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Being an artist is hard. Don't you agree?
>Being [a successful] artist [for a long time] is hard. Don't you agree?
Except you can just post 30 minute sketches and get thousands of likes, the painter spent months on that painting.
Both of this /beg/ related.
First one is selfish and see all of his stuff like a "treatment" for everybody, second one is afraid to be cringe by posting anything what he wants(low effort fun doodles for example) and see it as a responsibly
First one does it for the love of the craft the second one wants numbers.
I'm pretty sure the first one was being paid for it, tho.
not to mention that
>everything I've ever worked for
for the second one could also refer to a commercial enterprise or the audience to eventually attempt being a commercial artist
someone who draws cartoon dogs comparing themselves to leonardo dogvinci. lol
Yeah being a /beg/ is fun as fuck so much shit to draw and you make progress every day
basic bitches and dumb vehicles are worse than cute anthro dogs tho
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This. I've reached the bare minimum for being able to draw something and people can kinda sorta recognize it as the thing I want to draw, so it feels like the world's my creative oyster.

I imagine folks with skill fret over details I am still too /beg/ to notice and therefore be bothered by.
sex with pajama pants dog
Generation of slop for the sake of product
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being an artist is easy compared to all of the other shit life throws at me
I like this Jessi
i love how the image implies that every artist from 1500 is still remembered to this day kek
>every artist from 1500 is still remembered to this day
Remembering them is called "being cultured"
You wouldn't know, animetard
I'd recommend reading the book Of Human Bondage by Maugham. It's a 1915 novel about a simp wannabe artist who moves to Paris to attend art school and chase the dream of become a professional painter. Your public library probably has lots of copies of it
cute doggy
the only benefit to my failing to gain any social following is that my income is not dictated by mark zuckerberg
forget the 1500’s, this thread is activating the 10,000 B.C. hunter-gatherer dog-molesting genetic memory of the caucasian people. Or dog people were real in Europe. Both are equally terrifying
The fact that they're a furry invalidates whatever point they might have had
For being fair, Da Vinci died cursing himself for misusing his talents. Supposedly his last words were:

"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have"

If Davinci says this, what about us?
its ok to die without having made it
I've already surpassed da vinci when I became at peace with my /beg/ scribbles being /beg/ scribbles.
Simply because there's barely any artists that are capable in the 1500's. Whereas in 2020 every tranny zoomies living with their parents couod be an artist
I'm just not the kind of person to die. I would never do this.
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>Every single day
Almost every single successful internet artist I know posts two pieces a week or will just disappear for six months and come back with a 35-page comic. some of them work harder than others but still, chasing the algorithm appears to be a complete meme.
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Are you fucking kidding me? Being a /beg/ is agonizing, it's hours of sitting there agonizing over the 10000 "correct" resources all screaming different things to start with, then starting and getting aneurysm-inducingly mad over the fact that your study copy that you thought was going well isn't doing so, then going and fixing the errors, then finding that the "fixes" did way more damage to the whole thing than there was to begin with and the whole thing is unsalvageable, then spending the rest of the day exhausted and shaky. There is NOTHING fun about starting drawing. It is agony. It's a howling abyss of mistakes you think you're fixing, but aren't and can never do so, no matter how constructively you try and look at it.
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>The world will remember it for centuries after my death
First of all, didn't Da Vinci specifically wanted his works to die with him once he passed away? I don't have source for it, but I remember reading it once.
Second of all, no artist from any field or any period ever envisioned themselves as a legend outside of transient fantasizing. The thought of them thinking back then that they will be remembered after their death is inherently retarded.
Third of all, this artist is glossing over the fact many artists that are legends today died in misery at their time. You seriously think Van Gogh was all like "oh yeah, I will be remembered" as he literally killed himself?

This strip is stupid.
I don't take myself that seriously
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the artist /knows/ people want to fuck her dogsona lolololol
Pretty much yes. You basically have to draw all day everyday if you want to be able to make it. It's a very complicated and demanding job. To me that's the hardest thing about it. Being able to draw and paint all the fucking time, and also doing it fast. I can paint a nice picture, but churning nice pictures out almost everyday is a whole different story. Good artists are so productive that it makes you dizzy thinking about how they were able to do this. I think you just gotta mentally end your life and simply accept a fate of sitting in front of a paper making lines everyday. Like "yes, that's my destiny, I will just sit in front of a paper for the rest of my life", and be ok with it.
dumb argument. you can love our craft and expect payment. one artist is uncompromising in the quality of his works, wants to provide good products, and payment is an affirmation of it. for most x artists it's just what ever is good enough to game the algorithm. x artists don't care about craft. they care about anime and fandoms and algorithms.
I read that book. He was a cuck. Not even a joke. Typical fan of impressionist paintings.
>you can love our craft and expect payment.
never said otherwise
>one artist is uncompromising in the quality of his works, wants to provide good products, and payment is an affirmation of it. for most x artists it's just what ever is good enough to game the algorithm. x artists don't care about craft. they care about anime and fandoms and algorithms.
that's an uncharitable, simplistic, and ultimately wrong way of describing it. I'm not even particularly a fan of anime or a lot of the styles you tend to see on xitter, but depending on the sort of style you're going for there's going to be different heights of skill. and even within a "lesser" genre or style, if you don't reach the upper end of skill, that doesn't mean you don't care about it or aren't trying. plenty of people - regardless of the style - try for years on end to get better, but they're either ignorant or don't have as much time as others to put into it so their progress is markedly slower. much like you can care about both craft and monetary gain, so too can you simultaneously care about both craft and fandom or the algorithm - they're not mutually exclusive. just because one might be subordinate to another doesn't mean the lower-ordered one isn't of concern.
The "hard" part is needing to get creative when you aren't in the mood for it. Too sleepy,too burnt, no energy to get out of bed let alone draw. As to Making Art being hard,that is entirely dependent on your intentions with it. I can't imagine a greeting card illustrator struggling with capturing the penultimate cartoon housewife to accompany the husband's birthday joke. But it will make money irregardless. Look at newspaper comic strips as well,most very minimalist, and yet tell their stories and have their devotees. You can fill a template with an interesting texture, and reskin all sorts of things,even put them on tshirts and such.
she's 100% into it, guaranteed. wouldn't be surprised if she self inserts as the dog and draws porn of guys fucking her sona.
Me on the left, in the middle, on the picture, and on the right
What a slutty fucking dog
hopefully she is, and I say that BECAUSE
if she isn’t into her sona being sexualized and all that, than it would suck. If she is into it, it would probably be rly cool
sexo dog
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>also posts softcore porn of herself and hardcore porn of her avatar
why are women like this?
based but too skinny
i see orenji had a similar impvlse
Survivorship bias
>too sexually
no such thing
I'm straight, so as far at I'm concerned, any drawing of a female is sexual
how do I create such a sexy character?
based but not skinny enough
It's what these closet pervs do. They like having their cake and eat it too. The fact of the matter is to draw good nsfw you need to be a perverted degenerate to some degree. People like this fag, like to pretend as if though they've by some freak accident stumbled into the world of nsfw art and now have to suffer the consequences because of circumstances outside of their control. It's not even some playing hard to get thing, the fag is calling nsfw art world disturbing trying to distance themselves from the decisions and choices they're making to bait coomers. You don't magically build a degenerate audience. That shit is cultivated. You can't wake up one day and be like, uh what the fuck? Why are you all here? It's like the girl that decided to fuck 100 dudes and starts crying after 20 something dudes like we're supposed to feel sympathy for her.
they're sly attention generators.
we could learn a thing or two. God I wish I was this good at making clout instead of being a deadfish overlogical brute retard

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