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>It helps artists
>Our tools are made to empowers artists
>Productivity tool
>It's not stealing
>Why are you all so angry
Literally fucking niggers your watermarks. I'm so sick of this shit. Just a week ago we had a thread asking why artists put watermarks on their drawing and there were a lot of responses saying it was to stop theft. Yet here we are. The niggers niggering once more. It's not even dubious at this point, it's overtly stealing. Before even though it was clearly stealing they could claim innocence to some degree, at this point this shit is criminal. People don't place watermarks on photos as some quirky little thing. It's supposed to protect intellectual property until you've been paid. I used to send clients watermarked photos as proof of product before accept payment, now? What if one of those fuckers is a little nigger that will just magically remove the watermark? Glaze/Nightshade needs to implement a watermark feature into their tool. This is nonsense.
technology has been a net disaster for the human race. no one can refute this
Did you just notice?

Ai has always been about literal billonaires, like musk, to steal from artists so they can sell suscription services while giving you shit
Sorry buddy I live in America I don't speak third worlder.
That's not third worlder that's niggernese. Very similar but subtle distinctions.
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>He's this mad about watermarks
It's Saturday anon do you like living like that?
who the fuck deleted my post?

anyways cry me a river faggot
nobody gives a shit about your worthless art
got a get a job

if you do art just for the money you already failed as an artist, you're a grifter, fuck off
art is a hobby.
Who cares that they """steal""".
Referencing, looking at art, learning by looking at art isn't stealing either. And that's what AI is doing.
Watermarks are harmless all things considered. Ironically this will only make real artwodk look worse since more artists will just use glaze which severely hinders art quality.
AI isn't learning anything you nigger nor are you
to learn you sit down and study, you make decisions and mistakes. do you really not see the difference between copying an artwork and prooompting a few words in a typebox
this has been a thing for over a decade though zoomer-kun
power begets power. talk about "freedom" and "free market" has always been billionaire propaganda as it allows these tumors of society to grow unimpeded. it's a system that invariably evolves to pure exploitation and barbarism.
Ah, so they need to make a robot sit and compute making art. what will be your cope in 5 decades?
>digicucks btfo
Sucks to be you
>ai jeet
opinion discarded
make sure to eat some cowshit after you're done proooooompting faggot
>art is a hobby.
not if you're a commercial artist, then its a business
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heavily glaze and nightshade low res images for clients
>b-but it looks bad
not my problem, this is the future you chose
but hey, at least you're not a techie
call me when we have robots holding brushes
i've stopped caring so much about my digital work because what actually gave it value (the internet and social connectivity through digital art's high accessibility) is going to shit anyway
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clone tool existed before genai
>art is a hobby.
The entire eight thousand years of human civilization would like a word with you, anon.
AI will steal AI prompters jobs
>stfu and stop being such a whiny faggot
Why shouldn't people point out art theft, because it's rude to the theif? Is plagiarism also okay because you don't wanna feel bad for doing it? no one can stop you from Stealing stuff online but don't act surprised society doesn't find you behavior acceptable.
You're replying to an AIslopper. If you haven't noticed they've invaded /ic/ quite a bit unfortunately
>we will generate stock images instead of paying artists/photographers and then sell it to you
>ai is the future!
This is it. I'm dropping drawing
This, how is this different from the clone tool?
Fuck off, tourist fa/g/got.
Art is the only valuable thing on earth, jeetniggertrannykike
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Based, FUCK shutterstock and other kike websites constantly invading my search results.

Wish I could also find pictures in their original quality/size instead of Pinterest's re-re-re-re-recompressed garbage.
Why do schizoids keep comparing humans to ai???
Because they actually think they work the same, it's so fucking stupid.

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