I am a CS major but I am very burnt out. I'm thinking of dropping out of college and just commissioning art for money and living with my family. A peaceful life. Maybe one day I could work on movies/animation. Would this be a good idea?
jesus christ, no. wtf are you thinking?
>>7404340i am a s major too im just getting it so i have a fallback
>>7404340Not a good idea. See if you can just work in IT instead, the pay is worse but WAYYYY easier and more braindead, allowing plenty of free time to pursue art in your free time after work, lots of benefits, ability to branch out into higher paying specializations, etc. Depending on what you want to do, even the most dogshit IT or CS job will pay WAYYYY more than even mid to high level artist gigs at the start. Unless you start becoming famous or work for gaming or publishing companies you cannot earn a good living assuming you're in the US. You basically are in the same boat I was in a few years ago until I bit the bullet and went full time illustration and character design, except for a few years I got by doing IT work to make ends meet and pay for mentorships to get better.
>>7404340cs major here too, I'm in pretty much the same position as you so I'll try to give advice based on what im personally doing. I would say if you're not planning on marrying,living the financially stable life or have any other ambitions outside of art, you should go for it.but otherwise maybe spend some time away from it all and reconsider your options. I'm personally going through with the plan as I’m okay with those terms and dont really care about having a lot of money. I would still recommend you still finish your cs degree though even if you dont plan on working in it for the long term, it might be helpful to pick up small gigs here and there possibly. the main downsides of this living style being financial, if you happen to be a minimalist and not really care for doing or buying much besides the basic necessities, its possible for them to eventually make a living imo. I personally got burnt out after working for a well-known company during a gap year and start going back into art and now I cant really see a reason to pursue something else personally. mini rant but nowadays I can’t stand the average CS person in this age group, its all fake and focused on transactional, status-driven stuff. Everyone’s obsessed with acing coding interviews, grinding leetcode, and obsessing over FAANG. It feels so performative and not about actually caring about the craft and most just see it as a means to an end. I do understand why its become like this though and cant really blame people for it.
I wouldn't recommend anyone get into art anymore unless they want to use AI in some fashion
>>7404340If you're in your 20s, it is absolutely not fucking worth it. You should spend this time in the grind and saving up for semi-retirement in late 30s early 40s. The free time inbetween should be spent drawing, and slowly building your own audience from it.Yes, it sucks, but unless you know your parents won't mind having you live with them for essentially the rest of your life, and unless you're already good at drawing, you'll only be burning bridges that don't need to be burned.
>>7404340>commissioning art for money>a peaceful life
I'm gonna try to be as nice as possible, but please don't make the horrible mistake of dropping out of your major and going into art. If you give up, you'll be making the worst mistake of your entire life. I had a former friend who burnt out of Computer Science, and now he is stuck with crippling debt and NO DEGREE.If you really wanna see what it's like to work in the Animation Industry, then read Sam Spina's storyboarding comics>https://samspina.com/#/gipfel-avenue/>https://spinadoodles.gumroad.com/l/GGAqfor watch Toniko Pantoja's videos. If you really want to do Animation then FINISH YOUR GODDAMN DEGREE FIRST. If you bitch out then I'm going to kick your fucking ass.
>>7404340lmao. Bro. This is how you speedrun becoming a loser NEET at 30. If you're lucky your parents will threaten to kick you out unless you do something with yourself.
>>7404340makes sense, good luck. Always think for yourselft. BS in CS and unemployed for over a year learning art for manga
>>7404340>I'm thinking of dropping out of collegeControl your hormones, retard. Don't be an idiot.
>>7404340Oldfag here, burnout is real, bro. You treat ot by examining the process that led you her. If you run away you're taking the mindset and actions that led to burnout with you. Don't feel like you need to give everything up without taking time for self-reflection. You've waited until your better is completely drained and you're making a rash decision.Take a semester or gap year if you've got the money and family support to reflect. I was in and out of school for years and every time burn out the "No I'm a tortured artist" would come out and I'd run from my responsibilities. I wish I was capable of true self-reflection back then. Some people here won't like it, but I found out I have autism and adhd in my 30s and I never realized how much more drained I was. It sucks at any age but if you're young and in college there's support and services and you can get allowances for assignments and tests. When you're in your 30s no one gives a fuck and you have to figure out strategies for succeeding in life mostly on your own while actively working and supporting yourself and possibly family.
>>7404407>See if you can just work in IT instead, the pay is worse but WAYYYY easier and more braindead, allowing plenty of free time to pursue art in your free time after work, lots of benefits, ability to branch out into higher paying specializations, etcin some shitholes, shitposting on twitter and making subpar comms can pay multiple times more than prime 3 degrees-requiring jobs on the market>>7404340OP, to understand commissionship better you need to get good and drawfag around for requests for free firstyou should do this way before even thinking about dropping outyou'll also need a good resume and portfolio with your field work experience, in case you'll find out you've fucked up and have to work and improve your skills in free time
>>7408926if by some shitholes you mean everywherea community/social media/whatever manager makes more money than engineerstoo bad you have to be a cute girl
>>7405002why are artists so whiny. Any job that is out of the ordinary requires an immense amount of work. Needing to correct/rework things is a staple in almost any career that isn't 100% standard.
>>7409171>Any job that is out of the ordinary requires an immense amount of work>Any job that is out of the ordinary>out of the ordinaryso... a minority of them
>>7404340Nigga you either follow the intended path laid out to you since birth or be homeless in a matter of days.
>>7409237>how to spend your life miserable and unfulfilled
>>7404340It doesn't matter either way.Id say do what you want OP because the job market is abysmal for both CS grads and artists alike.The market for CS is highly oversaturated right now so no one is hiring. The bubble has finally popped
>>7409399see, everyone hears about how the CS job market bubble has popped. Everyone is gonna get discouraged from studying CS and by the time YOU graduate, there's gonna be more available positions than right now
>>7409559I graduated over a year ago and still can't find a job.I've been considering joining the Air Force it's gotten that bad
AI is going to come for both art and computer science like a tidal wave. I would say to follow the suggestions of anons here, finish your degree and go into IT to make some money while you work on your art.