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I'm gonna give some context first.
I'm an artist that works with traditional and i want to have traction in the internet doing the things i like.
I have many, but one of them is about cake (if you know, you know, unsure if this board accepts saying that word). This is an issue because I live with relatives and they might find them eventually and a big problem would happen.
To solve this issue, I came up with the idea of doing safe for works about that, but with some suggestive elements just to express my hidden interest on nsfw cake stuff. But here comes the second issue, which is that the few audience I have as well as the artists i'm in contact might found I'm into that and a big problem would happen as well.
So I'm between two worlds because I'm questioning if this is ok or not. Maybe i should move the safer cake works to my main socials and the questionable ones for, idk, baraag and pixiv?
I'm unsure about this. Can anyone help me with this please?
you have to be 18 to post here
Get a job.
Wdym? I had already that age.
what now age have you?
Around 20s
>I'm unsure about this. Can anyone help me with this please?
you can't have your cake and eat it. if you go with nsfw, ultimately you'll be tainted, there's no escape. either you cope, or you avoid.

there's no escape, carve it in your mind. get tainted or avoid, no other choices, that's not how it works.
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I trying to wrap my head around what "cake" is supposed to mean in this context. Is it about butts? Sex? Neither of those things are even remotely reprehensible.

Is this some kind of retarded fetish? Cunny?? What the fuck is a cake?!
I'm assuming it's a kid who thinks it means "coomer drawing", which is why it reads like "loli"
Already specified i'm not a kid.
Just put that as a prevention to not get my thread banned because of my lack of knowledge of the board rules.
post your dick if you're so grown up
Also yeah, is loli, cunny, whatever.
In addition, the site itself can be somewhat quirky as it seems the site doesn't like that type of stuff since i got ip banned some time ago because of that.
You could have checked the report button or the sticky, newfag. How were we supposed to help you if you're not specifying what you're trying to draw.
Lurk more.
I'm trying to draw loli, specifically nsfw. But I work with traditional and that would make me visible to others.
So, i thought if i can do sfw loli arts with some spicy elements, but this would make online folks know i'm into that.
And my dobut here is if to accept the riskor not.
A solution to that i came up is to put sfw loli works to my normal persona and the suggestive ones for the other persona about that.
> the few audience I have as well as the artists i'm in contact might found I'm into that and a big problem would happen as well
just create an alt thats not connected in any way to your main, if you are a somewhat stablished artist or you worry your social internet circle may try to chop your head off kek, drawing loli is social suicide
> I live with relatives and they might find them eventually and a big problem would happen.
move out or try to move your drawing space to a place where your screen is facing the wall
>newfags don't remember IT IS DELICIOUS CAKE YOU MUST EAT IT
everything you post on the internet is forever
everything can (will) eventually be tied to your real name
do with that info what you will
>everything you post on the internet is forever
lmao this isn't the 2000s anymore, no one's going to bother tracking some random lolifag's entire online history unless you attract way too much (and unnecessary) attention like -8 did
Stay away from mainstream social media like twitter and keep yourself in baraag or pixiv if you want to draw nsfw
be based and draw literal cakes.
>i want to have traction in the internet doing the things i like
That's easy, just do what you like. You can't manifest the traction by yourself anyways, so in reality you can't exchange anything for it.
I also draw lolicon on paper, my gf's mom who we are living with doesn't have a problem with it.
>A solution to that i came up is to put sfw loli works to my normal persona and the suggestive ones for the other persona about that.
It influences the way you draw, people will look at your sfw loli drawings and just "know" you're one of those.
Unless you use a different style (maybe: not even traditional, and for those who already drew digital, using a different program with different brushes), with a new username, a new email and a new password (if you're paranoid, using VPN IPs in a certain country only for your loli accounts) your loli NSFW "identity" will be linked to your normal identity by people, because your drawings look too similar or some data breach will show they're from the same person.
cake has meant ass for decades, nigga
christmas cake has meant old hag for even longer online
Cake also meant lolicon on 7chan for almost two decades
you're not on 7chan
>I live with relatives
get a job and move out
don't die of heart attack on us, fossil
not my fault you came here in 2016

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