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Does messy line art have more appeal than clean line art?
Messy but tasteful lineart will become meta since AI sucks at replicating it without doing the telltale organic looking retardation.
Sometimes yes, but this kinda sucks, you're not trying hard enough
File: supersketchyschoolgirl.png (1.1 MB, 1372x2236)
1.1 MB
1.1 MB PNG
File: fGkMlPP.jpg (978 KB, 1811x2411)
978 KB
978 KB JPG
like this?
No, clean line art has something very elegant about it (at least if done traditionally)
Wow thank you for showing me that I still have alot to learn
that's too clean.
This is nice but zamn how are they all so unappealing
They're mutants, they're supposed to be unappealing in universe

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