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The please that dissipates: >>7403335

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/)) or any off-site that hosts images for your works. You may also link back to /b/.

2. Keep it to 2D Anime/Cartoon characters only. Do not post chiId photo references (legal or otherwise), and do not talk about issues regarding real children.

3. It is recommended to let the thread reach page 6-7 before starting a new one. Use archived(moe) or warosu to retrieve the old threads.

>Lolicon Artists Directory & History of Lolicon

>A guide on how to dress your child in the morning before school

Have a merry Xmas, minnasans. I hope you all have plenty of eggnog.
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I've used both extensively, getting used to screenless has long term benefits of ergonomics and hand-eye coordination, cheaper to replace, and technically is more of an "infinite" resolution. Your wrists and neck will thank you. I do however recommend going large (like the drawing surface should be close to A4 paper size), because a small tablet forces you to only make adjustments based upon your wrist and learning that hand-eye coordination is much more difficult.

Screens tends to have the impression you'll draw more comfortably coming from trad, and while that might have some truth, you'll still need to usually adapt to the gap between your pen nib and the screen underneath the glass (parallax) and the lack of tactile feedback, texture, and pen angles, and since they're much pricier on average and have more parts, will also be more prone to breaking and replacing with also expensive parts like pens, I don't think their tradeoffs are worth it and have moved back multiple times after convincing myself to try it again.
Plus, they take up GPU slots both physically and literally (I have a tri-monitor setup with VR, I can't have everything on at the same time if I have the screen behaving as a monitor as it will when plugged in)

I've seen many amazing artists who don't use screens, like Eds and Zankuro off the top of my head. Although Zankuro's tool these day is probably plagiarismdiffusion
>Zankuro's tool these day is probably plagiarismdiffusion
bros...we're losing hard day by day...its over
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Hi /lsg/! Dumb question but does anyone have any sort of tutorial for drawing SFX? I actually have zero idea how to draw them well. Stuff like motion lines and whatnot. Also happy holidays! I love cunny so much it's unreal, friends!

Ponpu's Helen parr process from previous thread if anyone wants
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Can this ever be considered a loli? I can't seem to shrink the body anymore without doing questionable adjustments to the head
nice, thanks
This looks good. I've been meaning to buy it when I get the money.

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her head shape is kinda fucked but i like how it turned out
her shoulders are broader than her hips, they should be around 1:1
Yeah you fucking retard. You think normies will check her hip to shoulder ratio before calling you a pedophile?
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You obsess over the dumbest shit, shin. Her torso is just too small for her shoulders, or the other way around.
Meme advice. True if you're drawing realistically proportioned adult women.
the kings of lsg are back
casy and cyclops
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they have not arrived yet
Pure distilled joy
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>She wanted to take a photo with the Corporal

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