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File: NakedWomanFinal.png (149 KB, 1296x914)
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Back from the dead and started drawing again, what have my fellow pixel artists been up to?
My most recent work is this one, took me 37 hours. Will prob. work more on it the next days.

(I don't have the old thread copypasta anymore and I'm too lazy to look for the archive)
>(I don't have the old thread copypasta anymore and I'm too lazy to look for the archive)
Fuck you.

Previous thread [Link to previous thread]

> Rules:
- Resize your images before posting!
- Binary art allowed if its low resolution.
- Converted/Photobashed images are not allowed.
- NSFW allowed.

> Resources
How do I learn pixel art ?
Where do I learn those things?
What software do I use ?
Where can I share my work ?

Check this out




Also, buy and or pirate the book Pixel Logic, it breaks down pixel art to a science, use Lospec palettes and limit the amount of colors to a healthy amount , usually below 32, learn hue shifting, silhouttes/thumbnailing, follow prominent pixel artists on social media to study them, use the spriters-resource to study game art and understand what works, and start small like the other anon said. Smaller canvases 8x8 - 48x48 pixel canvases force you to learn things because there's not much of a choice, limited palettes force you to understand color theory.
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Some more of my recent work, took me 6h to make.
thats fucking sick
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Thanks Anon

Here is an old drawing I reworked, 63 hours of work put into it.
quality shit anon
need me a game with this type of pixel art, got any socials so i can see more of your work?
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Thank you, really appreciate it, I have a twitter:

Finally finished the middle eastern girl drawing
How long have you been drawing? How long have you been doing pixel art? How long did you need for this? What's your process? Just draw and scale it down? Draw and then try to redraw it at lower res?
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Been drawing for 4 years, in which all these years were pixelart, never did traditional or digital. For the Mist one 6h, for the girl 28hours, for the dragon 63 hours.
My process is a sketch of the shape then just rendering the texture and refining the shape. Idk how to draw digitally so I can't do any of that scale it down shit.

Also current WIP
followed, hope your account grows more, you deserve it.
also, stunning piece, i can render but rendering like this in pixel art seems like a shitload of work, all those 60 hours are pretty intimidating.
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Thank you!
Out of those 28hours 21 were spent on the character. This was my second attempt at anatomy at a higher scale which was hard and I really took my time with it.
This was the first attempt 2 years ago.
great colors, composition and it feels pretty dynamic for a character literally just sitting, i feel like theres more unity in the shading in your recent ones, so i can see the improvement.
what is pixel art, you ust copy over an image pixel by pixel?
very impressive
Yes, thats how any pixel art drawing is made. You are unironically retarded.
i was just asking
its usually pixelated art like this, but it was made in lower res with limited and calculated pixel placement to an extent, rather than picking pixel per pixel from reference.
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Ok, I apologize, I thought you are trying to shit on me for doing high resolution pixel art.
Pixel Art is more like 2d sculpting than drawing. You usually start with the initial shape and you cut parts of it while refining it via detail.
Downsizing an image and drawing pixel by pixel over it would probably give you braindamage from staring at blurry textures for an extended period of time and it wouldn't make the job easier but rather harder, since pixel art has certain limitations and you cannot translate highlights and shadows as you would in digital art.
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Am I a pixel artist now?
Thanks for the ref anon!
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You are who you choose to be
Is there any similar social media tag/community like #pixel_dailies but for sketching or drawing? Similar in the sense of popularity. I want to share my drawings on social media and get some feedback.
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Holy pog

SFW Ciri
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NSFW Version
based merc poster

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