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Posting in /beg/ wasn't very helpful so I figured I'd just make a thread. Any critiques for this drawing? So far the limited vague feedback I've gotten from friends and the /beg/ thread were that the perspective is off and some parts of the body are the wrong size. Also, how /beg/ am I, and what are some avenues for improvement?
I'm also planning to ink this in with a dip pen after, will proceed and post results when this base sketch is finally satisfactory
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Pyerspyective nyot gyood.
Did you use references? Sometimes having references can help, not even to copy but just to have on the side so you have a feel for what you want to make.
I didn't have a reference sadly
I just had the idea for this picture come to me so I wanted to try drawing it out. Couldn't find a model reference in the exact same pose so I just went based on my current understanding of proportions.
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Bumping with an earlier work that I'm also seeking critique for
I wanted to try rendering shadows and stuff but pussied out for fear of ruining it again (one of my problems is constantly going to tweak and adjust and add more ink until the whole thing turns out ugly, so I decided to quit while ahead)
If you don't want a model program use poseit it's free.
Neat I'll check it out, thanks fren
I think you drawing is cute anon. The proportions are a bit off, but everyone's proportions are always a little off.

>avenues for improvement
I've tried so many things, so many ways of practicing. in the end, I think this article sums up the whole process of drawing the best:


check out his youtube channel too. He's done some livestreams where he demonstrates how he studies.

Frank Frazetta: https://youtu.be/ZqJ2h4Jw5nU
Claire Wendling: https://youtu.be/7ukExmlSRWU
Humblemogger, I kneel...
Thanks man, I needed that :)
Love your rendition of my sketch, it totally outclasses mine and is a lot closer to what I had in mind at the start
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Made changes thanks to anons' inputs, is this an improvement? Might move on to inking later today
>caved to peer pressure to fatten thighs
I widened her hips because I realised they were kind of narrow which made the shoulders look too broad by comparison
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face need refine, weird skull proportions + water mask tube create tangens, and also hy you chop her legs?
Thanks for the redraw, does the reworked sketch >>7403809 fix the issues? I redrew her head and made her cranium slightly larger.
>hy you chop her legs?
Because I'm absolutely rubbish at space management and ran out of paper
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head (left side) is weird shaped Im beg too but here what I try to say to you:
Whatever e-hentai full of usefull books by tag "howto" in western, non-h, mics.
Good luck.
It's the head. Its a bit too small
Sexy. But she look generic. Maybe make a manga you will thrive.
this guy just traces 3d models and call it a book
>Maybe make a manga you will thrive
Embarrassed to admit it but that's the dream
Well I inked it in and ruined it as usual. I'll eventually come to hate this piece (in fact I already do) so it will probably never see the light of day again.

But many thanks anyway to all the anons who provided feedback and advice, it has been greatly appreciated.
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Fucking forgot to attach the image. I'm seriously going to contemplate suicide.
You're too harsh on yourself friend. It looks clean and great
Thanks for the kind words anon. I'm getting hard filtered by dip pens, controlling line width and strength is super difficult. It also doesn't help that my hands are unsteady and I suck at mark-making. You can see the blemish in her left inner thigh where I had a bit of a panic with the white-out because it didn't look right, and ended up soaking and ruining the paper. The hatching and shading is also horrendously uneven and inconsistent, I can't figure out how to do it properly for the life of me.
your linework is great, you just need to work on fundies/anatomy. keep it up
it looks good tho
Thanks friends. Maybe my hyper-perfectionism got the better of me again.
Give it a few weeks then either try redoing, or use the same character and outfit and have them doing something else. Take what you've learnt and apply it again.

Even if proportions are "off", the original version looked nice.

If it helps, pick one element that you want to focus on in particular, then using tools such as 3D pose/renders compare where you have issues.

Don't waste your time using pre-posed photos. If you want a reference, use a 3D poser that gives you control over perspective and lens to match your intended pose and find what you've done that works, what has wiggle room, and what doesn't work; Think proportions - some people have a longer/shorter torso/limbs, some people are broader/thinner. Getting limited by strict proportions isn't going to do you much good. If a limb is positioned in a way that isn't possible, outside of it being dislocated/broken, then that would be a problem.

Keep a picture/scan of the pencil drawings, so if you're unhappy with the inked version, you can always retry/adjust from a trace which saves you time and frustration.
Thank you, that sounds like some solid advice. I'll take it to heart.
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No problem. There have been times where I thought I had the anatomy on something wrong, but it was "right", only the torso was longer, or the neck was shorter than the "x number of heads distance" would normally point towards. A few minutes looking at examples of people in real life showed just how disproportionate people can be and it made sense. There'd then also be times where I did something where I was sure it was right, but there were limbs moving beyond the limits of what the joint is cabable of, particularly with the lower leg is where I run into that issue.

I continually run into issues, but with some checking, thinking and experimenting, it works out in the end. That is, unless the initial idea is faulty and it won't work.

I wanted to try having a "winged" person. So I did some searching around for ideas that others have had over how the muscles and skeleton would work, tried applying those things to what I was making, switching from greyscale, to full colour and while I think there are still some issues with how the broken wings - the bones for them are a little off, I'm content enough with how this is now.

If you get frustrated with a piece, take a break and try something different, different subject, style, medium. Don't let yourself get trapped.
>back vagina
Thanks. Another problem I realised too late into the drawing was that I'd unconsciously created areas where lines formed tangents and multi-intersections. I know it's a very amateurish mistake, which compounded my frustration and made me think I would never escape /beg/hood despite many years of drawing.

Your work is pretty cool by the way, do you happen to be a concept artist?
Try not to worry too much about those intersection type issues. If anatomy and clothing create the lines they do, then that's what they do. If your objective, or need is to simplify or minimise the amount of lines that you use - then it becomes a headache, but clothing can throw up things you don't expect, particularly when it is contrasting materials and folding. You can edit things down afterwards if necessary, better to have it down on paper/screen first to find out what you do need to keep/discard.

Other thing that comes to mind, try to resist the need to classify things so much with labels like beg/int etc. if you're happy with a piece, it's internally and externally consistent and stands up to examination, just take it as a win. Learn from where there are problems and mistakes and build on the parts that work well.

As for me? I'm a hobbyist. I draw/paint for either myself, or as gifts for others. I'd find doing concept work soul-crushing.
That's some more solid advice. Thanks for talking to me, I feel much better now :)
Wayyy better than what I can do but is the hand actually holding anything?
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Thanks! It's supposed to be holding the tank valve. I didn't have one on hand and couldn't model how a hand would grip on to it, so I had to make do with memory and a bit of imagination to fill in the gaps.
like the other anons have said, it's a huge improvemetn on what you had in the op. great work
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Thank you, you're very kind. Have one of my earlier quick sketches that I did on MS Paint
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A "smaller" version if that tickles your fancy. I posted these on /a/ originally despite them not being based on any anime/manga characters in particular.
Bruh you're a pro
Thanks, haha. I still have a long way to go before I'd confidently call myself any sort of a pro
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>that eye
>that body

That looks good enough for Japanese Manga Work starting 1989, like this manga
Thanks! I like the aesthetics of the works from this time period a lot. It's one of my sources of inspiration.
>Jin Cleese
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Literally me every single time. Also Azuma is one of my biggest sources of inspiration with Yotsuba&!
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Hello again /ic/, I'm back in the saddle again with another sketch. This time I had a reference image to base on so hopefully the proportions and perspective aren't so rough. This is just the base figure sketch, the other details like hair and clothing will be added after.
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Addendum: I realised that the abdomen was just a bit too long and skinny so I adjusted that
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Out of curiosity I tried setting up the original image in an old posing software and you're pretty much fine with it as it was.

The limbs were within bounds of movement, most other things would be explained by body fat and the clothing pulling the boobs together.
Nice, what software is that?
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Poser 6 from around 2005. It's handy as a tool to roughly check things. The name of the software has changed now and it's Daz Studio - free to use, but resources beyond the basics all cost.

With the young woman in the sunhat, don't worry about the torso length too much, you'll find variation in proportions. You've got wiggle room to play with. As long as you can explain where the skeleton is positioned and how it interconnects consistently you can have people be "disproportionate" try to be conscious though of what you're doing and why you're doing it.

As an example of things that can be a problem though, while I was making this, I had the mother's forearms too long, even accounting for disproportionate dimensions. The forearms were too long, the back was arched too much, trying to emphasise her pregnancy and the angle of her neck - while possible, was too far to be able to lay in bed comfortably. They were all relatively quick and easy to fix, but they were issues that needed to be solved to get it to that point. There are still likely to be issues with it now, but I'm happy enough with it as it is.
Thanks for the tips! Love your drawing by the way, I really want to learn how to draw a scene that tells a story like that. That'll be the next thing I work on once I get figure drawing nailed down.
It might help to try what's been working for me. Rather than worry about learning how to do X to then do Y, combine the two into the same project. Work out what you want to do - an overall goal, and then add in things that you struggle with that would be part of it. So in your example, have a story/scene that you'd like to tell - that features figure anatomy as an important element.

That way you're learning while you're doing. It's quite likely that you'll encounter problems and challenges in that process, please don't let yourself get discouraged though. Make a little progress at a time, check your work as you go to find what's working and what needs adjusting - then keep on building towards making that full scene.

Try not to go for an overambitious project - I've made that mistake in the past. Two/three figures gives you the opportunity for interaction between them while not overloading things.

When you've completed that project, take a moment and look back - you've learnt elements you needed and applied them to something which you find rewarding. At that point, think of the next project and what elements you need to learn to make it happen.
I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, friend :)
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No problem. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, but do be afraid of not learning from them. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next. Also don't be afraid to step away and try doing something wildly different to give yourself some space to think through parts of another project that give you trouble.

I've been working on this off and on for a long time. The full piece has seven figures in it, full background etc. etc. Because I'd had so many false starts on it though I've had to strip it back to each individual part, to then get them right - hence the black background and it only showing a small part of two of the people. Blocking out everything that isn't being worked on makes it easier for me to then not redo mistakes - being misled by preexisting lighting etc.

I struggle with hair, so that's something I'm making an effort to work on with this. ...With intermitent progress being made.

You'll get there with what you're looking to do. Slow and steady.
How long have you been practicing for
Who is the question for?
That rendering looks incredible! Keep it up yourself too! :)

Been drawing a lot since I was a toddler but only really started taking it seriously for the past 6 years (I'm in my early 20s). And by "taking it seriously" I mean doing things like studies and experimenting with different methods and techniques whereas before it was just doodles and scribbles on my homework and notebooks to relieve boredom/stress.
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Filled in the hair and clothes. I wanted to challenge myself with a more complex hairstyle so I tried a braid. Also, drawing the folds of a long dress skirt is very tricky, so I'll need to work on that more.

The rest of the drawing will be complete when I return from holiday. Until then, thanks to all the anons who gave really great advice and help!
Enjoy your holiday!

The dress folds make sense where the front is connecting around to the waist and bunching up because she is sat down. Might? Need more pronounced gathering/folds on the upper thigh from the material riding up in the sitting position - that would partly depend on what material the dress is made from though and how far it can fold on itself - a light satin would have thinner folds than a heavier cotton or linen.

Nicely done!
I wish I could draw as well as you.
Is this alright for the construction layer? Or should I be simplifying even more?
Your shit is all fucked up. Simplify more I guess
There's nothing particularly wrong with this drawing, it's just that the linework/pose are a bit weak/unconfident. The reason is just milage, if you draw enough humans under gravity you'll get a feel for it. it's good work. Keep it up OP you'll get there
this one appeals to me

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