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And where can I find more info+artwork of this kind?
That there is a 19th century engraving, by Pisan, but probably the most famous engraver is Gustave Dore
woodcut/engraving inspired (or actual woodcut/engraving)
sometimes copper too, really cool covers for old books were made this way.
it's a different technique altogether despite wood engravings also being called engravings.
wood engravings are more like wood cuts in that they are relief prints except they are done on the end grain which can be cut with gravers for finer details.
Dore was a beast of an engraver, he illustrated Dante's Divine Comedy, the bible, tons of sci-fi/fantasy stuff from the 19th century, very broad areas. You can buy compilations of his art on Amazon for like $10 (it's all copyright free now)
The artist is Gustave Dore; he made the original drawing. The wood engraving which enabled the design to be printed was done by Heliodore Pisan. Dore employed up to 40 engravers at the peak of his career. He created illustrations for The Bible and many great works of literature such as Dante's Divine Comedy, Poe's The Raven, and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge. Dover has published books of the illustrations. They are not very expensive.
Engravers are great to study, because they really pay a lot of attention to composition and everything. I have some copperplate artists I really like.
Great thanks

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