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>crabbed at an early age
>Not only an early age, but by family members too
It was already over from the start....
I do feel for this little girl. That wound will always eat at her whenever she tries to be creative in the future.
I had supportive, loving, encouraging parents, and I still struggle with insecurity and anxiety about drawing poorly, I can't imagine what it would be like if you felt mocked by your parents like that.
I feel bad for the father.
The apple of his eye, his baby, who he thinks the world of...

She's a fucking beg.
anons here have similar stories where their art got trashed on during childhood and end up being afraid to draw until adulthood.
took years for picasso to draw like that and she does it just like that. they dont get it.
Sometimes an earnest effort strikes you as funny even when you know the laughter is hurtful as it's coming out. I hope they explained that to the kid, but they also thought this was a good idea to show the world so I doubt it..

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