Why was Shadow Dragon considered one of the worst FE games purely for it's art direction? I'm not saying the general style it's groundbreaking or anything, but something like pic related is far from "ugly and soulless" like the fanbase claims imo
Because that illustration style (Masamune Shirow, Ghost in the Shell) was not Shadow Dragon's art direction. SD's art direction was this uggo shit.And frankly Masamune Shirow is hit or miss. Ghost in the Shell is legendary but I think that's largely due to its adaptations, and he's not great at drawing men's faces and his girls look like sex dolls. Minerva looks like she's ready for her shoot and Ogma looks likes he's forcing a shit right there.Just a weird remake all around conceptually and in execution.
>>7406089New Mystery however was pretty good ngl
>>7406060Fire Emblem games pretty much always have shit art. Especially compared to other great RPGs.
>>7406060for some reason, I think this image would look better if everyone was heavily oiled up
>>7406060That's fucking repellent, you faggots have zero standards.
>>7406240go back to jerking over sanitized animu, cuck
>>7406138The GBA games were pretty kino in their artwork and direction.
>>7406060looks like tsukasa jun
>>7407598FE art is consistently "nothing special"it only comes second to the Tales of series for long running jrpgs with art that doesn't stand out or leave an impact Dragon Quest of course has ToriyamaFinal Fantasy consistently has great art even with its spin-offsBreath of Fire has the best art of any jrpgi can go oni guess as far as the 6th and 7th console gen game art goes its got a pretty standardized art for fantasy but then Awakening onwards just goes to far into anime tropes making it generic AND obnoxious
>>7406060Shut the fuck up Gabe, you'll never be a woman, you have shit taste on absolutely everything
>>7406089Doesn't look bad to me. Those sprites with that over world though doesn't look good at all.