winning.
I think I have a skin tag on my balls and I keep fantasizing about ripping it out against my better judgment
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>counter argument
>to directionless bitching

I uploaded a drawing from a long time ago because I didn't draw that day, I did this multiple times already.

I'm scared if I ever get caught because a person I'm close with was mad once to another person who did the same thing and called them out on it.
What happened to Courtier?
nigga said "bon voyage", hopped on his dragon, and fucked off to the creatures of the mountains
>he's gone
Good. He wasn't a part of the community for years now (with the way he locked his comments or avoided threads and discord) and he was stagnating really badly. I'm not sure what his goals were, but dad clearly wasn't helping him at all with them.
Also he was a bit of a dick to me.
This bitchy petty community?
DAD is useful but outside of a few people it's attention seekers or people with an axe to grind.
I don't reply to trannies when they comment on my posts
Did you came to your conclusions based on anonymous commentators?
drew yesterday, drew today, gonna draw tomorrow
Don't produce works that attract anonymous commenters.
Produce works that exclusively attract anonymous commenters.
Never allow anonymous comments.
Produce works that exclusively attract anonymous commenters, but never allow anonymous comments.
just always turn your comments off, as if people posting on dad will ever critique any piece, at most its some shallow compliments. and i get it, i like to write anonymously under others art quite often. but to express one liking others isnt the same as hearing it.
the real feedback is within this thread.. even if its ever so rare to see.
Both avenues of comments must be enabled such that the running ratio of anonymous to identified comments may be known.
>as if people posting on dad will ever critique any piece
Have you tried actually asking for critique and putting "CRITME" in the title of your submission?
Because if you think people should give critiques that nobody is asking for, that they would be appreciated or useful, then you're either a retarded nodraw or completely asocial autist.

>at most its some shallow compliments
Lurk moar, newfag. And write blogposts under your submissions if you want to get a discussion going.
I want to draw MORE but I just can't make myself do it
what's your daily schedule like?
I dont have a particular set time for art, I usually do an hour or two before bed
Thats when Ive done everything else that I needed to that day
well what are your typical daily/weekly obligations and how much time do you waste per day on average?
same, but work ties me out badly. i think if i weren't /beg/ i could put more hours into it but as i am i just get frustrated that i'm putting out slop + bored of studying easily after a long day of "upskilling" and doing the corpocuck shuffle
>excuse making
I'm just going to force myself to do 2 hours a day and see if it gets any easier after a couple of weeks and then increase the time
I feel you, just make yourself do more, set a timer and don't stop drawing.
I started doing this yesterday, I was in a rut with only drawing 30 to 50 min scribbles every day, when I've got a huge backlog of stuff I need to finish. Good luck anon.
I'm going to rant about time to draw a little because I just woke up and want to get it off my chest. Working full time, while also working hard at the gym twice a week has been leaving me feeling like I don't have energy for anything lately. When I draw it's usually late at night close to the deadline and I'm sleepy, makes me not want to draw for long and it feels like I'm not in high spirits to draw anything good in the first place. When I get back from work or the gym I just want to lay down, and if feels like I'm using all my willpower to sit at my desk and draw at my computer, shit sucks. I forced myself to draw for 2 hours yesterday, and while I got more done, I was still just tired throughout it and instead of focusing all my attention on drawing "I WANT TO SLEEP" was drilling into my brain and I was more focused on watching the minutes tick by. I feel like that might be a temporary thing though, I'm going to draw for 2 hours for atleast a week and see if I start adapting to it. It'll build character.
good luck, and always remember that you drawing 2 hours is already impressive compared to many others. i myself as an example just do 30 min slop most of the time and lay in bed watching the ceiling for 6 hours. i know that i should draw instead, but at this point i use my meager gallery as a tool to hurt myself.
taking care of your body is also very important, so keep working on it-
Well, I got up to 2 hours tonight and felt ok about it
I think I get hindered a lot of the time by feeling like I need to make good use of my art time, need to either learn something or make something that I can post and share and gain follows from etc
I'm trying to throw out that mindset now and instead focus on the mantra that "Anything is better that nothing"
Even if the 2 hours is worthless doodles that I'm not going to show a soul, that's still 2 hours better spent there than on Youtube or Netflix or vidya
First of all, congratulations for drawing on top of everything else! Second, my advice would be to always keep a sketchbook on you. Life drawing is one of the most valuable and rewarding things out there, and one of the easiest things to do on the go. I don’t know what your commute is like, but if you use public transport you can always draw there. Or during break at work, or once you step out of the gym or something. I draw when I’m out with friends or have appointments I need to wait for, etc.
Basically my point is try to seamlessly integrate drawing into your daily routine. Instead of picking up your phone, maybe pick up your sketchbook for 10-15 minutes. It’s super fun, maybe it will feel like a little bit of a chore at first, but that will quickly subside. I think it’s easier to make it a habit than forcing yourself to sit at your desk before bed.

Just a suggestion though! But whatever works best for you.
Damn. I guess I’m really done for, then… Without the invaluable knowledge you’ve gathered in the secret anime artist Discord server you can’t get into before reaching the 500k follower mark and working fifteen years in the industry, I guess I’ll truly never make it and remain a permabeg until the end of my days

I’m so sorry I’ve been really busy lately and didn’t have time to check on the thread, could you write me a comment under a random submission so I could reply to u later? My anon comments are always open if you’re more comfortable with anon!
>still no name
I wonder why.
I think it's junkven
I need to smite my cock to ohnice's shota art her style is so fucking good it drives me nuts IF YOU SEE THIS I FUCKING LOVE YOUR ART
that nigger's a pedo
I’m sure it’s another one of the pedos giving that compliment anyway
Ah, thanks, it is that dude. I couldn't find him, because I assumed he'd have an active streak.
Ohnice is one of the best artists on this site because she doesn't censor her art for the assholes in this thread. Genuinely a site full of absolute assholes who think they are important and there's like three people that are good and five who's art I follow.
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No one cares, kill yourself
I respect your resilience and preservation, managing to allocate 30 minutes out of the daily 10 hour /ic/ scrolling session in order to keep your daily streak is something to be proud of
I personally hate the idea of trying to gain followers and sucking up to all the mindless Twitter freaks, or just people in general, I wouldn't want the big number. But I can understand a lot of artists are trying to make money, so it's important for them to do that. Your new outlook is good, and I feel that too, a lot of my drawings are shite and unfinished, stuff that I'd feel embarrassed if anyone saw, but I'm still happy I'm drawing and improovin.
Thanks for the advice, I'm like the nega-wad, I don't take any public transport and walk/drive everywhere, but having a sketchbook to draw while I'm doing nothing laying in bed sounds like it'd make me feel more fulfilled!
Thanks! Also you're me, that's what I was doing before it started eating at me enough to make me want to iron it out of my system. Good luck to you too anon!
hey guys. just wanted to soften your worries and let you know that I did in fact draw today. and, as a matter of course, I wholly intend to draw tomorrow as well. just as I had also drawn the day before. take care.
can I please have some sex
you a gay?
zerocalcarers will not stop glazing each other
ohnice is a trooper and a fighter and fuck you if you hater zer/zim!!
As opposed to you who writes your own name in the thread so someone will talk about you """"organically""""
lmao good luck, all my photos are from different countries
I'm a straight male looking to turn a dad into a mom
I start crying everytime I draw I think I need meds
why are you crying exactly?
meds to make you sterile? good idea
is the discord helpful with art crit?
yes but you have to post your cock and balls with a timestamp first to receive it
if you don't know, it's ok anon. i was just wondering
glad I could help, anon
They put in more effort than d/ic/s, but it can be a bit slower as well. Give it a try.
>dumbasses be taking 20+ meds instead of fixing their sleep schedule, diet and exercise lmao.

If you want meds to fix your mood take d3 and a prebiotic, cheaper too. Also runnings free
>implying their sleep schedule, diet and exercise is shit
You're projecting.
yesterday: drew
today: drew
tomorrow: gonna draw
I have a thumping headache but I must do another hour before bed
it was two years ago move on
the tier tourney?
Every time I FUCK I feel guilty because I could be drawing.

Sigh... ngmi.
make incremental improvements and you'll be fine
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i did it you guys... i drew 1000 figgies this year!
>unironically losing his virginity
Just draw mentally at the same time
>note what the hands are up to in each pose
>note which muscles are taking the strain
>note which leg the weight is on
It also helps you last longer because youre mentally distanced
Did you improve?
Can you draw my balls next?
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maybe like a little bit, I should have done more studies between figure drawing sessions or maybe experimented with different mediums. but it was fun drawing with a live model again
post em brother
>a little bit,
>after 1000 figures
Thanks for being honest. I was tempted to do the same challenge as you, but I think I'll skip this one.
Getting just 1% improvement at Ray's level is still a big win.
NTA but what "level" are you talking about exactly? If I spent the whole year drawing and only improved "a little bit" I would consider the year wasted no matter what my skill level is.
If you know you know. You don't, that's fine.
it would not make you improve only "a little bit", but that depends on your skill level and if you understand how to study effectively
skreet niqqas b drawin'
really like the ones in third row
I didnt sleep yesterday, Im back from work now. I am not going to draw well tonight, cant even think of what to draw
>cant even think of what to draw
draw your mother crying
gonna draw
i've done two out of three of these so far
which ones?
i drew yesterday and tomorrow already. drawing today is always the hardest
Sure thing anon, thanks for the request! Ill time for 30 minues
no more drawing... no more... why me...
Well? Where is she?
he posted it on the website
What happened to courtier?
nothing, he was born like that
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the autumn challenge ended but i didn't get a "daily" badge is that because i joined late?
yes. it's a dumb do 90 counter, not something elaborate.
tfw I want to submit but I can't submit
I blame arloc
thread over 300 replies? yeah I'm just going to save my unhinged schizo sexual post for next thread so I can get maximum (you)s
at least SOMEONE has the integrity to drop their streak
At least wait till you're unbanned first
>flawless Autumn Challenge 2024 streaks:
outofearshot, John Johnson, Calli, cranihum, Lemsip, King, Amani, Frytail, la, Ellie, tsutra, donnie, Zalzalur, Kitaabun, ator, Fofo, kerksed, Sunless, Ocos, Urazi, Prinzi, ServalOfChaos, rayminiscule, Christmas Yoshi, mehl, AlternativeD, Joanna, Whizzard, Grabstein, XX9099_DAMAGEXX, Kouzui, Notosh, quad, Bearslime, Oliviet, Apricot, kedskaput, jeejeen, Fran99, kachi, ドリアン, gottagitgud, echo, DTierDaddy
>didn't maintain their flawless streaks from last season:
Cavalier, Phoenie, Kuti_art, Shooshed, ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ The Destroyer of Worlds٩(◕‿◕。)۶, SN, Dachoppa, Sens, Aura
>recent season flawless streak count:
>previous season flawless streak count:
tfw you dont have a flawless streak because you took to many hormones and had a mental breakdown on one day..
Thanks for the recap, valuable poster
Im back from the gym! I put in insane work today, god Im strong, I made some fat manlet angry and people checked out my calves! Im also exausted, so Im not going to work on any of my actual projects right now.
Any open ended drawing suggestions please? Quiiiick! QUIIICK!
(Shame Phoenie lost his streak, the furries are losing power. Didnt banana fuck something up? I think Phoenie shouldve just lied and said he couldnt upload because of site issues and got his streak back. Oh well. Good job to all the flawless'ers!)
>Phoenie shouldve just lied
unless he actually cares about his character and long-term art goals.
Pheonie lost a streak but won the respect, pretty good for a furry
Phoenie walked so we could run
can we do homer figting spongebob challenge? drawing
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today's failures.
I failed today, but not in regard to drawing
>kaz posts once and then disappears AGAIN
What should I draw tomorrow?
something you find beautiful - which is different from lust. the first thing that comes to mind.
it has to be deliberate
youre on do art daily RETARD
some dads are too big time for us please understand
riddle me this:

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