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How do I get over artistic perfectionism? I can never seem to finish a piece because I'm not confident enough
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Set goals for different types of drawings.
e.g. you will do N rough sketches of Kita-chan and one finished picture incorporating the things learned to push your limits
perfectionism literally makes you be stuck at the same level you are as you try to "perfect up" subpar drawings
you have to aim so that you like the output of your skills even when you're at your lowest of low
which means you have get it over with with perfectionism and finish drawings at a steady pace without more than a few retries in total

also you'll literally condition yourself to stop caring about perfection if you'll try time limit drawing often. like 30-60 minutes a piece, just set a loud timer.
not op but envy the artists who can actually get basic stuff done in 60 mins
>you have to aim so that you like the output of your skills even when you're at your lowest of low
Valuable advice. I have heard Japanese pros say that it doesn't get much more "fun" at the higher levels. You need to enjoy it already and aim for a good result.
also you can revisit drawings later and redo/finish them in a better way. it's fine as long as you are still finishing some pieces so you learn the skills unique to actually creating finished illustrations.
That's not perfectionism, that's just being a little bitch baby. If you were actually a perfectionist, you would keep working on a piece long after it could reasonably be called finished.
me too, I'm basically an ADHD retard so the repeated sessions and the pressure of the timer is the only thing that allows me to actually focus of drawing
That's exactly what I do anon. I should have elaborated more in my post
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not op but this is now a Kita thread
she inspires me to draw!
Some unfinished sketches
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while everyones posting sketches this is as far as I got in the almost 2 hours since I complained about being slow
But you said you kept working on things despite them being finished. None of these look very finished, even as sketches.
long face hatsune miku anon?
experiment with more brushes
especially pencil ones
don't try jumping straight to perfect linework with a solid brush

and you certainly shouldn't rely on tracing for construction
I'm just really bad at doing the circles myself so I have a model one I rotate and throw one in then draw over it (poorly) instead. And yeah brush choice is always everywhere with me, extremely thin ones always look so horrible when I use them so I kinda rely on the thicker ones. I know I need to get better at that, its a skill issue.
getting a circle right, and retrying and optimizing your stabilizer, is a good day's warmup in itself before drawing
This is some good stuff! Nice work.
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I'm /int/, I have struggled with it for a long time. The answer is to study composition, and set deadlines.

When you understand how to compose things better you'll be enlightened with the fact that 90% of your drawing will be completed in the first few stages and that past a certain point, you're polishing a turd and your efforts are mostly wasted.
You'll understand that some elements of your art draw people's eyes so you only have to make these parts look good, the rest doesn't matter as much and you shouldn't waste much time on it.

And the big kicker: its better for something to be unfinished and alive than retouched 100000 times and stiff-looking. You need to imagine your art like shaping molten glass or metal, past a certain point it'll cool off and it becomes pointless to try to work it.
Every hour between the initial burst of creativity that made you pick up the pen and the completion of the artwork will make your original idea more and more distant until it is lost in a sea of fruitless turd-polishing.
Do yourself and your art a service and set deadlines.
>Every hour between the initial burst of creativity that made you pick up the pen and the completion of the artwork will make your original idea more and more distant until it is lost in a sea of fruitless turd-polishing.
everything else is correct, this is just westoid ideology and wishful thinking/worship of misguided "creativity".

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