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People complain that this particular book is crap, that Loomis has better books but this one is absolute garbage, so why does /ic recommend it so much???
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One day you see the error of your ways and understand the importance of knowing how to have fun with a pencil.
"How to draw comics the marvel way" is better than this pre word war 2 era book in every way conceivable.
>People complain that this particular book is crap
retards, yes
>People complain that this particular book is crap
>/ic recommend it so much
You are getting it in the wrong order.
/ic/ recommends it a lot and *then* "people" (crabs) complain that this particular book is crap.
>why does /ic recommend it so much?
It’s simple and just to get a foot in the door for art.
In all seriousness, if you can go through this book as an absolute beginner, you have talent.
it's not crp, it's just for literal toddlers
i'm not talking about the potato heads, either, the amount of information in the book is like one chapter of figure drawing for all it's worth, I cannot fathom an adult going through it
Thats because it's a book for begs.
no, fdfaiw is a book for /beg/s
fwap is a book you get for a 10 year old
It's literally basic cartooning/caricature. The book itself tells at the end that the reason for choosing to teach caricature as first thing for begs is because begs should have fun. And frankly? I agree, begs should start with a difficult-to-actually-fail subject like caricature, so they can start enjoy drawing.

Also, it's just a 120 page book, in a week or two a beg can go through it, what is the harm?
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You know how when newbie boxers enter a gym for the first time, and the first thing they're told to do is hit the bag for a while, day after day? The point of that is the reasoning that if you can't even handle hitting a bag for a couple of hours to learn basic form, there's nothing significant the gym's coach can teach you beyond that because you're too lazy and lacking in discipline to develop the most basic type of conditioning for a fighter. Same logic with Loomis. If you can't get through some baby shit like Fun With a Pencil, you'll probably be lucky to ever get good as an artist.
/ic/ is evenly split between 120 IQ people who can understand this text and see that it is totally flawed and meant for a casual audience from a hundred years ago, and 80 IQ people who are struggling to understand the text and thus believe its message to be divine intellect that all drawing ability derives from.
except that's not how boxing works, stop learning about life from cartoons, you dumb cunt
the dempsey roll isn't real either
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>the dempsey roll isn't real either
>teaching perspective on hyper realistic humans before showing how to draw them in a 3d space

That shitty book is even worse. It's clearly supposed to be used in a class with an actual teacher teaching you instead of letting you learn from it by itself.
that's not the dempsey roll, though
idk if you're blind or what
That's literally Jack Dempsey performing the first Dempsey Roll caught on film.
that is not what the dempsey roll is in the anime, esl-kun
>basic one-two with the dead leg drop as outlined in Dempsey's manual, literally the first thing he teaches
>uwaaaaaaa he's too fast! I can't see him in this crazy defensive maneuver from naruto!
You mean the anime exaggerated????? No, that isn't possible, i can't possible fathom this, my life is a lie!
The anime is fiction, anon. Real Dempsey Rolls don't generate turbulence and make jet turbine noises.
>t-the meteor impact from dragon ball is real because haymakers are a thing
lol weebs
anon, the only one claiming that something is/isn't real is you.
are you retarded, you nigger?
I said it's not real, then you started arguing it is
what do you think you're arguing, you illiterate retard?
Loomis is a classic, especially if you're oblivious about art and what you want to do. It's the kind of book you give to someone that 'would like to draw'.

Because at the end of the day, a musician can learn how to draw, just like (You) can learn how to play the guitar.
I'm not >>7405115
And the illiterate is you, dumbass. How can you read
>the only one claiming that something is/isn't real is you
And think that
>I said it's not real, then you started arguing it is
Is a valid argument?

It's you who started saying this "dempsey roll isn't real" dumb argument, and that's my damn point.
>the only one claiming that something is real is you
>links to a post saying it's real
holy esl
It's a good book, it just isn't accessible to beginners.
Because its not about looking good or drawing good?
It's entirely about just fucking drawing and providing the bare minimum of fundamentals like construction lines and basic shapes.
The point is to show that you can draw anything and if you read the book you would know this because it states it up-front.
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The Dempsey Roll IS real, retard. The super Wind God, Mike Tyson Peak-a-boo, Jet Turbine Dempsey Roll Ippo uses in the anime is just an exaggerated version of the real thing.
>n-nobody said it's real!
>b-but it is real!
>posts retarded animu bob and weave that has nothing to do with dempsey throwing his weight into a basic combo by foot dropping >>7405115
Just stop
And you had the nerve to call someone else
why do you type like a
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But, in the interior book says for beginners.

NTA but use critcial thinking a lot of books use terms like the only book you'll need. Doesn't make it true. FWAP has a perspective/basic form pre requisitre so it isn't exactly for beginners.
the tagline on the cover is literally "how everybody can easily learn to draw"
>well of course the instruction book is lying, duh
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NTA, but c'mon, it literally teaches you basic form with a ball.

You are not the first one to tell me this. My reply is that he is just mentioning the concept not teaching it. You can't derive the basic concepts of elipses only from that bare bones explanation. Wheres the mention of the major and minor axis?
What's fdfaiw?
Put yourself in beg position.
This is your first book, you can't even draw a circle, nor a line right.
And on the first page the dude throws you "major axis" (btw, major and minor axis is for ellipses, this is a sphere), would you listen?

>You can't derive the basic concepts of elipses only from that bare bones explanation.
again, ain't a ellipse, but I get your intention.
You don't need to derive basic concepts of anything fo learn it. If you can rotate a simple ball by changing the position of the equator and meridian contour, you learned the basic of basic of form drawing.
loomis book
It is one thing to allude to a certain concept, another thing to say it explicitly.
Those lines he is doing in the sphere to find the equator and meridian are in fact elipses ( with the parts that aren't visble erased obviously). The cut he does for the temple is also an elipses. It's cute and all that he expects you to just feel the form. But I've seen a lot of people struggling hard wth his book because they lack the basic knowldge of elipses. This is a MAJOR omission. I get loomis' intentions but he seriously oversitamates what a complete /beg knows. Take a look at the /beg thread one day and you will see people failing at this becuase they don't even know what an elipse is. IF the terms like major and minor axis are too scary I think he shoul've explained what an elipse is at least.
>TL;DR I don't recomend any of loomi's books becuse they have correct information explained poorly. I don't debate the concepts are right. I
look m8, the book literally says it's how everybody can easily learn to draw, it was written for beginners whether you like it or not
You retards have no idea how lucky you are that Loomis is easily accessible and free. Pearls before swine.
>Those lines he is doing in the sphere to find the equator and meridian are in fact elipses
You are right, if the lesson was supposed to be only for spheroids but, words from Loomis:
>We shall build *other* forms (...) onto this solidity
Which means what he is actually doing isn't ellipses, it's drawing the sagittal, transverse and coronal planes as contours of the ball.
That is more useful to begs than major and minor axis of an ellipse, because it's the actual concepts that allows form drawing, and he is teaching them, right there, just that he is, well, explaining them without using the terms.

Really, he is simplifying it all to
>if you draw the "inside" contours, it becomes a solid ball
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>That is more useful to begs than major and minor axis of an ellipse

I get your point. But I still think this is an issue. If you take that part on isolation it does seem fine to get the reader get familiarised with countours..Exept... he does actually expect you to understand elipes a few pages after that (see picture). He actually does uses terms like "axis" and uses elipses.And I insist the cut he does for the temple is an elipse. A concept he never explains very well. This is just one example of ,many of concepts he just assumes you know. If someone wants to do loomis books I would recomend them to watch a basic perspective course at least (inlcuding drawing primitives). Knowing that it's actually not bad. But FWAP is not a book you can use with absolute zero knowledge. Loomis like all pros overstimates what an average person knows outside his profession. I personally recomend how to draw comics the marvrl way over this.
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>But FWAP is not a book you can use with absolute zero knowledge
You can, anon, it's just that, for some reason, you think that the beg needs to understand the concepts behind an ellipse before being able to draw it.

>how to draw comics the marvrl way over this
It has the same "problem" you are talking about. Pic related.
It talks about cross contours and perspective later on and "expect you to understand elipes". It never explains the basic concepts on the level you are demanding from FWAP.
And, come on, you don't need to draw "perfect ellipses" to use both books, the point of FWAP is to get you drawing even if it isn't perfect.
/ic/ is a flat circle
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Buscema actually does explain the basic concept of elipses a few pages later (see pic). Still, You seem mistaken in that I'm asking super technical knowldge. All I think he should have explained is that elipses are circles in perspective, and that they widen depending on the angle , and that they have only two point of symmetry (sounds technical but its just so people avoid doing shapes that aren't elipses a common beg mistake). You are right in that a beg can just draw. But that's true for anybook...and if we are going to that then they are better drawing what they actually want to draw. Most likely drawings of anime girls knowing this board .

>Guess we will have to agree to disagree. I see no ill intent in you. No trying to be mean either. Peace!
>2 years into drawing
>still can't draw a good enough ellipse
it ain't even begun
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth.
another book by Andrew Loomis.
I'm past halfway and I don't think I'm having fun anymore
Also complete beginners wouldn't do well with this book, I wouldn't have done well as a complete beginner and I wouldn't be doing well if I didn't have 3 years of sculpting experience

I'm still going to finish the book, but don't bullshit people or yourself
I don't know if it is the worst or not but just looking at the cover can tell you it's not good
Can I grab this for the interracial threads on /gif/? Do you have more?
the first thing they teach you in a boxing gym (nowadays) is how to do the basic punches properly, because you can straight up snap your wrist if you do it wrong
this is not a good analogy
you had good thoughts until you started thinking about boxing
I had myself punch the boxing bag for hours daily before I decided to join the box gym tho. lol. can confirm other anons that you start from other things, like cardio, basic strength and coordination warmups and training, stance, movement, punching form and punching types within movements, situations and combinations first
all these constructoids have to do is post one (1) artist who started with this book and is now good. They can't do it. At best they'll post an artist who grinds studies nonstop but can't draw to save their life, like proko.
People were much smarter when FWAP was written

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