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How's your art journey going this year? Any self-published manga/comics, indie animation, or portfolio you can show to us?
Ah-umm Maybe the last year !
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feel like i can happily ramble about this but i got to make a sfw and nsfw portfolio, as well as increasingly add more stuff, such as commission and personal works, to said portfolio, even managing to branch out to animating on live2d
(in case you wanna see : https://yenaportfolio.carrd co/#portfolio )
How's yours?
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Finished this year with a 5 page commission comic. Pic rel what I have posted to DA this year from newest to oldest
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I could've drawn more but I think I made some pretty good gains
Not great. I kept switching between Linux amd Windows which meant I ended up wiping my files. I like Linux for the simplicity and performance boost but the tool bar hides the most important button on the program I use (thru WINE). I don't dual boot. I use NekoProject to draw but it lags on Windows.
Good shit. Are you a /pro/?
Nice one anon! Can I ask a couple of questions?
Is rigging live2d model hard? How's the business? Is the competition too hard right now?
storyboarding my comic atm releasing sometime in jan-feb
did a few comms this year and started doing yt thumbnail comms
still no socials progress hoping to no life my way to a following this year
Still /beg/. Making slow but steady progress. My consistency... isn't great. An anon bullied me for my suboptimal gainz so I'm gonna do an art study of either Imashi's artbook or Shirow Miwa's "gadgetry."
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Managed to get 200 pages done this year! I feel like I've gotten a little better
Quality stuff
always love seeing your work! well done this year

my year was super slow in terms of drawing, but i’m trying to set myself up to have an easier time approaching drawing.. i’m homeless/jobless/disabled, but i’m hoping to save up enough money for a surface tablet by the end of the year. i miss working digitally..

in the meantime, i still think i had some pretty decent gains this year. i don’t have the means to make a fun compilation of all my work, but ive filled up 2 1/2 sketchbooks so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wonderful work anon, very inspiring. Looks like you drew more than enough to me.
>is rigging a live2d model hard?
it took a while to really get the core functions down, but once you do it's not as bad as you think, i still consider myself a beginner but i'd like to practice more as time goes on
>How's the business? is the competition too hard right now?
extremely difficult to get new clients ngl, but i have been getting more frequents through meeting new people, so at least i can pay my phonebill lol
Noticing an obvious trend with the frogspammer this week.
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>How's your art journey going this year?
I posted some frogs. that's about it.
/pro/ and probably the best on /ic/ right now.
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I'm finishing making a series of mockups for illustrations
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I didn't like the way my art was going, so I pulled back to doing studies.
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Would normally be done with a full chapter by now, but this is the finale of an entire story arc and as such is about 2.5x as long. About 60% done as of the time of this posting. Will be nice to have a full volume of approximately 220 pages to show people once everything's all printed.
Lmao no, he’s just a Temu version of Naf, who still occasionally posts on the manga thread. Also news flash, Naf still hasn’t gotten published or made full time income with his art, despite his skills for drawing scenes in perspective.
>Naf, who still occasionally posts on the manga thread
What? No he doesn't.
>Also news flash, Naf still hasn’t gotten published or made full time income with his art
News flash, he fucking has gotten published. Granted, by Viz, but it doesn't seem like he's making any attempt to get published by japanese publisher. I absolutely believe he could if he tried.
Don't know if he makes a full-time income with his art though.
He does, he just doesn’t post very often. I know he got a one shot published by VIZ but that’s not the equivalent of actually being published full time When I mean published as a mangaka, I mean published with actually chapters in a magazine or volumes sold, not a one shot or two on VIZ. Last check on his patreon and checking how many commisssions he posts he’d be making under 500 USD a month. I like Naf, but him living in USA means that he’s 99 percent likely to not be earning enough to live full time off his artworks. My argument here is that /pro/s are at the level where you are living full time comfortably off your art skills, which neither you or Naf has done yet to my knowledge. High /int/ at best.
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>He does, he just doesn’t post very often.
After a rough breakup and failed career I have unquit art, because it makes me happy.

I finally began taking art seriously. Previously, for thirty years of my life, it was nothing more than doodles, but about a year ago I started to deliberately seek improvement with the hope of making it at least a partial career. I'm now confident enough that I made social media accounts for my work last week and have begun posting. 2025 will be my year.

No more dreaming, only doing.
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>Lmao no, he’s just a Temu version of Naf
Cant argue there
Yea my stuff sucks but I don't mind sharing it
thank you so much
I'm flattered but this guy >>7404750 is right i still got a way to go
About a year ago https://tapas.io/episode/3045602
Kind of recent https://tapas.io/episode/3375679
Lol, lmao even.
Reading that induced schizophrenia in me, but it's definitely a stylistic and skill improvement. Keep it up.
Well? >>7404824
You can spot the moment I stopped working full time.
no sketches? or are these just finished pieces?
>I stopped working full time.
I don't sketch anything I don't finish.
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I did not draw as much as I had hope, and not as diverse of a repertoire as I used to, although overview like this might be helpful in look at what area i really lacking.
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Lovely work anons.
220 pages is huge! I couldn't bring myself to put out a single 24pgs short. I could learn from you.
You made me look at the art from the start of 2024- It was genuinely so bad. And it was even worse to see just how little I did. Entire months gone, wasted cowering before empty canvases. I do not understand how I could improve so much after drawing so little.
But my mindset ended up improving immensely, that's my big takeaway from 2024. I draw every day now, even though it'll never be enough, even though it'll never be as good as I want it to be.

All things considered, it's more than I ever did. Goals for 2025 include submitting solid entries to manga contests, posting on socials more and filling a new sketchbook every couple months instead of every 6 months.
Thank you for reading my blog. I wish for anyone here who really tries, to make it!
'mirin the hat crosshatching. You got a social?
It exists for a very small group of people, and the trouble is finding them.
Been posting art on TikTok but it’s so disheartening. It feels really random when a post performs well or when one fails. my art just might not be good enough.

Even my top performing posts most people don’t watch till the end of the video and stop watching half way through. It sucks. It can be fun but really depressing at points
Drew less than last year BUT the results are MUCH better
though i feel like i can improve a lot more with lightning, and perspective, and most importantly backgrounds
Here's one drawing i had fun with
I gotta finish an animation for university tho, im gonna have to speed that one
Art is a mental illness. You are sitting for hours in front of a paper drawing lines like an autist, when you could be outside doing something for your health.
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Started drawing this year and I think I progressed a lot. I hope to be able to draw multiple characters with background and stuff much more frequently next year.
pre-/beg/ doing my boxes like a good girl.
Well, you're still here, so, maybe there's more to it than you just wanting to post frogs.
This world is ran by people who sit behind desks all day you retard. Being outside is for peons such as yourself.
switched to digital for 2024 idk if i can go back bros
Love ur stuff and follow u on social media.

My fav piece is the hamburger restaurant one.
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I haven't drawn much this year because I have other things I'm interested in. ADHD is serious business.

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