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File: Holiday Prim.png (836 KB, 1189x2067)
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Have you've been drawing for santa?
What did you make for Christmas?
You don't want COAL do you?

Let's see that Christmas artwork, or whatever you drew in December!
File: Dood524.png (104 KB, 592x952)
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104 KB PNG
I only made this draw for Christmas and only because I got requested to lmao. I've drawn more things this month, though.
Santa owes me a new tablet and a few stickers and if don't see those before February I swear to god-

Nice brownie, by the way, she looks hot.
File: bliss.jpg (81 KB, 1100x735)
81 KB
Can we include /Drawthread/ type ideas? I wanted to do a Christmas sketch with Bliss from Powerpuff Girls.
>Can we include /Drawthread/ type ideas?
No ideas, just drawings.
go back to /i/ you fags
Get coal in your stocking

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