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How many likes did this painting get at the time?
None, because there was no such thing as social media at the time.
I'm not sure they had social media when that was made, but I can't remember
Only 7 likes and 1 repost :(
He should've drawn in anime style
Should've drawn trendhopper fotm characters instead
I think that was actually it. Marquis de Sade's time period work was all about that church and sin dichotomy. Prude and porn, a world of perverted animals and slave (servant) owners, throwing people at their industrial meat grinders, posing as a "civilized, righteous and superior christian society". Evey one understand the picture's meaning, it's timeless. Yesterday, today and tomorrow; Will still work.
if I was from way back when, I would beat my meat to those legs, goddamn
The truth to this is scary
probably way more than we'd initially think

wouldn't even call it far fetched to imagine some noble saw the painting, and asked for a private commission

countless, fucking COUNTLESS amounts of art we've never seen because of age. Just think of all of the stuff on paper. Some nigga was making a living doing furry inflation commissions of Set and Thoth in Egypt, 100%

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