// PLEASE CHECK THE LINKS BELOW BEFORE REQUESTING ///Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.PLEASE ENCODE YOUR LINKS BEFORE YOU POST THEM HERE!Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!>Artbooks:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZvbGRlci8xN2F4cGY0ZDdrMDV1L2FydGJvb2tzI215ZmlsZXM=>The /ic/ Torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0aebc0f02e6c179b62e04c69af3e5adee3abee12&dn=IC-STUDY>Can't find it? Want it? Try looking here first:https://e-hentai.org/tag/artbookhttps://e-hentai.org/tag/how+tohttps://annas-archive.org/>I don't know how to use these links!>Are they encoded somehow?>What the hell do I do with them?We're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing them as URLs and harvesting/reporting them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.>Have you seen them?https://pastebin.com/UxwtuAzp... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:>Vanillaware Official Artbook: Vanilla Mania!>ヴァニラウェア オフィシャル アートブック Vanilla Mania!aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC81STVFZ3Q=
>>7394863Thanks friend!
Alien: The Weyland Yutani Report Collectors Edition.I've been hunting for a scan of this and about on IRC and haven't been getting lucky, does anyone have a decent link or scan themselves?
Is anyone planning on scanning Eye by Mai Yoneyama or the Chocolat Cadabra Archives artbook? I would be very thankful if so.
Anyone have the new wipeout book?
>>7394190So... It exist?
>art analysis manual>There are many aspects that can be analyzed in a drawingyes>but ironically I have never found any hyper-technical art book that teaches you how to break down those concepts as a whole to know how the artwork itself worksreading any art history booksfind any art history book, it's usually wordy and the reproduction of the art is retarded in PDF. you have to find physical copies
>>7395074The problem with these art history books is that 75% of the "analysis" they do is symbolic, they comment on the historical context, symbolism and meaning; but they never analyze the technical aspect and of the little they talk about they say things like "Here in this painting done by McFreddo II of Swatcheland a painting technique was used that consisted of using bird shit for this painting of the Virgin Mary" and that's it.
Not a artbook, but Foudo's youtube channel got deleted. Anyone have a archive of his tutorials?https://web.archive.org/web/20240712183755mp_/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56y-oRK7EKg
Does anyone have this book? Plis anons save my ass.
>>7394472It's the same one
>>7394863>no previous thread updateWhat a worthless moron of an OP. Piss off.
Anymore Shane Glines books to look out foR?Also, still wondering why the new Art of Shane Glines book that was linked in the last thread was 2 pages short. No hate to the anon who posted it, just curious
>>7395880Those were the pages were he revealed his secret drawing knowledge, can't share them here, it's too powerful.
>>7395880>get expensive rare book>needs more
>>7395880Anon how many fucking times do I have to tell you that the original uploader probably didn't take pictures of the two blank pages that you're so obsessed about. He was taking pictures of his book and decided that the blank ones were not worth the trouble. It's two fucking pages let it go, this shit is common with DIY scans.
>>7395880those 2 exact pages are what this anon >>7394190 is specifically looking for!WE need a rescan!
>>7394863Hey anons someone told me to ask hereSo years back there was a mega that had a huge list of resources for drawing lolishttps://mega.nz/#F!UcNG2AiT!jeyWwP1gtQXXz6R29o5bgw!sddDyarDI only managed to save one book, I'm pretty sure a couple books are already on sadpanda but not all of it was uploadedDid anyone save everyone from this mega?
>>7395921I'm not talking about the phone pictures im talking about the art of shanes glines pdf. Its probably the same case anyway
>>7396061link doesnt work
>>7394863Requesting this book pleaseThe Art of J C Leyendecker by David Saundershttps://books.google.com.my/books/about/The_Art_of_J_C_Leyendecker.html?id=H4kK0AEACAAJ&redir_esc=y
Why everyone is requesting books that's are available online? You're supposed to request books that's RARE, NO LONGER PRINTED and NOT AVAILABLE AS EBOOKs to purchase. Support the artist/authors as much as you can, retard.
>>7394919>Eye by Mai Yoneyamai'll try eventually if no one still scanned it and once i manage to get a decent mobile scanning setupalthough i'm not planning to destroy my copy so expect a photograph of the pages and not an actual scan
Oppai no Nuri Kata 100-bai Ecchi ni Miseru TechniqueHow to paint boobs - a technique that makes them look 100 times more erotichttps://e-hentai.org/g/3151802/c7d272ee89/
>>7396220congrats anon, that was an IP grabberjkjk...or am i
>>7396369that's not how IP grabber works, anon
Requesting Loputyn books
>>7394863>>7394900>Previously, on Artbooks (>>7360873):Here's the updated recap file:aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvbm41QmhBSUwjRUp5QXFObnl3SWx3clVHNkZRc1NweS13VEtUbTR3OU9YU1dGWlpYU1Ywbw==A lot of what we are posting lately (myself included) are gofile or catbox links that last for about a week-and-a-half. At least if they were in the file, *somebody* had them.
>>7394863>>7396570>Shane Glines instagram sketchesaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9aQmJSN2o=>配色事典 大正・昭和の色彩ノート - A Dictionary Of Color Combinations aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvUTI0RlNCUkQjMjhPUHdrVmRsQkFBY3JIYlRfUGtqRXp2UnNMSmtJSDJYcTV1R2tncm1KUQ==>Learn How to Draw Manga Poses for KidsaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9laXhPSHU=>Manga Basics, Faces, and Poses (all three books!)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9TVUxSV2Y=>ポーズアイデア&模写に使える!イラストスキルアップのための絵の練習ノート 3月号aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9LRm81d1o=>ポーズアイデア&模写に使える!イラストスキルアップのための絵の練習帳4月号YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5c04zWmFUVEk9>Atelier Ryza 2 Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy Official Visual Book (JPG, 96.1 MB)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ycktoeXA=>Tom Fox AnatomyaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9HWW1kbFQ=>Artists' Master Series: Perspective & Depth, Composition & Narrative, and Color & LightYUhSMGNITTZMeTl3YVhobGJHUnlZV2x1TG1OdmJTOXNMM1kwUTFsNVptZGo=>絵の練習帳お試し版YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5bVNXMWhhbGc9>ポーズアイデア&模写に使える!イラストスキルアップのための絵の練習2023年2月号 絵の練習帳シリーズ>Plus Drawing Practice BookYUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5UVJqRjNVa2M9>Shane Glines' S-Curves, Vol. 2aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlLzlmMXFjOGVzMWx5djA1cS9TK0N1cnZlcytUaGUrQXJ0K29mK1NoYW5lK0dsaW5lcytWb2wuMi56aXAvZmlsZQ==>The Art of Shane Glines in ColoraHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlL3F2aWJncDJqZmpuamRvby9UaGVfQXJ0X29mX1NoYW5lX0dsaW5lc19pbl9Db2xvci5wZGYvZmlsZQ==>Jes Goodwin's Eldar SketchbookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9DcEJiZ0s=>Jes Goodwin's The Gothic and the EldritchaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ZazF5dzA=>Adventure Time: the Art of OooaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9MV1U4QkQ=>Vermis, Vol. 1aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9uNklKdEk=
>>7396349For those who don't have enough GP:aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9jNTFYV3g=
>>7396332Thank you.
Anyone have the arcane concept artbook?
>>7396713it's on e-h
>>7396578Downloaded the 3D total books. Been looking for two of those everywhere. Thanks, anon!
>>7396733Thanks broski
>>7395074>>7395083>>7394190Vision: Color and Composition for Film does this, it isn't "hyper technical" but it breaks down line, shape, value, color, light, camera work, and composition, their uses, their different components, and how to study them for your own work. When I read it the first time I felt like I was re-learning how to see. Even if your goal isn't narrative art it's one of the only books I have seen break down every single element completely on its own to study. It also doesn't build up like most books do, after the introductory chapter you can read the book in any order.
Anyone interested in the Mitch Leeuwe books?
>>7397541yes! Especially the draw and paint backgrounds
Guilty Gear - Unaired Drafts Collectionhttps://litter.catbox.moe/ibnk1b.7z
I love looking at artbooks and fantasizing about having their level of skill before promptly not drawing. Anyway, post more artbooks pls.
>>7397182Anyone got a good copy of this? The one on the usual book sites have issues, out of order, missing pages.
>>7396733>>7397076I'm curious. Do you all actively participating on e h? I checked the rules, and looks like they have something like private tracker's rules. You need to upload something popular, so you get points, then you can download the images/books.
>>7398372I made an account and can download books with torrents freely. But those without existing torrents are paywalled.I hate the system. Is there a way to bypass it to download ~2GB art books without a torrent?
>>7395880>>7398370>muh missing pagesI suppose you're the resident sperg of this thread.
Anyone can share the updated "Takuya Kakikata English tutorials"? The latest torrent on e h is missing pages.
>>7397645>missing pagesBruh...
>>7398789This one is 138 pages.aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9xa0RwbDc=
>>7399044This got flagged.
>>7399044>this file contains virus or malwarehow tf did you manage to trigger this, when no shared file before managed to?Quite an achievement.
>>7398395>I hate the system. Is there a way to bypass it to download ~2GB art books without a torrent?There are some newer safeguards built into the system to limit downloads using browser add-ons like Tampermonkey, but you could always earn enough Credits to buy Gallery Points at the GP Exchange. The exchange rate is pretty good: 1c to almost 4 GP.
>>7399082>>7399085I'll be darned. Even when I went to download my own file, my browser said the same thing! Try this link instead; I did not get the same warning.aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvRFpKQXlJVEkjVDlOQzhvTzh1dnNmMmNVTnVWNEZIWGsxLUpUbU5na3BpN1BYdjBNclhxdw==
>>7399089How do I farm credits effectively?
>>7399098thanks for your service o7But before I download it, I let the other anon unzip it first tee-hee
>>7399101>How do I farm credits effectively?Just playing the Hentaiverse game will take forever, but my character acquired a rare magic sword that I sold at auction for 80 million credits. That buys a *lot* of GP!You could earn Hath by running the "Hentai-at-Home" (H-at-H, hence "Hath") distributed server software, but I need my bandwidth for other things. A single unit of Hath goes for about 2500c, as it is hard to come by *unless* you run Hentai-at-Home.I got a couple of perks by fulfilling bounties which, yes, means spending actual real money, but less than even one decent artbook would cost.
Does anyone have a download for the dungeon meshi bluray scans? There's no torrent on the panda upload and it's too many credits to direct download.
>>7399044>>7399082>>7399085>>7399098I'm the one who asked this >>7398789 . Even as I wrote it, I know someone would upload virus-ridden files. Especially when there's someone above who really hates the "missing pages" complaint. Fuck you guys. I'll just wait for him (Takuya) to make his patreon.
>>7399434>Especially when there's someone above who really hates the "missing pages" complaint.That's just someone rightly calling you a mentally ill retard.
>>7399497not that anon but whats the problem with noting there are pages missing?
why is the quality of tenten's book so shit? Is there a version with better quality?
guys, sorry, im retarded. none of these are working, I just put magnet:?xt=urn:btih:before the code right? none of them are working for me...
>>7399559Read the OP
>>7399565I decoded OP link twice and I still couldn't get it to work
does anyone have plastiboo's new book
>>7399434>I know someone would upload virus-ridden filesI didn't put any virus or malware in >>7399044, anon... I was as surprised as you were when it came back with a warning. Maybe there's something weird about the way gofile treated my ZIP archive (that's where the first link goes). I don't know.That's why >>7399098 is at a different, *safer* place than gofile.This is 4chan. You don't have to trust me. If you're >>7395701, maybe that's just the kind of person you are. If you've been coming to these threads for as long as I have, though, you'll know that there are still honourable men amongst this den of thieves.>>7399559>none of them are working for me...So... you're not a fan of The Fifth Element (>>7396578)?
>>7399155>Does anyone have a download for the dungeon meshi bluray scans?Ooh! I saw that yesterday, and *almost* grabbed it for myself... but it's 139K GP! Is it really that good?Also, I forgot to mention in >>7399107 for >>7399101's benefit, if you upload a gallery that gets lots of downloads, or set up and seed a torrent for a gallery (even someone else's gallery!), you get GPs whenever someone downloads from your gallery or completes a download of your torrent.
>>7399620I don't want to go to jail.
>>7399614>So... you're not a fan of The Fifth Elementthats why I'm saying I'm retarded: I've done this before a long time ago, I just dont remember the process, do I decode it more than once? and once I do, do I just put the "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" before hand? its just coming up "invalid" to me, sorry...
Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light & ColorBook by Kevin MacphersonPDF only please other wise don't bother
>>7399155>>7399620>139K GP>6.5GBIt's a bloater!aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9Ca2x1amY=
>>7399682Not big on Pulp Fiction then either, I take it?
>>7399803Does the sign at the front of my /ic/ say "dead prebeg storage"?
>>7399792The size is seriously retarded, it must have taken some time to even upload onto e-hAppreciate it anon
Foudo's YouTube channel got hacked and purged, anyone have backups of his videos?
>>7399803holy shit, I swear to god I did everything I just did before and it works now. thanks for not giving up on me...
>>7399843literally who? also this is ART BOOK thread, RETARD
>>7399827>The size is seriously retardedI appreciate the effort the poster went through; he scanned everything meticulously and posted enormous PNGs of everything. You're right, though the size is ridiculous.Here are three issues of Animage I picked up from EH:aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9kSE9zQW4=
>>7399816I love that the weapons in this Pacific Rim poster leading up to the tanker are the three things Butch considers in the pawn shop when he goes back to rescue Marcellus.
>>7399941A art YouTube who did videos discussing composition and coloring. It's art preservation related so should it have not gone here?
>>7400107He already has a new channel up and otherwise you can find his old channel on the internet archive
Does anyone have Marco Bucci's new book?Would really appreciate it. His explanations always worked the best for me
>>7400107which part of the word BOOK you don't understand?
>>7394863Poor fag requesting this onehttps://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09KC4DJLQ
>>7394863Today I just got a bunch of notifications from mega that about 30 files that were shared via mega here on /ic/ in the past few years (when we used to have the mega links up more often) just became unavailable because of reportsI haven't even been here for a year or shared my own links, but this is a precautionary tale: anything you download from a mega link, download to your own, non-mega related storage (not simply adding it to your own mega). If you don't have a NAS, this kind of stuff is only going to get more frequent with services like Google drive and mega. If it's not on your own server you do not own your data.
>>7401059I still maintain our thread recap file, but so much of what we've done lately is gofile links that last a week-and-a-half... at least if it's in the recap file, there's a *chance* it will still be available and - more importantly - *somebody* had the book, and might still be around to repost it.
>>7401059You guys aren't downloading to a hard drive?
>>7401127I dont want viruses
>>7401133Do viruses even exist anymore? I download fucking whatever and I don't remember catching a virus since Vista
>>7401127Forgot to mention that yes, everything in my mega is backed up to my local NAS
>>7394863How can I download ?
>>7401204The book in the OP? Nintendo 64
>>7401107T-thanks anon
Anyone interested in these? I just got them
>>7401204>How can I download ?How do you feel about The Fifth Element (>>7396578)?
>>7401284very interested
>"you're not really wanna learn and integrate the knowledge in your work, you just wanna hoard the books as if they're pokemon."how should I answer this?
>>7401549>you just wanna hoard the books as if they're pokemon."yes i do
>>7401549I've not found the ultimate pre/beg/ anime book yes, that's all.>pokemoni wouldn't mind more pokemon books.
>>7401549That's >>>/po/.
>>7401284They need to have a better branding/internet presence or less retarded logo. I tried googling "M studio anatomy" and didn't find these books.
>>7400410I checked the TOC. Honestly it just sounds the stuff he kept saying on youtube. I don't think you'll get anything new if you've seen all of his popular videos.
>>7394863Why don't you buy these books? They're not expensive and reading off a screen sucks.
Why don't you buy a Corvette? They're not expensive and driving a Toyota Camry sucks.
>>7401637I don't know about your location. But importing books add a lot of costs in some countries. Crazy shipping fee, crazy tax/duties, crazy handling and other fees. I just buy a few physical books, and pirate the rest. Won't share the books I bought. They aren't great anyways. Artbooks suck.
>>7401637>30 euro a book>want more than one bookI could spend 100 euro on just buying ones that seem good and another 100 on actually good books and still only have three books.
>>7401637I own a bunch of artbooks, but i still like to have them in digital form to easily access them.
How many physical artbooks do you guys own?
>>7401929Five or six
>>7401929like 20
>>7401929I will buy some after I leave prebeg.
>>740192920, 30? I'm currently between places, so can't have an exact number. Brought 3 with me. About to fetch a few more from my stash this Christmas, and thinking about buying some more soon.PDFs are fine for quick lookups, or when you're out, but good quality, printed books are a must have if you're serious about learning art. PDFs are awful to study from for extended periods of time, especially if you're trad.
>>7401929At least 50
>>7401929151+ I collect OOP retro anime books as well and setting materials from old shows.
>>7401059dang they're really out to get us this timegood thing majority of the most asked for books here have already been reuploaded to ehentai
>>7401929I got at least ten
Are animation books allowed..? Requesting this pleasehttps://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4772604618
>>7401929I've got about maybe 5/6. I'm mostly limited by my current bookshelf space at the moment.
>>7401929Here are some.
>>7402528>>7402529>>7402531>>7402533any scans of those?
>>7401929>How many physical artbooks do you guys own?It's late ... not gonna bother to count tonight. This is an (admittedly older) picture of my shelf with just the manga drawing books on it. I have other shelves full of Hobby Japan and art books that are *not* about learning to draw like Chris Achilleos, Ian Miller, and Kenichi Sonoda.>>7402503This looks familiar. Let me see if I have it floating around somewhere...
>>7401929probably 2 if it wasn't THAT EXPENSIVE on the delivery. most of my books are kindle and ebooks
>>7394863requesting Arthur Christmas artbook
Some more.
>>7400410seconded because I hate video courses
>>7402764>>7402765>>7402766>>7402767why they're in plastic? are they for studies or hoarding syndrome?
>>7402792do you really have to ask
>>7402766Love HAL's work - especially with the original Macross. Here are the two that I have digitally:YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOWlkWGRSZDFsdlVTTlFMV04xVVRGR1VtdElXRXREZFVaWmJEbHRXWFozYUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOW1OM2N3YUVzM1lpTnlWV3BmU2xGRVdrdDViWHBpYTBaMFdqVklVelpS
What am I meant to think when I see artbooks like this? This is scott harris, he's huge on udemy, but then he draws super off shit like this. can he just not do anime but really wants money?
>>7403261I am posting /beg/ books so what would you even expect.
>>7403218I would just discard whatever he has to say or teach.
Getting this tomorrow. I might be able to upload it for you guys if there's an easy enough way to scan it.
>>7403468o thank you if you're able to. love this guys stuff
>>7403354So what can I get for pre/beg/ manga figure drawing?
>>7403218Yes, scott harris a fucking meme.>>7403261Why does he need to "pyw" you retard?
>>7401929Almost 2 billy shelves, but some of those are also just guides with some art in them.
Requesting The Art of Onward
>>7402574>This looks familiar. Let me see if I have it floating around somewhere...Appreciate it!
>>7401929- Toshiyuki Inoue's books on effects (fire and water), how to animate walking cycle- Dennou Coil Gengashuu- Star Driver Gengashuu- Mitsuo Iso's Animation Works Vol 2Not artbook per se, but I also have Tatsuya Tanaka's ANIMANLLUST book which contains a lot of interviews with Tanaka.I'm poor now though. Wish I have more money to buy animation artbooks but most of them are only sold on mandarake at higher price than the original.
>>7404071No luck, I'm afraid. Maybe somebody asked for it before, and that's why the cover looked like something I already had.This book about animation effects was the one I had stuck in my head:aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvZlpRVWdEakEjLXFRMi02Q25Rd001TlFfcGt6QnNEVk9WVDROT1RPLXQ1Ry1WZ1pDNkVJZw==
>>7403468what a beast
>>7404207Oh. Thanks for searching though!
what should I look for to find clothing reference books?
>>7405017nvm I found something https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTSWI_o-i9EwV58L1UH8uQWzEBySeIsCHexsU1M5niMdBD3jIihqGOmbmM7uTGVYkCjt95XEKcIZnqJ/pub
>>7401549>how should I answer this?Meowth! That's right!
>>7405267I wish I had your dedication.
Anyone have this book?>>7405029This looks useful, thanks anon
Anybody have cracks or pdfs for these books?|Mostly interested in these two, but the far left would be nice too: Far Right: "animating ugoki the first steps to telling movement fundamental lessons for animators" Animation <Ugoki> No Guidebook Tsutawaru Hyogen No Kiso KozaMiddle book: Toshiyuki Inoue "Thinking About Walking" "Thinking About Effects" 3-volume set of setting materials and technique books Onegaishimasu anon sans
Animation books that focuses on fighting?
>>7405416I'm just a third world wagie. My friend who codes for a living went full consoomer.
Does anyone have a working link to Alex Ahad's Skullgirls artbook that was linked in the previous thread? Looks like it got taken down.
>>7403521How is manga figure drawing different from 'normal' figure drawing?
>>7406517The Skullgirls Digital Sketchbook?aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9RV3lZaTI=
>>7406557Oh man, thank you so much!
>>7405876hayama junichi's action pose book
>>7406631also yutaka nakamura's bookshttps://e-hentai.org/?f_cats=767&f_search=Incompleteness
Requesting: Mushoku Tensei II - Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Blu-ray Special booklet, from season 1 and 2, it's 6 books, 4 from s1 and 2 from s2
Anyone got this one?
>>7407687Homare? haven't heard that name in years
>>7407224Buy it yourself then, leech.
>>7406968Always check sadpanda/e-hentai before askinghttps://e-hentai.org/?f_search=mushoku+tensei+artbook
Kurumitsu - 「キャラクター」のデザイン&描き方 カラフルポップで魅せるイラスト技巧https://e-hentai.org/g/3161828/e9c3c1cdd1/
>>7407836>>7407843Everything is so blurry.
>>7407980Buy the book then.
>>7408009thank you for your feedback
>>7407836I know it's there but it's unusable at that quality and I have no GP. I beg you hoardmasters to download these book.
Anyone have "Kuroboshi Kohaku Rouge"? His Blanc book is on the usual places but not this one.
>>7408804>>7408834>>7408406>>7408009>>7407687>>7406968Get a job.
>>7408096You're welcomeBeggars can't be choosers >>7408406Download the torrent???
Have you seen this book?
>>7408870i live in the banana coin land, anon. 6 days per week, 8 plus hours, surrounded by niggorinos
Looking for this character design book
>>7409658are you serious right now
>>7409708Dead fucking serious
>>7409708man I found this book months ago on twitter and lost the link, now that I finally found it again it's when it's been posted before. Can't blame for not expecting that
Anybody got an account with OpenL? I'm trying to translate picrel but it doesn't translate pdf files w/ free accs. I tried deepl but it spews out retarded nonsense. Any help would be highly appreciated.Link to pdf https://litter.catbox.moe/rd85e4.pdf
>>7408870Get a life
>>7408870>>7409866Make out
>>7409764just screen shot each page and translate it one by one manually (like scanlation) and recombined them as pdf/cbz
>>7409764anon come on now... its pretty shrimple ==___==
>>7410137what's the app/extensions?