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Have any of you ever had a mentor? Was it any good? I don't think I've ever met an artist that wasn't self taught.
I have. Overrated. Just told me he got good by drawing what he liked. Gave me some *semi* useful tips but nothing he himself had used to learn, just things that he figured out later to enhance the ability he already had cultivated on his own.
When I was like 12 to 14. I used to work on a tattoo shop, but to be honest, no, they're aren't very useful, generally speaking.
On the other hand I've mentored 12/14 years old and they improved a lot, some surpassed me when they got to their 16ish, so it's a great feeling, but I guess you need both a great teacher and a great student not one or the other. That or get many mentors.
You can improve 50% of the equation by yourself, don't forget that.
If the art on the op is yours, you only get a pass if you're underaged, if not it's kinda retarded
yeah. He ended up being a dour asshole. Said he did a personality test and he was a "romantic". Negative all the time, silly cunt.
If you mean teachers from courses I bought then yes. If not no.
tell us about it, was it any good?

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