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File: vinecharcoal.jpg (146 KB, 2048x814)
146 KB
146 KB JPG
It's a brush made to mimic Vine Charcoal. Tighter on the lines, but still look slightly messy around the edges with lines that aren't super dark.
Looking for clones or similar brushes.

I've asked in the dbag thread and looked around on clip studio shop and none of the brushes are even close.

They all seem to be either too tight and sharp, or too loose and messy. Nothing like this that i could find. Would greatly appreciate any help in how to make or find a clone for this brush.
Also, prefer to have similar texture as well.
krita has it, sucks to be a pay pig
File: file.png (1006 KB, 1661x832)
1006 KB
1006 KB PNG
If you can find a way to export the texture and brushtip it should be pretty easy to recreate.

Now how to do that i don't know because i don't have an apple device but the texture image should look a bit like this and brushtip should be pretty easy to export by hard pressing it on a white background.

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