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How do you deal with haters? And I don't mean just critics. I mean full-blown seething-ass niggas who hate you and your art.
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dont look, like, nigga
Keep grinding, until you have enough followers to bully him out of the internet. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and all that.
Isn't this artist just a normie/FOTM slop-anime Stonetoss? He tries to be more subtle than PebbleCurve but makes content for weebs and coomers. And he's brown asian instead of brown euro descendant
Not really. He’s not political, just edgy. And draws porn.
One question one needs to ask themselves:

How "good" need the art be to convey the story?
You don't respond. How is that even hard to do?
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Let's be real, how many of you have received actual, actively-hunting-your-ass hatred from people?
I have, from three different places including this board. One and a half of those cases was on me lol.
he's a meme artist and draws anime characters doing le memes. totally inoffensive and i see more hate than support for him.
Imagine (but not for too long) making death threats to someone in the land of the free with a gun behind every blade of grass.
I have a couple dudes who hate my work with a burning passion but it's not like they're hunting me down on multiple websites, they're just pissed when I post on 4chan but have blocked me on Twitter and the like years ago.
People can't handle edgyness since the automatically assume it comes from the right, 10 years ago edgy people were liberals who hated religion and would draw the most grotesque offensive things ever to upset the average church going normies, now """edgyness"""" needs to be very sanitized otherwise you are right
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To what degree is the hate against Khyle just people being jealous this Filipinx is super popular and making tons of money from just redrawing old memes with cute anime girls in them?
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My crabs do not know the history of my struggles to produce "product" in a timely fashion, and so what I have is a wealth of research material, storyboards, studies,whimsical experiments and projects designed to teach myself what could be considered 2d sculpture. My current piece is the figure that I will build a tshirt design around. And I will be relearning Photoshop in the process,and how to color with it my raw art.

And the project after that...jazzing up the Introductory Story that I videoed myself drawing. I plan on making my Timely Content my YouTube channel and marketing my brand through print collections of the colored strips.

But try explaining that to crabs.
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I've had GENERATIONS of butthurt faggots after me because let's be honest, they are jelly of my insane "undeserved" popularity. First it was weens from ED in the 2000s, then tumblr SJWs and tr00ns from twitter in the 2010s, then zoomers from discord and now dramatard gen alphas from tiktok in the 2020s. I'm never gonna stop lmaoooo
how is the anime girl in the pic offensive though
>How do you deal with haters?
Like he does: ignoring the retards
What's the joke on this one? I don't play indieslop
can someone who is not biased either way please explain the lore here, I once sent some random fanart from this dude to a good friend and even he somehow knows and dislikes him??? Is this a case like the guy who drew the blind girl getting tormented to cause a reaction?
>Is this a case like the guy who drew the blind girl getting tormented to cause a reaction?
idk if there was anything before this, but I found this from the Internet Archive
>This is the Spy X Family artwork that made by Khyleri/Khyle. (@khyleri) via Twitter, which is expected to reap controversy because the background in the artwork is a Auschwitz concentration camp belonging to Nazi Germany during WWII and also this artwork was uploaded on they Twitter on January 27, 2023, which coincides with Holocaust Remembrance Day, and also caused they artwork to become controversial.
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pretty much
all he does is take meme, slap the snapchat anime filter on it and slap anime fotm characters heads on top

it's just so blatantly low brow and kitsch it makes your soul cringe
Only AAAA budget slop?
She looks like the girl from the game Mouthwash. She gets raped and eventually kills herself.
I don't know about the peekaboo meme.
She's playing peekaboo with her aborted child.
Not liking shitty indies doesn't mean I automatically like every single modern AAA(A) slop there is
Seems pretty tame. Might as well be a good ending.
Twitter users are just way too sensitive.
>I once sent some random fanart from this dude to a good friend and even he somehow knows and dislikes him?
If you're not brain dead you know he's simply a ragebaiter.
The artwork is meme redraws and all it is supposed to do is garner attention (which is 99% astroturfed i.e. it's his discord groupies pretending to get mad at him etcetera) to ultimately sell porn on patreon.
Any mildly sane individual would dislike this internet persona.
What's a ween?
>Using holohoax background
That's an instant eyes bulging from the small hats especially when posting it on X (formerly Twitter). But Flips aren't brow beaten about the "event" like Westerners are, I'm assuming. It would be like a Japanese artist using cotton fields and 19th century US Southern mansion with a "Welcome to Georgia" sign in the background.
They probably typo-ed weeb. At least I'm seeing it as such
A group of anons shit all over my old artwork after someone posted on a porn thread. Also, someone uploaded all my old artwork to E-Hentai. Since my old work is pretty low-beg, many people shat on it and gave it low ratings.
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you just ignore them. I used to hear them out and give them a chance, maybe I was in the wrong, but I soon realized it's never enough. They just want to see you destroyed for fun and then move to the next guy.
Just use your fans to bully your bullies like that female artist did last year.
>just use your fans to bully your fans pretending to be your bullies
what did anon mean by this?
>The artwork is meme redraws and all it is supposed to do is garner attention (which is 99% astroturfed i.e. it's his discord groupies pretending to get mad at him etcetera)
he is a ragebaiter alright but you're a schizo
just tell them to post their work and smile smugly when they don't.
I will never understand why twitter users are obsessed with telling artists to kill themself or that they should be murdered.
they are depressed teen projecting
Why are indie game players such colossal faggots?

"Epic ween" as in "epic win". It's an old term for unfunny troll.
I fucking love Khyle. One of my favorite artists.
It's just banter. Literally nothing wrong with a little jab here and there.
What's wrong with playing indie games?
Nothing, it's not the games it's the people who play them. They are just like the Macfags from 2000s.
Auchwitz is a literal museum nowadays. That's clearly the intention here, the school is visitinh it during holocaust remembrance day. What the actual fuck is wrong with you subhumans?
>/pol/tard thinks he's popular
Absolutely delusional.
The majority are worst slop than the average AAA game indie gamingfags mock. 40 to 50 games are released on Steam every day and most of them are janky, generic trash. Even a lot of the "good" indies are FOTM that people forget about by the end of the year.
I'm guessing I'll just have to deal with them as they do more and more insane shit to try and rile me up. I just don't get why they're so pissed at sub-optimal art being present on the board that's about improving your art.
I just don't give a shit.
Just draw vtuber and gacah shit and you will have an army behind willing to die for you.
His main gimmick is including messed up easter eggs which can be politically incorrect.
Just laugh at them and ignore that shit.
>just laugh at them
they ain't funny though unless you're the average 12 year old lurking pol and s4s
hes right though its just lowest common denominator to appeal to the largest audience
I did, a lot, with OSINT and doxxing attempts even
And that's even before I became an artist
The bar for actively-hunting-your-ass is pretty low.
Fags here will read one random comment that isn't overly positive of their work and they'll start calling you all the names of their discord friends.
Who's this and why do people hate it?
As long as you don't overshare things on twitter and don't open weird links, doxxing you is literally impossible
People in general don't seem to hate him, as he's popular.
Care to guess why someone popular would be hated on 4chan?
>Care to guess why someone popular would be hated on 4chan?
I know
I mean "searching up any of my likely internet activity by the way I write" tier
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Forgive this retard >>7402063, he is legally blind. People throw hate at this artist because the easter eggs and subtextual topics of this works are of dark humor and also controversial. """Wholesome""" people on the internet dont like it, so they banter at him unwholesomely. It really is just that.
>noooo my ecelebrity artist is based! its just le haterzzz who h8!
this is genuinely why society is going down the shitter since we can't call shit for what it is and everyone believes they are the epickest of epic trolls
because no way in hell you would unironically find this pollite normieslop actually entertaining.
who are you quoting?
epic troll anon
He is quoting me >>7402082 with what I can say are prefabricated responses for calling him a blind retard.
He is arguing that nobody generally hates Khyle as OP posts an image of two users QRTing him with hostile messages and also anon >>7401668 mentioning how his friends hated the artist when he showed them his art.
He will argue that Khyle only gets hatred from envious anons who loathe his success, which would be a reasonable argument to do if it wasnt for the fact he is shoehorning it in a thread that has been lukewarm about Khyle so far and has only only criticized his content or put in doubt the validity of his hatebase.
Like I said, anon is a blind retard, ignore him lol.
So just mundane Twitter shit? Does he draw controversial subjects? Is he a pedo or a shitty person at all?
As controversial as "Subtext of two lesbian anime girls that just had sex in a gym's restroom", "Subtext of an anime girl having sex with her dog", "Anime girl wants to kill herself and/or kill her friend" or "anime characters in a love triangle + pregnancy ala Miami Soap Opera style" can get. It really is basic dark humor, nothing worth stressing about.
>Is he a pedo or a shitty person at all?
Wouldnt know, I dont follow the guy, but considering his hatebase, if he had any bad shades, people would have voice them all across the platforms already, so... he is not...? ...yet? I dunno.
>whiteknighting for the eceleb
as i said, epic troll
as far as my or the other anons emotional state goes, i bet you will just make a whole scenario in your mind where you are the epic winner and everyone else is seething

goddman society is cooked
Let them seethe while turning a profit
>Getting hate from nobodies on the net
"I dont know you rando schizo from Internetland"
>closes laptop
"What a nice day"
Once you start picturing haters as the people they actually are (losers) their words hold a lot less impacy. If you ignore them it drives them insanely mad since its a direct way of showing that their influence on the world is about as much as it is in real life (nothing). They're the detritus that bottom feeders pass on. The murk at the bottom of a latrine. Don't confuse valid criticism for a hater, a haters hatred is irrational and fueled by Insecurities and self loathing. Next time you come across an actual hater just picture them for what they really are.
if I had normies hating me for what I draw, I'd consider that a success. Art is meant to make someone feel something, after all. It would hurt more to be ignored.
khyle is fine and even soft endorses this type of behavior (because rage help spreads his art)
>How do you deal with haters?
You just have to be good enough, then even the haters will shut up.
never got the hate from this guy, answering your question you literally just ignore them and continue doing your thing.
I once got shit from Bengal (the french comic artist guy that was super popular back in the conceptart.org ddays) because of gun control. I very politely stated that I thought guns were important to a nations stability and he just starts insulting the shit out of me. Saying shootings never happen in france and americans were crazy.

Literally the next day the Charli Hebdo attacks happened. I asked what he felt about gun control then and he blocked me.
>Literally the next day the Charli Hebdo attacks happened. I asked what he felt about gun control
>says the mutt with his daily school shooting and monthly riot over a dead nigger
Your guns are for decoration. That's the real American gun control, you all got programmed to never use them. Republicans demonstrated it 4 years ago
>How do you deal with haters?
I've only gotten haters on 4chan desu. but to be fair on other platforms I'm lucky if I get more than 2 likes..
I have an obsessed anon hating me because I ruined his free art beg scam in different boards' drawthreads. I just post my own stuff and stuff I've been commissioned to draw to make him seethe.
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Either you don't use actual art sites or you are bad at tagging your stuff
Now show us the gacha character porn you draw.
I just know.
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and there you go
Lol. No. That's just not true. You don't really understand what a hater is if you think being that good means you'll have no haters.
>Either you don't use actual art sites or you are bad at tagging your stuff
no, its just I have the diarrhea girl curse.
your stuff is pure fetish. but its not bad. do you do anything other than girls wrestling?
i don't get this one,, but i also don't know the character
>do you do anything other than girls wrestling?
Not really.
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I hope he's affiliated to that "engage and get paid" scheme Xitter offers.

His art is pure outrage bait so he could farm engagement from angry retards and ballwashers alike.
Ignore them.
Like stone cold zero interaction, don't even block them.
I did that to a college stalker and the fucker got so mad he got cirrhosis.
As an adult I realized the world preys on weak willed people, and had to leave the "I have to please everyone" type of thinking, as its dangerous. Unfortunately the best cure for this is being good at something, where you can say with 100% that you are THE guy in that field. This transcends art too.

Imagine that guy at your workplace who smokes weed. He is generally fun to have around too, and he's friendly to everyone. However, do not forget he'll never do anything more complex than putting boxes on shelves, that is his peak. Lets say he has the idea that he doesn't want to put boxes on shelves forever, quits weed, he stops being aloof, and starts outperforming co-leagues. Suddenly for some magical reason people hate him.
If you try to please everyone you'll get a shitty art, which people will like even if its shitty, because it gives them the If I tried I could do this too idea. This type phenomenon you'll encounter especially when you start uploading your art and exposing yourself. The very moment you want to aim higher people WILL hate you, as a lot of times they see their failed potential. This is exactly what happened to pewdiepie.
You don't owe the world shit, and you don't need to feel bad about shitters.
Processing them. Information is information. If you can't turn it around for profit then you're a goddamned loser.
easy, just ignore them.
he's edgy and actually a good artist so a lot of forever no draws will hate him
Oh no did you just call a twitter artist good? Get ready for a bunch of angry replies telling you how you are wrong while not posting their work.
yeah, I drawfagged for a thread and got a little too funny. Have caused multiple thread long breakdowns in which I hardly did anything to provoke or keep going.
He's replying to the question
>How do you deal with haters?
with the answer "being good enough". It doesn't mean there won't be haters, it just means they will be effectively screaming at the void
>still using DA
Aer you an AIslop generator?
well the wrestling fag gets 200 bucks per commission, so....

you have to find a niche
Based nichemaxxxer. You're still AIproof for now, there's no way AI sloppers can do more than 2 girls wrestling.
I've seen AI users making "good enough" wrestling pics but I can also see which artworks they have used as the base. But yeah, AI does fumble more with multiple characters interacting and entwining
Lotsa people use DA. Same with Pixiv. Of course more people use Twitter and other social media platforms but DA and Pixiv's advantage is that people use them for art posting and browsing. As a content creator, your best bet is to go where people who are interested in art go.
I find it funny when I get death threats. Seethers give me motivation.
I can't imagine the powerlessness they feel when typing a death threat on twitter
Neither can they, but hey - denial isn't just a river in Africa
>someone says kill yourself
>thats now a death threat

granted, now zoomers have an average IQ of 79 and lose their shit when you simply don't submit to their mental illness and of course the standard delusional cope is that everyone is seething and mad at them.

Digitally induced narcissism to borderline schizophrenic tendencies really fucked up a whole generation.
I don't understand this drawing, can you give me the context of why it is a bad thing?
I wish my art was popular enough to get hated...
In the game she got raped and got pregnant, Twitter troons are assblasted because she's showing sympathy to the aborted baby and not flushing it down the toilet like they would
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New indie game called Mouthwashing dropped. This character, Anya, gets raped in it. The full comic is about her crying over her aborted rapebaby. This triggers Mouthwashing fans even though SA victims feeing conflicted about aborting children conceived from their assault being a very real and complex thing.
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>flushing fetuses down the toilet
Please tell me people don't actually do that, man...
I'm don't even care about the whole abortion debacle, I'm fine either way, but fuck you mentioning it just ruined my mood completely.
I never get touchy about muh society, but that just struck me. This world is messed up, dude.
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THIS is what people are bitching about...?
...this is actually pretty heartwarming. What the fuck is wrong with people?
I used to think that. Then I got popular. Now I still think it.
>caring for lost loved ones is considered edgy
what a time to be alive
They can't jerk off over it, so it makes their brains shortcircuit.
ok, i get the joke now
People are always ready to assume the worst about Khyle on twitter no matter what.

Also, the mouthwashing fandom is full of so many of these nutjobs that the creator had to step out and say to stop harrassing people over art of the game they didn't like. They think because Anya is a rape victim, you aren't supposed to draw art of her doing certain things. Originall it was her being sexual but now they've added "Doesn't hate the child she gained from rape" to the list.

They seem to assume she'd just be fine with the loss and happy to move on from it, and not that losing a baby would make her into an emotional and mental mess off the hormones alone
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i get the joke but what the fuck, Anon?
It gives me hope one of the girls I raped loves her kid and has a nice life
maybe "heartwarming" is not the proper word lol.
Heartwrecking? It hits you in the feels, just that.
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Is this Patreon?
If he's being paid a lot, I don't know why with a fraction of followers I couldn't do it too.
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He makes a minimum of $50k from Patreon alone. He also sells prints of his stuff on inprint.com from $10 to $30. And finally, he has bluecheck on Twitter, so he gets money on being an edgy, engagement-farming troll.

Most of his art breaks a million views easy, and the pic in OP alone has almost 30 million, so do the math.
None of them hold up to a physiognomy check so I save them
that's literally free advertising for the game, probably made the dev thousands in the couple hours it took him to draw that
Why bother with hate. It seems like a waste of energy. These artists aren't going to pay attention to your opinion if you burst out of nowhere and complain.

No. If you want to see real, tangible results in terms of getting to these artists, consider the following. Let their fans tell them, in as very few or as many words as possible, that they're good. The work they create is absolutely amazing. Don't change a thing. Let their fans smear the canvas with praise. These artists, can do no wrong.

The psychological profile is set. Am I really this good? Wow, I had no idea I was this amazing! It's the style that matters. Haters? I don't need to listen to them, I have my LEGIONS of fans who like me! They like what I do! I can do no wrong. Pats on the ass all around!

After years of being handed participation trophies, the damage has been done. Reality starts to set in. What ends up happening is just like an animal in captivity. The realistic window of possibilities is now reduced to a meager crack in the wall. What was once a proud, independent vision of creativity and artistic endeavor slowly starts to devolve into this mundane, run of the mill existence. What was once a standard of excellence, becomes just another drawing. Stagnation sets in. They start to fall behind with commissions, drowning in months of backlogged art. Horrible.

And now look at you, you're this fragile, malnourished artist whose name is not even worthy of a mention in this thread. Your art is nothing more than a web search away. You've changed your nickname how many times already, just to try to stay relevant? See, at the end, it's not the haters you should be worried about. It's about the LEGIONS of fans whom you've surrounded yourself with all these years to help absorb that "negativity".

Why bother with hate when it's MORE fun to say you're doing great. Your irrelevancy shows in your tattered replies. It's GLORIOUS. 15 minutes well spent. :)
>every time he uploads there is magically millions of people getting mad
>and another million of people heating up debates
You'd had to pay me to actually believe this shit to be organic.
why does this guy have such a weird fixation on subtly hiding pregnancy and themes of pregnancy in his work
Holy based.
>well the wrestling fag gets 200 bucks per commission, so....
Unless you finish 10 in a month, this is pointless to mention as an American. We don't care if you're non white, 2 cents is richness in your land.
>esl larping as an american
Bots. All bots. And bots don't pay the bills. I had 8K followers before leaving that shithole behind me and only 5% of them liked my work, 1% of them even bothered commissioning me.
I'm American. My English does not matter if you like how I say it or not.
you have to go back, enrique
You first, Filipino.
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I wouldn't say actively hunting me but there's this fag who hates me because I told him to fuck off I think a decade ago and once in a while when I post art on /co/ he MIGHT say something rude
He was way more active back in the day but that was years ago and staying upset all the way into the 2020's is cringe
A Teen mom was caught after dumping her newborn in the dumpster
The babies find I think and the Teen mom got thrown into the slammer jammer
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For a little context on the fandom, the character with the most porn by far is the severely-burned captain who is entirely covered in bandages and was basically turned into a nugget.
So uh... why have we become so cool with whitewashing characters, sexualizing children, whatever the fuck that mid hack artist Khyle does and harassing minors out of drawing because they *checks notes* edited a free screenshot?
Yes, I'm so sure the guy who draws FOTM waifus doing edgy or nazi shit has good intentions
I don't think he has any intentions beyond making money doing what he loves desu
Ah, so he's a grifter. Got it.
>pickme proshitter
what does this mean again
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Total Minor Death lmao
go do your homework nigger
its past your bedtime
she's turned the weans against us
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Ewww there's a bug in the sink I'm just trying to do some dishes
Why is everyone talking about this bad and boring game? Like, okay I know trash animes are getting trendy very often for whatever the reason is, but why this as a game?
nobody is going to miss you when you die
Imagine saying this like it matters.

I had peace when I didn't know about all this faggotry
Flips like him Sydus and Hews are masters of artistic engagement farming
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The age old saying still stands "Don't feed the troll".

My haters are turboautists with like 5-10 followers. Let them bitch in their little echo chamber, who cares? They will never be as talented as you.
>minors on Xitter getting exposed to this shit
That's the parents' fault, not my problem. Don't give your shitty kids phones and tablets and be a parent for once.
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This makes no sense, why do they want to kill him for drawing Shelley Duval playing peak-a-boo?
I dream of being told my art gave someone child traumas.
I wanna do to people what Courage did to my lil bro lmao.
literally /ic/ everyday
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i wonder how much is he earning by engagement alone
engagement baiting and grifting pays extremely well, who would have fucking thought.
I mean, your art isn't good, so it's obvious that people hate you if you go out of your way pointing out how you manage to make money from art so bad.
People hate you because you got lucky.
>makes something completely unrelated to trannies
>somehow trannies still seethe
This is a compliment.
Won't they do that anyway?
I'll just tell them off with "cope seethe dilate". simple as
Cope, seethe, dilate
If you're going to be edgy and make holocaust and rape memes then you should suck it up when people tell you to kill yourself. Free speech means you have the right to draw whatever and other people have the right to disapprove of it. Imagine being an "offensive" artist but getting offended when you actually offend someone.
those don't correlate to each other.
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Straight up mock them in your art!
I have a feeling he just made that person up.
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Kuvshinov taught me that if criticism or drama comes your way you should simply fucking ignore everything and carry on as if nothing ever happened.
He brushed off half a dozen tracing allegations, a dogshit inept manga, a dogshit inept GitS series and a flop movie, and he's still getting work and being treated like a star.

Just act as if nothing happened.
Absolutely retarded.
No one loves you
If it doesn't matter then kill yourself now.
Salty crab faggot
he's right, y'know. get a real job, peter pan
Nice insult faggot.
Seethe no draw waggie :)
Whichever defense mechanism helps you best. Go for it.
/ic/ is comprised of of haters. Nigga don’t even like drawing here
If I were you, I would have already. :)
Khyle is genuinely funny and clever with his comics, and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
Is it me or he's gotten worse
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>nsfw shitter
bet somewhere on non english speaking internet there is a meme exactly like that

also it's automatically not funny because the purpose is to sell porn and if you disagree you're mentally retarded or underage
You sound jealous.
Dude, I don't know why, but I literally can only read what you just wrote in a very strong broken English Punjabi accent. I'm not even joking right now lmfao.
The joke is porn
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If the joke is just porn, why aren't you guys mimicking Khyle and making easy goonbucks like he apparently is?
I can easily and lazily make way more money selling drugs from my window without having to deal with online retards or shill porn to minors.

This is not the own or gotcha you think it is.
prove it
glow somewhere else, nigger
never happened to me but that's because I try and keep a low profile.
post your drugs, nodeal
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>omg u jelly
>dud like i read this in broken english lmao #owned
>if that thing do money why aren't you doing that thing?
no wonder the joke is porn is the epitome of comedy now
it's free engagement
Khyle is shit and unfunny but he literally posts nothing but intentional engagement bait and his retarded critics fall for it every time. They're just helping him.
I did a rule34 commission of some videogame, and got a schizo send me multiple messages (DMs, emails etc) with long rants (which I didn't read in full desu) telling me to take it down or they'd destroy my life.
I never answered, just blocked them and never heard from them again (this was a few years back).
99% of interactions were pleasant though, for me, but maybe because porn people are more chill than normie spaces?
Better than /ic/, where the punchline is always (You).
I've ignored him so hard he doesn't even pop up in my feed anymore. I'm glad I don't need to see it ever again.
is she at the graveyard?

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