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Can you be a great artist if there's nothing really wrong with your life or childhood?
No. Truly great artists went through some shit.
You'll be mid at best. Real artist get their energy from their suicidal tendencies and fucked up view of the world. Why draw when you're already happy and fulfilled? Go kill your parents and go through jail if you wanna be one of us. Tell the judge 4chan sent you
Does it count if your life was okay by normal standards but your weak, bitch-ass brain was just as stressed as if you were actually suffering? What about the opposite? Sometimes I feel one way and sometimes the other.
Kafka tier existences also count. I think they have the added benefit that they don't have crippling schizophrenia.
In that case you would get a weak ass beg-tier artist. Real thought shit push those people over the edge, and they keep digging deeper and deeper trying to destroy reality and find "something else".
Well, you definitely can't be a great artist if you make these kinds of retarded ass threads
Maybe not, but the opposite is also true, where you endure so much stress and trauma and depression that you become overpowered by it all and it ends up destroying you, leaving you a husk of a person, too broken to be of any use anymore
This only applies to western artists
I'm going to trigger some edge lords when I drop this fact. YES.

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