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A new flavor of the week engagement hack has dropped. Invest while you still can!
Pick a FOTM japanese character and turn them black. The engagement is insane, as long as you can handle the heat!

You DO know how to draw black people, right Anon?
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Check out the noombers
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I'm not drawing niggers
Funny you say that, because my name is Nrawing Diggers.
The kind of people who follow you for this shit is not the kind of people you want following you.
What if I'm not an incel chud tho?
Blackwashing has always been a hit.
This isn't new.
Disney figured this out years ago
Rage engagement isnt something i really need
Please for the love of Christ and all that is holy anon delete your twitter. You still have time to save yourself from this sickness ailing your brain.
You still wouldnt want them.
I'm so sick of all of this. It's been over a decade of this shit. I've had to deal with it throughout my teens and early adult life. I hated hypocrisy as a kid. As an adult? It's so rampant, so flagrant, and so absurd I have no choice but to ignore it to save my sanity - and perhaps that is by design.
>being this butthurt about black people
You will literally never get laid.
I'm not talking about just black people. Hell i can't be assed to get upset with your comment. I just don't care anymore. Look at the world around, it extends beyond black people, that just one very small almost inconsequential of a larger tapestry of bullshit strung together with hypocrisy and absurdity.
i like the banana alyiums anime but i ain't drawing shit for normies
You responded to a troll. Anyone who uses sex as an argument isn't worth responding to.
after interacting with them you will be.
god it's so satisfying seeing weeaboos have their hobby ruined, this is what they get for being so annoying over the years
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it also works if you respond to something like this with a black character drawn white.
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What a wonderful, inclusive community, surely they'll enjoy my Black Panther fanart :)
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You do realize you can be a progressive without being a total cuck for minority's dick/cunt
>The engagement is insane
the people who like your pandering goyslop art are not going to continue engaging with your posts. they do not like art they like being seen as politically correct
i dont want niggers following my account
had to draw it!
please engage!!
I need this so bad!!!
you really can't
I want people to follow me because I draw cute shit, i don't want them following me for drawing A Wyatt Mann's conception of a black person
we should do the same but with black characters
if it's made for fun, then what's the deal?
it isn't bad to try to feel represented with a character that isn't your race, right xitter? raceswapping shouldn't suffer from double standards
I appreciate a good troll but this one looks like it was drawn by some soulless porn artist, his face looks like a plastic figurine drenched in oil
You do draw, right OP?
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If you draw black people like black people then people get offended at you for being racist.
>some soulless porn artist
It's by a gay porn artist
I kneel
you can do a lot of things and still be progressive. what you can't do: refuse to simp for niggers, refuse to simp for trannies. therefore, at its core, progressivism is the nigger tranny religion.
>You do realize you can be a progressive without being a total cuck for minority's dick/cunt
No, you can't. Not in 2024/2025. It's like being an LGBT ally while also being anti-transing minors. That might have been possible at one point, but it's not anymore.
>tfw I used to be pro lgtv and against racism
>tfw nowadays that means being ok with abusing children and hating whites
they ruined it, the world was heading towards a better place, being ok with personal freedoms for consenting adults and being all about unity despite racial differences no longer exists, it's all about grooming and race war now, I hate it, leftists are subhuman vermin.
Forever Based
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Oh oh
someone should draw her white while sieg heiling, and add "the jew fears the samurai"
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chud bros...
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no one did it to appeal to the japanese, its just to point out the hypocrisy of when blacks harrass people over water color drawings where the skin tone is slightly lighter.
you harrass people over diffrerent skin colors but its ok when you do it
Same artist btw
rich considering his foreshortening is garbage and and it just looks like a giant hand with a t-rex arm
That's the irony lmao
He made the exact same mistake with the hair that he accused the other guy of doing.
I also hate how he did the abdomen just much worse
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The whole pose is a lot more stiff in his version.
Asians seemly have no sense of humour, not no human rights.
>black character
both black and white anime fans need to be genocided
its an american issue, like when they argue if Jesus was black or white, he wasnt either.
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dubs decide which side of the race war i pick
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well said my nigger
Make her Israeli Jewish, piss both sides off.
>implying mirko is a nigger
kill americans
kek, I'd change her Metal shirts to Radiohead shirts
Congrats, you likely don't matter enough for that to be controversial . Like me saying I'm not drawing trannies.
I mean, that image is actually canon.
Same with whites as nazis.
Thats the beauty of being a low followed artist
The fix is more detailed and the hair looks much better yet the white one just seem much more dynamic and interesting. Composition, Gesture and perspective are kings
i love how the arm doesnt affect the rest of the torso at all.
But I'm drawing sexy niggress (no nigger hair tho)
Someone should make CJ and Blade white
The tone deaf fag on the right doesn't even realize that the jap doesn't like the black version either.
no one cares about your fotm slop. she had dark skin that was made lighter. don't give a shit if she's actually okinawan or whatever dark breed of japanese
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I don't think it's wrong to racebend characters but it all seems a bit parasocial to me. Like they obviously self-insert with a character that isn't their race, and these drawings are almost a 'lashing out' against reality itself for making 'the cute anime guy I self-insert' with look different than me. I don't believe they don't know it's a bit of a transgression against the original work, I think they don't care because from their mind it is also *theirs*, and they see it as fixing it.

Weird stuff. The first instance of this is white Jesus, of course.
Me with Vee's Bootee be like
>I don't think it's wrong to racebend characters
none of this is wrong. no one actually cares at all. if you don't like art, don't engage with it
Well sure, but social media has the opposite effect, driving engagement via ragebait.
The artist isn't doing anything wrong per se, but he is disrespecting the original work by reshaping the main character into something he can better self-insert with. Considering the original character is a self-insert anyways I don't see this as a big transgression or anything - But it is kinda disrespectful.

It's the equivalent of someone being like 'let me fix it for you' when from your perspective it was already good.
>but he is disrespecting the original work
no he's not.
Eh, I guess we'd have to ask the author how he feels about it. I consider it disrespectful and I wouldn't like people changing the race of my characters.
how do you feel about r34 or fanfics or basically any fanart that isn't 100% in line with how the character looks or acts?
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You can tell when something comes from a place of appreciation and reverence. These days most R34 is disgusting slop made to create money, so disrespectful. Some create very classy erotic art, even if it's not skillful you can still see the reverence for the original artist.

Fanfics are a bit different because there's a myriad of variations. I'd say High School AUs or whatever aren't disrespectful other than the fact you're taking some else's characters and playing with them yourself. Alternative endings or complementary stories come from a place of reverence too. And pornslop fics are clearly disrespectful too.

Idk why you'd care about my opinion anyways. At the end of the day, I think everyone should do whatever they want. The only realistic reason why I wouldn't draw whatever I wanted is to respect the original author, which is why I mentioned it. Like idk this is something I've felt since it was frowned upon to share Yotsuba lewds in 4chan. It feels right to respect an artist's creation by admiring the aspects of it that they wanted to communicate. In Yotsuba's case, it's purity and innocence, to corrupt that is to be disrespectful towards the original work.
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nah mexicanns and blacks love self insrting as goku (a jap whose power is turning blonde white)
its not a race thing its just a symptom of tumblr feminization of the zoomie male demograph

>The first instance of this is white Jesus
wrong he was a white passing jew from the levant (bethlehem) not some neanderthal in arabic gowns like """christans""" like to depict him
we even have a rough silhoutte of his visage via the shroud of turin which was academically proven to line up roughly with historical timeline of jesus's appearence (a physical study identified very specific ancient pollen that would've bloomed around that time specifcally)
inb4 deboonked there was a faulty study that tried to delegetimize this when infact it was discovered they took a sample off a bit that was repaired later in the timeline with fresh linen to preserve the cloth's structural integrity

do not slander the good faith with your dollar bin reddit one-liners you misguided simpleton
>this le Jesus was white thing again
How many times must people explain that the Jews turned Jesus white so it'd be easier to accept him across Europe? They took inspiration from their old gods. We literally don't have proof that Jesus looked one way or another, other than the very tangible fact that he lived in a place of the world were people literally couldn't be white-skinned or blue-eyed.

But oh well. Not like any of that is going to change the mind of a 'believer'. Faith is covering your ears as you scream 'nananana i can't hear you' anyways.
>Idk why you'd care about my opinion anyways.
because we're on a public forum meant for discussing things. I was just curious if you had a consistent viewpoint or not.
Christ, i was so focused on the short t rex arm that I didn't notice the broken arm at all
>check out twitter
>full on race war started because of some anime edit
Is humanity getting dumber
the shroud of turin exists anon we have his rough visage preserved and safe
try and read the post before throwing up a knee jerk reaction post
he was a white passing jew from the levant not a swarthy walking talking arab stereotype with aboriginal brow ridge
christianity gave the world hospitals and historical archives spanning centuries (biased and censored as they might be)
the first men on the moon were christian
you can also thank christian monks for helping lay the foundation for total christian dominance over every field scientific or otherwise
drop this sassy gay youtube skeptic rhetoric it comes off very insecure
its always the contrarions that have the most shallow understanding of religion and faith
being civil and respectful is literally free no one's forcimg you to be a meanie
>the shroud of turin proves Jesus was white
[citation needed]
>lists a bunch of Christianity's achievements, somehow that proves Jesus was white
Just because your prophet wasn't blonde and white, it doesn't mean he wasn't the son of god, anony.
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>[citation needed]
>don't have proof that Jesus looked one way or another
u claimed we dont know how he looked at all when we do have his visage preserved : DDD
(he isn't swarthy walking talking arab stereotype with aboriginal brow ridge)

> Faith is covering your ears as you scream 'nananana i can't hear you
u implied christianity is backwards/un-scientific i reminded u thats patently false
i understand object permanence is not ur strong suit but do try and keep up

>Just because your prophet wasn't blonde and white, it doesn't mean he wasn't the son of god,
never claimed this re-read the post fren
try not being a obnoxios disinfo goblin and stop slandering the good faith
hope i helped : D
even if no one else in the thread thought this was funny, I though it was funny.
Stop being so butthurt anon. I'm simply claiming Jesus was obviously whitewashed to make him appealing to European nations. Kinda like how the Spanish created the Guadalupe Virgin for the indigenous people in the Americas. I didn't even say he looked Arab, that's some insecurity you have and keep bringing up, for some reason.
Why do black people completely change the characters like that? The only other similar example I can think of is mexicans with Goku but they usually just give him tacos and leave the design as is
I'm a time traveler that became a close friend to jesus. I can say 100% that this is a near exact depiction of him.
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its common practice for converts to race swap christ's depiction for more relatability (see japanese/indian/african paintings/depictions)
you tried to imply some malice as if the traditional depiction of christ as a light skinned in western nation was some great act of deception it is not
ur phrasing pushed the pop culture perception of christianity as the "backwards unscientific bad guy" as i noted here >>7399867
it wouldn't kill u to admit you made an ignorant comment
shed the irrational anti-christian stance dum dum
do better

all fun and games until rabbi Yeshua looks you in straight in the eyes and deadpan speaks "return home this isn't your time" in complete legible english
>The only other similar example I can think of is mexicans with Goku but they usually just give him tacos and leave the design as is
They think Goku is a mexican aligned design in general because of the spiky black straight hair. It's just the same exactly thing, racial profiling, just lazier.

You never see them actively making piccolo or Knuckles black because the design hits the cues enough but the personality itself carries the fit.
DAMN she looks even better white
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There's a lot of GTA mods that make CJ white, if they became mainstream on xitter their reactions would be insanely hilarious
I love this sort of shitpost. Bonus points if everyone but one person thinks it's weird.
Honestly that looks awesome. I didn't like her original. Note that it's not just skin color. Also blonde hair and blue eyes.
>Some create very classy erotic art
I tried to and lost 90+% of engagement.
People literally don't care. They want their sweet slop.
I didn't stop though. I'm too narcissistic to stop getting better.
i thought christ loved niggers.
especially young ones
race swapping fictional characters is fine I suppose, at the end of the day people should realize it's all just fiction. it's when people race swap historical characters, that's when I will actually get mad. and I am not alone, Egyptians will take people to court if they try to push the narrative certain historical figures were a different race.

don't fuck with history, it's never a good idea.
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Should we consider edits art?
>that's when I will actually get mad.
Shut up, faggot
>Kike hands typed this post
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>race swapping fictional characters is fine
nah it should be relentlessly bullied
thats just how a fandom's immune system keeps it from being infested with tumblritis
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>its common practice for converts to race swap christ's depiction for more relatability (see japanese/indian/african paintings/depictions)
I love this, why does it make people angry? Jesus Christ is for mankind as a whole.
you should be relentlessly bullied for being a can't-draw loser

Take this shit to /pol/
I ain't drawing niggerfication of beautiful things
Unironically this, the rules apply for me but not for them.
Thankfully Assasins creed Shadows will flop and kill Ubisoft (its not exactly black washing but you get it)
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>he lived in a place of the world were people literally couldn't be white-skinned or blue-eyed.
Because they have to. Blacks don't look anything like the rest of Humanity.
Before I got a real job I had millions of reacts and comments on facebook drawing fat female characters skinny.
It got me a couple thousand dollars in commissions lol.
People like to forget modern arabs are an invading force that drove many ethnicities to extinction.
Just because people in the middle east and north africa look like beaten out of their mom's cunt and immediately drenched in shit, doesn't mean there weren't beautiful caucasian peoples in those lands before.
We can see Jesus had a sharp brow, high cheek bones and a straight, narrow nose.
He most likely had brown hair, green eyes and tan skin. But he wasn't a nigger or a mudslime.
He wasn't a scandy either.
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Jesus most likely looked like the more Arab unmixed Levantine populations like Alawites, Druze, Maronites, and Samaritans and was probably somwhat tanned to due his profession as
*as a carpenter
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>why does it make people angry?
pol-brained autists see a jewish psyop everywhere they look
its a symptom of the red-pill poisoning
jews are the synagogue of satan sure
but everything has a time and place jeez

its a trend for shitlib millenial writers to get their grubby fingers of legacy media and then shit them up to ruin them retroactively
see the Avatar series the girl boss protagonist is just born expert at 3 different bendings devaluing Aang's whole story arc of learning the different cultures and their bending
or say the StarWars franchise where Rey can has all the combat/piloting/technical and force skill (they also ensure that canonically except for palpatine's bloodline all our previous heroes died childless and miserable with their life's work undone just to hype up the new easily defeated bad guy faction) kylo diees like a dog too lmao
or the whole Batwoman reality tv show and the harley quin cartoon series that kept retro-actively shitting on batman as a privileged white kid instead of the pinnacle of human will that he was meant to be
or the Velma reboot of Scooby doo where instead of the goofy nerdy velma we get an obnoxious mutt brownoid larping in the skin of a beloved franchise
also remember the last of us? (a story of a loving found family trampled to usher in an untimely death for the father at the hands of a troon and ellie not even having kids to spread her immunity mutation to the next generation instead raising some cheating jewish dyke's happa kid after FORGIVING the troon that killed her dad)
this is a symptom of shitlibs getting control of cultural vangaurd
they produce nothing new just ruin all that was already good into unrecognizable trash fires
all because some artists didn't wanna be mean to the shitlibs

amen brother
There's an even better way to farm engagement

Drawing black characters white
vgh my ancestors
>Pick a FOTM japanese character and turn them black. The engagement is insane, as long as you can handle the heat!

It's not worth it. The people you attract from doing this wil like you for the moment but eat you alive if you step out of line politically for the smallest thing.

I think that its a shame the 16 year old that got blamed for "Starting" all of this with her edit got jumped on. But it's been long bubbling up anyway because of Asian artists gettin mobbed on other the years of the skin tone is lighter than usual for whatever reason. Calling them racist while making black edits and wrapping tthe reasoning up in Moral grandstanding like

"Oh we do it for representation!"

"Blackwashing isnt' real! These edits are done because we love the characters! White washing is always done out of malicious intent!"

"It's not racist! You guys have enough representation and we PoC don't!"

The double standards over the years basically just hit their peak when the western side of twitter dogpiled the creator of Pop team epic over a lighter marina picture and A LOT of japanese twitter users got exposed to the blackwash edits.

Now the side that normally mobs people is on the other side of it and they have to cope by saying all the japanese twitter users mad at this are just "White guys LARPing as Japanese people!" because they don't want to admit they actually fucked up and that changing the ethnicity like that and claiming its better or its out of love is offensive to Japanese people
I would never stoop so low as to draw niggers for clout.
they probably didn't know how to draw other races back then
>goku (a jap
Goku is a literal alien based off of a chinese character.

Fuck off back to /pol/, we don’t want you here.
You ever think about how goku was fingering cunny at the age of like 12? When's the first time you felt the inside of a girl?

Anyway Goku is a Jap you fucking retard just because he likes chinese pussy doesn't mean he didn't live in japan, for christ's sake the dog's the president!
Bulma was 16, that's not cunny, it's borderline hag.
I never got the impression DBZ took place in Japan now that I think about it. There's a whole diverse set of characters and the characters fly at warp speed so much to different locations I don't even know where they are. The only thing Chinese is the dragon and the kanji logo on Goku's back.
>change only skin color
>the dude turns into uncanny valley abomination
Were we gaslighted into not being creeped out by Africans?
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This artwork here mogged both these artist. It goes to show drawing based on hate and retardation will always look trash.
You think japanese people like that? They hate both that shit and it even came out they hate whites as much as blacks, maybe even more because of this retarded shit. Both fags disrespecting the og source for some petty drama.

I noticed this year specifically every time there is some drama picked up by western news outlets about Japan (Yasuke or Sony & Kadokawa for example) it's always the gaijin being outraged on behalf of the Japanese. But you don't hear a peep on nip Twitter unless a foreigner makes a post asking what do Japanese think of XYZ. Then you'll get a bilingual Japanese person answering who likely left-wing into US politics.
>t's always the gaijin being outraged on behalf of the Japanese
You right about that, seeing tweets saying "yo, I'm japanese I don't like black wash" or the same said for white wash too as well. Japs tend to keep to themselves, unless it gets so bad. Keyword likely, just because a jap hates both whites and blacks doesn't mean they left.
they are left*
I don’t care what those nipponese shitbrains think, i’m drawing their precious cartoon women as blacks and watch as their world burns
its not petty drama, and it has nothing to do with what the japanese likes, they're using to show the hypocrisy when u nigfy a character vs when you lighten their skin tone, they harrass people over this shit.
True and based
That's still bad...
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a ton of hairstyles and color schemes just don't work with certain skin tones. if a white guy attained that second hairstyle through enough hair gel and autism he'd instantly get bodied for looking like Lisa Simpson.
Looks good for me
>he'd instantly get bodied for looking like Lisa Simpson.
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I don't know what that guy is schizoing about, but the world of Dragon Ball isn't the same as ours. There's no Japan, USA, Europe, ETC.

The original Dragon Ball was called "Dragon Boy" and was just a parody of "A Journey To The West" Goku is based on Sun Wu Kong (hence why he has a monkey tail) If you look at his house, you can see the clear Chinese inspiration complete with guilin hills.
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That hair was popular for punks in the early 2000s/90s.
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>There's no Japan, USA, Europe, ETC.
Russia is canon to the anime
black people get even more angry when you raceswap their characters so i don't know why they think this would be ok. maybe it's a revenge thing, I was gonna give him the benefit of the doubt but there's no way he's oblivious to what he's doing and the reaction it'll cause.
That's just a slip up in writing. It's like mentioning big foot or the slender man in an isekai.
Blacks are the real racists, news at 11
For me it was the annual white weebs discover that nips hate them just as much as they hate black people maybe even more
Get ready for February, lads. You think this shit is bad now, wait until it's black history month, aka the month where even the most absolute dogshit bottom of the barrel slop artists smearing shit onto the canvas get 10k likes because they caption with all the buzzwords like "I'm a black trans queer bipolar disabled autistic artist living with an abusive homophobic family from the bronx" because it happens every year. Some of the artists black-swapping right now are at least average. Good enough to get some regular engagements on their own merits but it's going to be comical in February. It's so easy to get attention as a black artist on twitter because it's been cemented as this instant win button to just call the other party racist when you run into any pushback or any form of gatekeeping. They don't have to learn how to actually draw, they can just say they're black and the other apes will drag them up out of spite for the deserving people, and everyone else is historically too afraid to say anything lest they get labelled, and will stand with the blacks against any outliers to avoid being guilty by association. This seems to be shifting though but we'll see. I hope more Japanese decide to be cunts and but the blacks in their place about it all.

Something I've been noticing as more time goes on though is how a lot of black artists don't seem to be making money off their works, or if so not much. None of them seem to have patreon pages or linktrees, ko-fi, nothing, and sometimes they have links to gofundme pages for whatever shit they need "help" with. Meanwhile a lot of other artists (a portion of which are likely black, so its definitely not a rule) constantly have commission slots filled and opening back up, patreon links, maybe an etsy storefront, all kinds of shit. Black people get followers for free just for broadcasting that they are black, truly playing he numbers game on easy mode, but they don't get any meaningful or lasting engagement off of it.
i kneel
>None of them seem to have patreon pages or linktrees, ko-fi, nothing
Because these people aren't actual artists, they're activists. They don't see art as a medium of self-expression but as a vehicle for identity politics. Why express your human struggles through soulful art and stories that could help build bridges when instead you could virtue-signal to the hate mob and further divide the country for a quick thrill?
Why are they so fucking ugly?
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Whites as natsoc is kino though.
>there's no way he's oblivious to what he's doing
He knows what he's doing, he was one of the faggots that got angry when an artist drew Ariel in her original white iteration.
Mo money fo me.
The problems start with
and just kind of snowball from there.
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her suit looks fucking painted on
"mog" my nuts with your tongue you tranny
This is fine because I want to fuck it.
Change his face to that of Trump for maximum kek!
frieren more like negerlein
Why are you /beg/s like this?
This is fine. Have you heard her Japanese voice? English suits her and the story better.
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this is just color swapped white girl this is fine
but try adding nappy hair/sloped negro skull shape/monkey lips
and she'll be ugly again
its just that easy
Now you're just lying
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or chinese whatever nigga he's from the chink myth journey to the west about buddhism n sheit
he literally started off as anime son wu kong whose story went off script into dragon balls so the publisher could keep printing money retard
my premise remains uncontested them chikanos and urban babbons literally worship goku n vegeta n sheit
Yeah, this is why I stay away from the English side of fandoms too.
Westoids can't think of anything else outside of race war or other miserable hate filled garbage even within media from other countries, I miss how people behaved back in the 2000s on places such as Deviantart.
>Westoids can't think of anything else outside of race war or other miserable hate filled
dont see your flag on the moon
So you only follow Jesus because in your mind he was ''''white passing''' or some silly shit like that and wouldn't have followed him if he looked like an Arab (which he most likely did)?
Talk about a shallow belief, are you following for the faith actually or for idolizing someones looks specifically?
You never went to the moon, it was an act to intimidate the soviets.
There's a reason everyone on the Web dislikes your guts and are the reason communities and fandoms have gone to shit nowdays thanks to your peoples narcissism and attention whoring over making everything about yourselves even when it's not about you.
why are you easily impressed by generic anime bitch in front of extremely simple background?
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>why won't u let me slander your lord's form with impunity
>this somehow means you're a not of true faith
nigger please
his appearance and form isnt arbitrarily interchangeble to ater to your pet political optics
talk shit and you'll be called out you nigger jew kike
know your place you lying serpent and crawl on the ground

>you never went to the moon, it was an act to intimidate the soviets
don't see no other flag up there lmao
closest existing (soviets fragmented lmao) peer industrial power, china relies on sabotage to steal american research for everything
all brownoids cope n seeethe about american then die trying to immigrate into the country in the very same breath
without america the human species stagnates
stay mad cuck america reigns supreme by a million miles
Oh noooo, don't validate me and give my account engagement by responding. That's not what I want at all...
nta but her suit does 100% look painted on. typically when drawing a stretchy form fitting suit you would add some indication of skindentation, and also render it so it looks like a different material compared to the skin. everything here looks like one material. You would also have some form of wrinkles and obscured anatomy, so you wouldn't see her belly button for example. He did an okay job with the tits in trying to illustrate that it's a suit and not body paint, but kind of gave up after that as most coomers tend to.

I assume this is just a stylization issue, but her face also looks really fucking awful. Is he drawing some anime bitch or a chain chomp? why is her mouth half the size of her whole head?
I don't need to pollute my work by drawing fucking niggers.
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The rest kill with fire, a lot of fire.
can't get any worse, you're an ai slopper after all.
yet you're impressed by this >>7398746
Shut up, stupid nigger
not one, but at least you aren't denying it.
you dont draw anything you retarded faggot
I draw human beings.
Even Asians Don't Like draw Niggers shit
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ya dont have to sign your posts anon
we recognize you
This seems harmless which, but if it gets enough traction/lack of pushback they'll start up their jewry saying: "Obviously this is what people want, why won't the racist Japanese draw Black MCs in their anime???" and after a few years of spamming it and paying for disruptive protests and billboards blasting the message all over Japan they'll offer to fund mangaka who are willing to do it, then once one of them does it they'll start demanding they all do it and throwing a fit when they don't, then when their sales plummet they'll demand they remake old anime and manga with the characters changed to be black saying: "FINALLY the problematic origins of these stories have been erased now that Goku and Sailor Moon are black." and it will only get worse from there.
He's the Son of God He can look any way he wants to.
Well, of course. From their perspective they're oppressed and they need to gradually assert more and more dominance until they become the ruling force, at which point they will refuse to sede any ground to anyone else all the while maintaining a narrative of innocence and/or self defense. It's sort of like how Israel overtook Palestine (which makes sense since they're the ones feeding them their gameplan.)
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you attributr malice to that which is easily explained by low iq
they dont have the capacity for macheavelian plans
they're simply convenient pawns of the jews to deracinate all white culture
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Sooooo harmless edits done by minors is bad... but sexualizing minors good?
You ought to go to jail for all those people you killed in grand theft auto.
False equivalence. Violence is not meant to titilate. Meanwhile lolicon is a proven gateway to real life pedo acts.
y'all this shit so asssssss
This, if you draw one black characters you are getting the weird DBZ pfp nigger fans that will police all of your work forever, it's not worth it
Answer the question, Epstein >>7407379
this is not how sweaters or folds work they just wanted to sexualize minors
Ew hate this generic gooner style sm
Dandadan fandom are racist pedophiles. Good to know.
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Thinking of adding "teenagers have sex" to this bingo
you missed out on highschool sex sorry bud
I'm not a pedophile so
hey it's the dumbass roastie that got absolutely destroyed by lolis
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>hey it's the dumbass roastie that got absolutely destroyed by lolis
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I don't want to draw black people
I don't want to draw or mention black people in my comics or stories, I'm sorry but you can't force me too. I look back at my stories and I noticed that there isn't a single black person in them becasue I'm not just interested in them, I have other races but not Africans. I get called racist by Twitter people and YouTubers because they want me to draw black people and add them to my stories but I refuse to do so! I'm done with it!
>Sees race swapped fan art
What a fucking retard.
Made up criticisms by butt hurt blackies.
No it isn't false. It's the same. There is no proof loli is a gateway to anything.
Yes nigger
We know. You're an incel.
These are all valid points. You're just a dishonest retarded faggot.
Not an argument roastie.
Just look at The Shroud. Is that a black guy? An Israeli Arab guy? What is he? Not like it matters. He's the son of God and Doesn't hate whites or blacks or Arabs but loves everyone because we are all the children of God and he wishes all of us to follow him and accept his love and be saved from our sin.
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you sound like a confused cuckold with a fat girlfriend
why the fuck do you talk like a nigger
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We don't want niggers here.
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you should be jailed for every hooker you kill in GTA
checkmate nigger
aren't the dandan chars in the 16-19 range, that's old hag territory for lolishofags
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What's the fetish with people popping out vessels over fictional minors? The way these people lose their shit over pixels while not giving a single shit about the gravity of actual pederasty damaging real lives makes my blood boil with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.

This isn't about whether or not porn of fictional minors is good or bad, legal or illegal... this is about how many braincells you burn over such an asinine subject while completely neglecting to do/say anything about real children being real victims of real sexual abused caused by real predators.
You're a bunch of fucking hypocrites and I hope you die a horrible death.
Americans are so obsessed.
Are they all virgins in school?
it's literally just one roastie. she got ravaged by lolicons and is so mentally scarred she dedicated her life to this.
can a straight man jack off to yaoi and still be straight
The concern is if lolishota content would cause someone to abuse children, who otherwise would not have done so if they did not view lolishota. That is what the posts you are replying to are arguing about
Why are blackwashing artist perfect lolcow material?
more than 98% of people ITT did not watch the show and this rings true for anime in general. I don’t know what the fuck this board does and it ain’t drawing, either.
especially the guy who brought up lolisho or the anons here who keep brining up lolisho. Every quarter there’s a nice loli character but you don’t see any art of these characters on this board. Just a bunch of ironics talking about ethics shitting up threads.
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you have to be fucking retarded to ask something like this. if you have a fetish for animals but are scared of the consequences what content will you watch online? women fucking animals.
loli and shota is not an option, is literally the "correct" alternative to wanting to fuck children with the excuse that they arent real people. what appeal aside from being literal children loli and shota have? people who says that SS is good because they self insert as the shota are mostly dudes that never had sex young or in general and they lust on the idea of being young and having normal sex life but they push it to the extreme to being childs and if you wanna fuck "lolis" you are the same but the difference is that somehow you are selfaware that older women dont like you either and ur fantasy is to manipulate young women because they are stupid but the ones that go for sex starved lolis content are just pedophiles in denial that want to put the guilt on the girl.
Oh so you admit there isn’t actually any harm

Also, I highly recommend you check out the wikipedia article on “just-so story”
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man, you really had the potential for a good post going until you started doing armchair psychology.

ss at its core is size fetish without the mental illness like being stomped on or crushed, and rather on the softcore/vanilla/gentle femdom side. Women generally cannot be into straight shota, it's mostly a male fetish.

Loli is purely mental illness and pedophilic tendencies 99% of the time, with 1% being women thinking the lolis are cute, but in that case it's mostly non sexual loli.
>it's literally the correct alternative
for lolishitters? yes, definitely.
ss? absolutely not because the focus and object of desire is always the grown woman.
Why is there a fat fetish? Why do people irl chase fat chicks? It's the same core principle that every male instinctually understands;
>"I see big mountain and i am going to fuck that mountain"
In short: A shota contrasts thus elevates the mature woman and her essence.

Loli? Complete power fantasy and maybe even an extreme perversion of parental feelings caused by mental illness.
You are not supposed to be sexually attracted to featureless bodies.

Does porn influence people? Sure, but it purely depends on their IQ and mental stability.
Autists will become trannies if you gaslight them enough.
Normies will believe anything as long as you create a boogeyman that aligns against their own beliefs.
Gambling addicts will buy anything as long as you tell them they could make their money back.

The real harm is giving free and easy access to pornography and that anyone can upload whatever they want.
It's the equivalent of
>do guns kill people or is it mentally ill retards who should not have easy access to guns?

Are both fetishes pedophilic when observed objectively? Absolutely.
The very crucial difference is that ss's intent and focus is different than loli's.
>inb4 double standard
Not really.
>inb4 would that mean its ok irl?
Fuck no.
But ask any 12-14 y.o. male if they'd fuck an older woman given the chance.
Why do people think points like characters not being real aren't valid? I genuinely don't get it. Are they arguing that the characters actually are real? Someone explain.
>bends rigor mortis arms to cover the crotch after crucifixion death
fake and gay
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brother the cloth was put over him *after* taking him off the cross
before they could lay him to rest in the cave
mald seethe heathen
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funny that actually
most likely his shoulders were dislocated when crucified
the crucified didn't die of just sun exposure
they were nailed such that their entire body weight would be forced upon the diaphragm/chest
thus leading to a slow drawn out suffocation as the dislocated shoulders slowly lost strength and laid ever escalating stress on the diaphragm
it was a long cruel way to go especially with the post crucifixion stabbings into the sides with a spear
he really did die for our sins anon
the shroud also corraborated the exact types of whips used by the romans in that era via the scars

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