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File: Stone.jpg (983 KB, 2048x2048)
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How many cubes until I can draw like this?
how many retarded threads until you draw?
fucking lmao
Your seething over his seething is an exponential increase.
Drawing cubes doesn't really help you with drawing texture. That's a different kind of skill.
Just study how the textures of things look like. How to draw stone, wood, gras, water, etc.

This is something you easily can find references for tho, so it's not that hard.
0, draw from life
draw 10,000 cubes from life
Where do you even find stone cubes irl.
There's 1 cube in that picture
Thread Autist
You can actually start with this but it takes a long time. My friend went to art school in Kansas City and their first assignment was to pick a rock off the ground then spend a week trying to draw it as photorealistically as possible using charcoal and they managed to pull it off.
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it depends, i drew 10 cubes and already got this far, i can't wait to see what 1000 cubes will unlock.

you just need to draw, its that ez
Learn how to hade and lighting. Also boxing in areas to shade. Draw very lightly and you can apply pressure as needed to get the darker parts and set things in when you have the form you want.
*shade, not hade
14, maybe 15.
Get a pdf of Alphonso Dunn's book and it's all exercises for rendering like that

Just stfu and draw, you retarded child. Nobody likes you.
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you already can, you just don't know yet, it's just little cubes everywhere.
It was cubes all along?!?!
No, there's a deeper level to all of this but I don't think you are ready to hear it.
But you gotta draw it carefully, with details.

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