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File: Pennies.jpg (52 KB, 600x450)
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The general for people who like spending too much money on pens and ink, show us some cool inks you have and the pen you like to draw with the most.
>doesn't contribute to his own thread
this is gonna be one of those consoomer reddit threads where you just jerk off to product™, isn't it?
Why not just post in the art supply general?
I love ink pens!
kys, we dont need another nodraw general
>buy my first fountain pen (preppy F)
>it's slightly scratchy
>try to fix that with 1000 sand paper
>it's smooth as butter, but only in one direction and under a very specific angle
> now it's unusable for drawing without scratching horribly and it has ink flow issues now
thanks, will check it out.
Update: I've ruined my pen and I'll buy a new one.
remember to not draw with that on either
LMAO! Can't you just buy new nibs for it?
Not in my country, no :/

Before it broke, I've managed to draw your mother with it
Nice work anon!
I wonder if you can try other type of nibs on the pen.
I know you can easily replace Jinhao nibs even with ones designed for dip pens, but Platinum Preppy uses some kind of proprietary nibs that are shaped very differently, pic related
Well, at least I'll have some spare parts.
File: platinum nib.jpg (21 KB, 600x400)
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forgot the pic
Had two Safaris - the nibs get very loose after a short time, very bad design.
Then bought a Kaküno, extra fine. Nice, i like it. The body could be a little bit longer though.

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