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What are the best figure and anatomy books I can use to improve my skills in drawing humans?

>check the sticky

Did so, but I don't know if they're good or not. So I'm just coming over to ask which are the best beginner friendly ones I could use. Also I would like to know which are some good refs you recommend that I could use to practicing drawing.
They wouldnt' be stickied if they weren't good.
Start with a beginner's drawing course. Don't mindbreak yourself by trying to start with anatomy
I'm not a pre-beg no draw. I've done a lot of practice on perspective drawing urban environments and architecture. But I want to move from drawing that to people.
Steve Huston - Figure Drawing for Artists has been my favorite so far.
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There are a ton of resources but personally i found that the most beginner friendly books for the figure were either of these:
The Drawing Manual - Glenn Vilppu
Figure Drawing for Artists - Steve Houston

The more anatomy focused books, you shouldn't draw from them cover to cover. Instead consult them when you want to know more about a specific area.
Neither should it be something you start with. Simplified structure then add anatomy.
- Figure Drawing Design and Invention - Michael Hampton
- Morpho Simplified Forms - Micheal Lauricella (start with this)
- Morpho Anatomy for Artists - Michel Lauricella. (consult this when you want to go more in-depth)
- Anatomy for Sculptors - Uldis Zarin (incredibly clear examples)

Not a book but videos
Proko's anatomy playlist:

Vilppu's Drawing Manual is imho the best of the bunch to start with. He has a nice logical progression layed out where one concept builds on top of the other, gradually introducing more tools.
Although anatomy is covered, like most figure drawing books you need a dedicated anatomy book/vids to supplement it.
Unfortunately the old book isn't easy to get unless you buy the new New Masters Academy edition. Unless you live in the US the shipping costs are insane. His old book is very easy to find online.

I *highly* advise you to complement it with his old Drawing Manual video course, not the NMA one.
Vilppu goes very slow and is basically handholding you throughout. Being very clear and deliberate in his explanations. Seeing him draw and going through the process over and over helps a lot. It's a very complete course.

You can watch Vilppu's videos here, chinese website so translations of the chapter titles is a bit wonky but good enough. Start with the 2nd vid(dynamics/gesture) and work your way through it.
Thanks for the quality post anon! I'll look into today.
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I highly recommend the Structure of Man Anatomy course. 92 hours of instruction will get you out of /beg/ FAST. Very underrated

This course is really underrated but it's better than a lot of other courses.
I'll also look into this. Thanks.
I could look into this but won't to be contrarian.
River Phoenix shill.
I just looked deeper. Holy shit, I almost fell for it.
I tried to find the actual title of that Villpu's bilibili course. But I couldn't do it.
Other Vilppu's Drawing Manual video courses started with "gesture", then "spherical forms", for a total of 12 videos. But that Chinese bilibil playlist starts with "drapery" I believe and has 24 videos.

I appreciate any answer. I'm losing access to 4chan because of stronger censorship being implemented right now. DNS and VPN are no good. I manage to connect this time by luck. Perhaps the implementation isn't complete yet. Good bye and thank you.
Where has this God tier course been hiding from me all my life?

I added the url at the bottom of my previous post, but i'll post it here again. It includes the 12 videos you mentioned *and* the anatomy videos for a total of 24 videos and 34 hours.
Just fit the drapery(fabric pleats) somewhere at the end of those initial 12 videos if you want.

Start with Gesture(dynamics) and work your way through in the order shown. it coincides with his book.
Don't rush, give yourself time to absorb what he's teaching, you're investing in yourself here. For example the sphere video and chapter, he shows how far you can push that idea.
You can accompany one of those initial 12 videos with a torso anatomy video. Once you get to combining spheres and boxes and cylinders you can add anatomy vids of the limbs.

I think if you really want to improve it is essential that you frequently draw from life, so find a place that organises sessions with a model where you can just come in and do your thing, I am not talking about classes per sé but there's also sessions without instruction with long or short poses, this practice is very important and no book can give you that.
Basically the bilibili playlist is a combination of:
1 x drapery video
Vilppu Studio - Drawing Manual videos (12 videos)
Vilppu Studio - Anatomy videos (10 videos)
Vilppu Studio - Head Anatomy (3 videos)
The numbers don't add up? Well, I guess the playlist is incomplete or it combines some of the videos.
The ic-study torrent has the Drawing Manual and Anatomy videos. That single drapery video exists in several other Vilppu specific torrents.
Good bye.
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just be fit and figure shit out by yourself bruh, i learned anatomy in 2 months

I'm on video 5 and I'm already seeing 100x improvement. Thanks man.
show before and after so we can see if youre a shill or not
glad it helped you


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