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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
What constitutes a full art study of a book? Drawing the book front to back?
whatever you land upon, the criteri(um/a) is necessarily arbitrary. practically, your best approach would be to form your method of study of a given book or other resource around what is most *useful*. for instance, a book might have 9/10 chapters which are good, so who cares if you do a "full study" when that's a less productive approach? that said, if you are studying a given book, by all means do copies of drawings you find in it and studies based on the instruction.
My study of Shirow Miwa is going horrendously. He does everything I don't do when drawing - I tend to draw wider, he draws super thin, plus all his little (hand-drawn, not custom brush) stitching is rough. Do I power through the study anyways for the gainz or do I pivot to someone more manageable like Imaishi?
Well one thing you should consider is do you even want your art to look like what you're studying? Do you LIKE drawing wider? If you want to draw like Miwa then yes you have to suck it up and keep grinding on it.
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What is the purpose of pic related? How do set up grids using this method to estimate different degrees?
As someone who wants to draw characters from imagination, how should I approach studying with that in mind?
it's criterion, not criterium
your prescriptivism, funnily enough (given the above post) is arbitrary. it ultimately comes from the ancient Greek κριτήριον, though, like many other words in English, there's an intermediate borrowing from Latin (which is written 'criterium'). prescriptivism is useful, but has no necessary foundation.
How does figure drawing translate into cartoons? People tell me to tackle human proportions first than draw sonic and shit
Leaning to *FEEL*, every aspect of your Sonic OC has to *FEEL* fast and edgy
Resources on basic form drawing
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How would I box up this pose? I'm having trouble reading the actual perspective
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I'm studying the neck at the moment and I'm confused about the area I circled when looking at references. Am I retarded and that's just the traps connecting to the clavicle or is this another muscle? I thought maybe I was misunderstanding the area where the sternos connect to the skull but I'm not sure now.
i can tell by looking at it that you're going about it all wrong. learn how to deconstruct drawings then map out your proportions, construct your figures, and use guidelines
those are traps. they're just big as fuck in dragon ball
You are retarded, don't study anatomy from a fucking anime. That overlap is created by the traps connecting to the back of the neck.
How do you deal with banal shit like not having art ideas
Batman is in one perspective and the background in another, this is a trap with two vanishing points.

Concentrate on Batman's perspective, then adjust the background to another perspective.
If I went through "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth", and mostly skimmed it, looking at the diagrams, would I miss a lot? The illustrations seem pretty useful, but it seems kinda text heavy. I wanna draw, not read all this.
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Toriyama is kinda right (still wrong, but not clueless). Pic related is Arnold.
What is bugging you is that the sternum muscle divides itself in two at the end, one goes to the sternum, the other to the clavicle.

On really buff people, it looks like two different muscles, because the part close to the ear develops easily, while the parts on the clavicle and sternum don't. I think that a young Mike Tyson is a good ref for this too.

>Am I retarded and that's just the traps connecting to the clavicle or is this another muscle?
The traps don't connect to the inner clavicle, this muscle's full name's (check notes) Sternocleidomastoid. It comes from behind the ear and is always in front of the traps, making that t-line that you circled.

It can be helpful to see how someone can stylize anatomy, but I agree it should be later.
Thank you, Anon! Your explanation really helped to grasp what's going on for me. I know I shouldn't be looking at anime at my stage but as you said the stylization helps in the same way Hogarth's ballooned up muscles help display shape and muscle connection so vividly. I'm also studying with Anatomy for Sculptors and photos of real people. Cheers!
How to I stretch one side of a layer while anchoring the other sides still on CSP? I can do this by holding Shift on PS but I'm having trouble finding answers for CSP.
On that note, is there a way to have the liquify tool to show the grid thing on it as well?
what kind of characters? it changes the kind of stylization you'd need to study, but starting with anatomy should be the base
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How good do you have to be before starting animation? I've only ever really practiced figure drawing (pic my work for example)
You have to be able to draw fairly accurate figures effortlessly. One second is 8-12 frames, sometimes even 24. For every single second. If it takes you 15 min to draw a figure, a 10 sec animation will take you about 20 hours of solid drawing JUST for the figures.

That isn't to say you can't fuck around with it, though, do what you want.
You should use animation to force you to really simplify your drawings. Watch some storyboards to see how simple, yet solid, animation has to be.
do nsfw fanbox artists tend to draw nsfw exclusively? i have been on pixiv for some time and want to monetize my work and i notice the typical model is to post the censored version on pixiv and uncensored and or more versions of the pic on fanbox. i draw SFW occasionally as well and dont want to abandon that entirely, but i dont know how to justify a fanbox post for them. do artists share works in progress or sketches on there?
are NFTs the future to fight AI?
How the hell do I make digital art not feel like complete ass? And I don't mean like I don't understand digital art, I just mean literally the way it feels to draw is so frustrating. I'm not sure if it's just my tablet sucks, but I've tried multiple programs from CSP to Krita to Photoshop etc, downloading tons of different brushes, messing with the pressure curves and settings, and nothing I do can make it just have that intuitive feeling of drawing on a piece of paper. I don't know how to pinpoint exactly what it is, but something about how it simultaneously feels like I have to press way too hard to get most brushes to even draw and yet don't have enough sensitivity in the soft end to get meaningful variation makes me want to pull my hair out.
Does anyone else feel like the legs are uncomfortably short when studying proportion? Like, it feels wrong that the legs are less than 50% of the body. (and less when measuring inseam)
It varies by person. For example race, many Asians are usually less than 50% leg. 50% is ideal proportions for drawings and is common in both anime, comics, etc so I’d just go with that.

Noted, I'll have to work on being more efficient with my figure drawings. Do you have any storyboard artists you recommend to check out?
Is drawing snow on trees prohibitively hard or am I just retarded
>buy a (turns out a really old) HP printer-scanner with unoriginal ink cartridges
>print original meh(often pink, "wet")
>scanning quality also meh
>pawn it off to relatives for like half the price, they're going to just print documents

>go through used stuff section
>find some older(but not that old, it's like 2017) Brother printer (10w at the end of name iirc) with refillable canisters, original ink
>apparently hardly used, it allegedly kept itself functional via automatic cleaning system
>can buy it for like 3/7 price of new one
>actually cheaper than that HP printer
Should I get it? Normally just a scanner would be enough, but those aren't sold that much and it would be nice to have option to print my documents or whatever.
>inb4 phone photos are better than scans for trad art
that would perhaps depend on the level of detail and/or style. do you have any examples from other artists you could show us?
Never mind, someone else bought it.
Damn it.
What is the art equivalent of the veritable JG- WENTWORTH-877-CASH-NOWnow catchy jingle forced meme that takes up free in your head?

That sucks man. I remember when scanner was the only way to get your stuff on the internet! Stay strong though, keep doing research and eventually
LUCK = PREPARATION (having the $) and OPPORTUNITY (being in the right place, right time, with the right intel, not worried about safety and housing AND AND AND having the maturity to not risking said safety and housing by doing something illegal)

EVENTUALLY, god will provide friend. You jsut have to be ready for it, even when they take it all from you, your shame, you money, your creativity through 'mood stabilizers" just think

they can't take my knowledge.

thats what jews teach their children after the holocaust, they can gas you and rape you and hurt you, but you have the knowledge, you have the will, you have the brains and thats what really is pissing them off in the end.

hope you luck out and find another printer friend : )
Negative b, plus or minus the square root of b squared minus four ac, over two a.
Does anyone have experience with unlearning ecchi cliches in one's art?
As a teen I got sucked into these kinds of porn addicted communities and I honestly regret that I drew uninspired dirty stuff.
How to have more confidence in my work? I know my art isn't perfect but I don't think it's bad. Yet when someone says it's shit, I end up believing them.
>I end up believing them.
could you elaborate on that a bit? what's your evidence that you end up beliving them? I ask because given that you also say
>I don't think it's bad
there seems to be an inherent contradiction in how you're describing how you perceive your art, but also because depending on what exactly your evidence is for saying that you end up believing them, it could simply be a mischaracterization and you simply feel bad because you feel like the criticism is ultimately about you in some fashion, not necessarily that they're right.
>what's your evidence that you end up beliving them
The evidence is that I start feeling hesitant about showing it to people and sharing it online. I never felt like that before coming to this board
>The evidence is that I start feeling hesitant about showing it to people and sharing it online. I never felt like that before coming to this board
but there are hypothetically multiple reasons for that. one could be that you think your stuff is actually shit and not worth showing, but it could also be that you have a particularly adverse response to criticism or comments saying your stuff is shit and so in order to avoid that, on some level, you think it might be better not to post.
Anyone else feeling bored and fatigued with the countless meh anime tiddies artwork out there? Don't get me wrong, I fucking love tits, but after so many years browsing social media, it's 99% of what people come up with to try and harvest engagement. When you keep seeing the same thing over and over, it really looses it's impact. How many times can you look at the floating, top-half, 3/4 view, animu grill and still find it appealing? There's only so many ways you can draw a pin-up; Only so many ways you can draw a head, neck, and torso with tits. I don't know, maybe I'm just old and a crab.
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I can't remember the name of a genre of art that combines naked women, technological bits and a bit of gore or horror
It's a very specific genre, I came across it 10 years ago but I can't remember the name to find more like it to reference it
Something like pic related (Battle Angel Alita), does someone know what I'm talking about?
Yes, definitely. I think there's interesting ways to do it, but 99% of the time, it's really not interesting.

But you can say the same thing about any number of things, not just tits. I think the sad reality is that very very few artists are actually creative, most just copy. There's not so much porn, or fan-art, or fotm, just because it's successful, and everyone's chasing it.

It's more that barely anyone is interesting enough to create compelling original work in the first place.
That's generally just called "Japanese Cyberpunk"
Thank you but that's not quite it
Yeah, we live in a monkey see monkey do world, and I guess that's what people have to do to learn and make a name for themselves. That said, it's frustrating that the world has become so watered down that artist clones drawing t&a still get that engagement despite it being like thousands of others.
It's probably because you've seen how the sausage is made and looked at thousands of those pics. At some point it's got to lose the charm.
But if you get out of social media for some time maybe the charm will come back.
I'm trying to get started on watercolor, and everywhere I look it's recommended you stretch it before you start. My question is what's a good thing to tape your paper to?
Is it a bad idea for legal or blacklist reasons, to publish a graphic novel fanfic using DC characters?
I know they accept a lot of fanwork, but I don't know how they'd feel about someone just releasing a whole comic for free. I mostly do original characters but I have a couple other projects I'd like to pitch to DC or to WB Games in the future once I have the name recognition to get meetings, and I don't wanna get blacklisted.
I just had this really good story sort of osmotically come to me while using DC cartoons as background noise, and now it's written, which means I have to finish and draw it because the spirit demands it. And it feels weird to imagine just never showing it to anyone when it's done.
What's a good drawing app for smartphones? I'be drawing with my finger
I'm fatigued with and starting to actively dislike shoehorned waifus. Many such cases of artists who have 2 main themes - a thing or setting + anime girl. Very popular combination with successful artists but at what cost? It also includes this >>7413869
Guy could have talent for his own brand of sci-fi and industrial design but all of it is wasted on a generic waifu character design.
Call me woke or whatever, I don't care anymore.
why does it seem like every douchebag is doing pencil portraits
Literally anything flat that's not going to disintegrate from water or pulling tape. I repurposed a shelf, they're a reasonable width already, sometimes a reasonable length too. I had less success with uncoated particle board since it slowly erodes to the water/tape.
What’s the best way to keep from ever being a beg I don’t want to draw until I’m sure I’ll never suck at it
Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll never be /beg/.
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>How do you beat procrastination?
I enjoy drawing, whenever I draw I do it for hours because it's fun but I can't do it everyday for some reason, just 2 or 3 days per week at most if that.
I lack discipline to draw every day.
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Any way to get this render?
it ultimately comes down to you, but I've been drawing every day for 30+ minutes for over a year now and what helped me was 1. joining /dad/ and 2. making drawing a priority. that is to say, I would intend to do it before other things I had to do that day. that way I was less likely to put it off till the end of the day, only to say "fuck it, I'll just do it tomorrow." I also started thinking about my long-term goals more. if you truly care about the future, as opposed to right now, it makes perfect sense that what you *should* be doing is drawing every day. if you care more about immediate enjoyment or a lack of discomfort, you're less likely to go to your desk and draw. there's also what's called the 5-minute technique, where you tell yourself you're gonna draw for *only* 5 minutes. it's very low stakes, and likely you'll get into that 5 minutes and think "I can do more."
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Could anyone help me find this drawing from twitter? I saw it in my for you page but the piece of shit refreshed on its own and I lost it. Here's a recreation that I tried, it showed a black(?) nurse lady fastening a strap on a electric chair and sitting on it is a figure in a full body-suit, wearing a leather coned-shaped mask and his hands tied behind his back. It had FRANKENSTEIN written vertically as shown here as well. The overall style was sketchy
Oh, ok. I appreciate the answer.
I've been drawing on-and-off for 15 years and I'm still beg tier. I want to keep working at it but part of me worries it's a skill that's beyond me and no matter how much I practice I'll always be mid at best. When is it time to throw in the towel?
>When is it time to throw in the towel?
if you have other obligations and you, after (hypothetically) optimizing your schedule, simply don't have time to draw, then you shouldn't be doing it. but if you have the time and you want to do it, then do it. you've already said you've been doing it
>on-and-off for 15 years
which, while vague, is a clear indication that there are things you can fix to get a better result. so doing it consistently, ideally every day, is a priority. but beyond that it's a matter of how you've tried to improve and the effort you've put into it. I would assume your approach can be greatly improved in multiple areas, so it's by no means obvious that you're a lost cause. if you could show some of your work and tell us what your technical aspirations are that would be a good addition as well.
how the FUCK do I lay my flat colors down faster this shit is taking forever
Look up some comic book colorists. Alternatively... Who gives a fuck? Grab a marker-like brush and flat it like trad folk, and don't care if half your shit comes outside the lines.
What social media should I use for putting concept work and standalone pieces for promoting a site with bigger story projects?
Outline area with a hard brush, bucket fill it
What are some good books/videos/courses to learn digital painting?
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how i can show this sticker design well?
thank u
>Open Krita
>Open the drawing I was working on
>Stare at it for a few minutes
>Keep making minor, insiginificant changes for an hour while pausing all the time to browse around the internet
>"Yep. Another good drawing session"

I hate this so much
I have a stupid question regarding perspective.
Is there any good technique to figure out where to place the horizon line from just a figure drawing? Many parts of the body are often tilted, so their vanishing points don't even go on the horizon line. How do people usually figure this out from just a figure drawing? Do they use the feet when they are parallel to the ground? Feet are so small tho, so I don't really know the exact vanishong points of them.

I am just never completely sure how tilted a body part exactly is. The torso and head for example mostly don't even indicate the horizon line because they are often tilted and not parallel to the ground.
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>Do a proportions check
What are the proportions she's using? I don't get it.
is it normal to bleed patrons at the end of the year? W-will they come back...?
Doing a check doesn't mean that the results are fed back into any process.
idk what you mean by "using" - whether you think she's using a generic system or you're simply asking about this portrait in particular - but it appears that the middle of the mouth is the center between the high and low point (perhaps where the hairline breaks off with the front plane of the head, and then the pit of the neck, respectively). idk what the second highest line is indicating, but perhaps it's the bottom of the eye sockets. it looks like the lengths of that line to the chin, and the line across the chin to the pit of the neck, are about the same. but maybe that's happenstance.
I dont get this, if you're checking proportions at this point, isn't it too late? In digital you can stretch and squish but that's not really drawing and doesn't really teach you how to do it right.
>but that's not really drawing
not to be rude, but people either don't care about that or don't agree. but you're right in that you should be checking your proportions well before the stage that portrait is in, if you care about making sure it turns out well/accurately. but we don't know whether there are any intermediate proportion checks. though if there were, there also wouldn't really be a need to do it at the final stages, unless you were being really, really sure that you got them right/as desired.
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I know you can (and perhaps should, at least to an extent) go down the trial-and-error route, but are there any guides or other resources on translating color into grayscale with general tips or recommendations?
This year for 2025 should I lock in and do studying all year?
The most accurate way possible I know is the Photshop color proof (shortcut CTRL+Y). You need to choose a greyscale color profile with the same gamma of the color space you are working on.

sRGB has a gamma similar to 2.2 (but it isn't 2.2). The one you are looking for is called sGray.
AdobeRGB has a gamma of 2.2. The one you are looking for is grey gamma 2.2.
ProPhoto RGB has a gamma of 1.8. The one you are looking for is grey gamma 1.8.

If you need to convert the image into a greyscale, unfortunately there isn't a simple method as a color adjustment layer. The most accurate way that yields the same results as the color proof is by changing mode with Image > Mode > Greyscale.

If you are working on program like SAI, you don't have all these options. A black layer with blending mode "color" is good enough, even if not as accurate as the previous methods mentioned.

Source: countless hours of trial and error...
thank you for the reply, but I realize that my OP was unclear and misleading. I work in trad, and I'm wondering how I can best understand the quality of a photo or even a still life or something and realistically translate it into grayscale with graphite or charcoal.
she's just pretending to do it, fake advice for social media slop
You can play with the values a lot. Most important part is what kind of feeling/end result you are going for.
I plan on drawing with 3d modeled poses as reference, is this gonna make my art stiff and shitty?
Biopunk, that's the word I was looking for
When I post art on /beg/, /asg/ or similar and get no replies, what does it mean?
You didn't make a glaring mistake, but your art is boring.
Maybe many don't know how to help you out as they are begs themselves.
should looking at bad art discourage you from making your own? like it disgusts you so much that it makes you think the subject isn't even worth it?
that doesn't apply here. make art if you can and want, or don't. if you want to but looking at bad art discourages that, then stop looking at bad art.
I kind of believe my art is kind of mid, so it's more a matter of picking the interesting topic.

With the rampart Dunning Kruger posting? I don't believe so. And once when I was really bad, I got plenty of replies.
hunting for used printer again
Saw an interesting offer(Brother dcp-t426w), but the photo of quality control print (blocks made of elongated dots) shows missing or weak dots.
I assume it isn't the best pick, right?

I could consider getting a dedicated scanner and then use a third party(like a professional printer) to print stuff, but I might end up drawing edgy stuff and I wouldn't want anyone to see that when they're dealing with me in person.
And it's also alongside with a photo of photo print and it's creased as if wet, you get what I mean.
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>Found a guy that makes sci-fi designs very similar to the ones I was planning to make
>Now my work doesn't feel unique and original anymore

How to cope?
kill him
Anyone have any tips on getting motivated to draw something that isn't lewd?

I'm actually really serious.
look at art, references photos, and real life. look at non-sexual things you enjoy. if you don't really kno what you enjoy, just pick something at random and go from there.
draw cute stuff or something that makes you feel happy
whenever i dont have the motivation to draw a commission i draw a character from strike witches or kemono friends and then try to use the momentum to finish the commission
sorry if negativity. how to not get discouraged about art when ai is so good
Anyone that can help with this?
does anyone know how to make a a pen like this in csp
>have a conscious desire to make good/interesting art ideas, more than art itself at this point
>think of a slightly complex art idea
>up to 2 hours thinking it out and drawing it
>realize the idea sucks and is corny
>repeat ad infinitum
What can I do?
Admittedly I use next to no references, maybe that's the issue?
I thought maybe it's indeed a psychological issue where sharing emotionally charged art feels too vulnerable.
I have no problem drawing straightforward stuff like a character or thing, but if I have to draw an event or story it'll make me feel unbearably cringe.
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Is there a technical name for this shape? Line that stretches open at the center but stays together at the ends, like eyes, mouth, vulva
Is it acceptable to trace complex things like cars or bikes?

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