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Wh-what the fuck am I supposed to draw?
draw two anons kissing
ok I did it, give me a sec to charge my phone so I can take a picture.l
Things from your childhood. Go back to your childhood and think about things which caught your eye.
So little girls?
For example, yes.
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Here's a clipping from my sketchbook.
develop a paraphilia then obsessively draw it
i start with how i feel and work from there
soulful sketches and gmi
Draw Moai

Or look through your old drawings as a kid and redraw some of them.
If questioning, draw porn. Dick is the biggest motivator of it all, and you'll practice anatomy, figure drawing, expression and rendering techniques in the process
This if you're a gooning coomer.
Otherwise, if you're asking this question you don't deserve to hold a pencil.
Draw skibidi toilet
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Draw what you see.
I'd say you try too look for things you'd like to draw
that simple
look for things to copy too, cause that's an easy engagement
and sometimes images will pop up in your head that you'll want to draw
make sketches of these, write down the colours and all the details you'll want in it,
gather those
thats what I do, I'm a beg so I cant paint em yet, but once I'll be good enough I'll do em, maybe I'll do em before I'm good enough, and just make multiple iterations of the same projects, until I get the one I like the most

until then I'll do fun copies, and studies

other than that, read books, manga, watch movies, anime, whatever you like, something will give your mind some momentum, and then you'll have inspiration
Draw someone riding a bike
>Write a list of shit you like
>Refer to the list when you can't think of anything
Done and dusted
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A geoduck
using piss as water color
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A creativity grind:


Do this until get something you want to expand upon,then do several variations of it. Then,most difficult of all,think up Why it's There. Then you can add rudimentary backgrounds to these series of developmental sketches,and possibly envisioning a story already well along,and your rough renderings will help you compose your First Real Work.

But first, the "homework". Let a situation grow organically, you draw a guy at random, who has a remarkable expression you got right,and then in the negative spaces, what is making him feel this way. So another character? An expansive backdrop? Here is where you explore freely and unashamedly, because all of this work will lead you to create something phenomenal. A picture is worth a thousand words,but you must supply that thousand to communicate it with an image.
I wish I had a magical fairy that would tell me exactly what to draw to get big numbers
draw a girl asking herself what to draw
what does she look like?
whats her expression?
what clothes is she wearing?
where is she when this happened?
what is she doong instead of not drawing?
draw it, even if it looks "bad", others opinions doesnt matter, not even your own subjective opinion does, what matters is that you draw

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