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If prices weren't an issue, which popular artist that DOES take commissions would (You) hire for some artwork? Genuinely asking here. Please also post links if you can.
what makes it so difficult for retards to understand this is a board for artists, not art enthusiasts?
Not going to give you their socials because what a drag, but lets see...
>that one french anon that used to post in /begint/... nair?
And a few friends too because I love their works
I'd get them all to draw my OC, and some to pander to my OTP.
What the difference?
consumers vs creators
Creators can also be consumers, thoughtbeitwever.
None of them...
They all make too much money.
Sakimichan, Emilio dekure, Artgerm, Tb choi
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I agree anon! aside from art im also really into literachure but not reeding it just righting it!!! im gonna be the best riter in the whole wide world
based steam ovner
Mostly I come here to learn the red flags.
But prices are an issue.
the price doesn't matter, I ain't paying a dime for something I can do myself
I've gotten art from both Gabe and tableguy, schizo anon is too mysterious, I wish I could be his friend
Based. Hypothetically even if i did pay for a commission, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. At this point it's not the end result that makes me like art, it's the process. If I pay someone else to do that for me it just robs me of the gratification I get.
Some artists have characters that they draw and want to see how this other artist draws them. If you had a character you designed and [artist you genuinely respect] said he was willing to do a few commissions you would say no, no matter what?
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If I'm not good enough they offer to make a character for free then I don't want it.
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This >>7410022, sometimes you just want your character being drawn by other people, specially artists you like. It's not about being able to draw something or not, it's about valuing other an artist's work and have a piece of it that you can call your own.
I'll just copy their style if I want it that bad
Anon if you had a character and someone like Toriyama or Miura were still alive you wouldn't have them draw your character? Its not about just drawing in XYZ style, the whole point is that its the artist HIMSELF that did it. You don't have ANY artist you like to that degree? Not even one?
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YTA, even if you did, it wont turn out the same and you know it. You can only go so far with creative choices and resources.
I get satisfaction from creation. I don't care about the art itself
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I like me.
Ive had my OC commissioned by a few artists ive really looked up to before, and its somehow always come out sort of breaking the illusion of liking their work when I saw the result. To me it was just a sort of visual disconnect, and I wouldnt want to do it again. So I wont.

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