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Previous thread >>7326984

Post portraits here, digital and trad both welcome as long as they are portraits.
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come on fuckers post something
Would I be a fraud for using a proportional divider? I feel like if gonna do that I may as well just trace. Where is the limit? What do other artists find acceptable?
that doesn't really make you a fraud, but i would learn how to use your pencil to make equal divisions and practice enough that you can start to eyeball the proportions.
Who cares? It's portrait drawing. The end goal is literally just being a human xerox machine.
I’ve been eyeballing and relying on construction for years now anon, but the results have been pretty disappointing. I’m hoping that using proper tools will have a positive impact long term
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Tbh anon I don’t ever want to be a human xerox machine, but I was hopping I’d atleast be good enough by now to look at someone and rapidly sketch their likeness with accurate proportions. But the skill never came
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>Who cares? It's portrait drawing. The end goal is literally just being a human xerox machine.

maybe if you're drawing exclusively from photographs. i regularly attend figure drawing sessions, drawing a live model is exciting and challenging in its own right. pic related.

i'd say you're doing pretty good. better than most. just gotta keep going. try different things. extreme angles and interesting lighting.
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I always want to post in this thread but my work isn't very good :(
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I am not good at drawing people.
that sucks. git gud then post something. good luck
I like your portaits but what is the creature in the top left?
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who is it?
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why is it that in portrait drawings, if you don't plan to render it and do line art only, the less you indicate the features with lines, the better and natural the drawing will end up? it's just better to give a ''hint'' of a part of the face than drawing it entirely, at least that's how it's been working out for me... am i retarded...?
Yes, the short answer is because lines aren't real.

You said it yourself -- 'natural'. Your eyes don't see lines, they see light.
ye, but i'm kinda retarded, so ><
If you want me to disagree with you for the sake of it, here's some homework: What about hatched works? They've been popular for hundreds of years yet they have a ton of lines, some even indicate every single turn of form. So, how do you reconcile 'the less you indicate the features with lines, the better and natural the drawing will end up' with the success of heavily lined works?
i'm not disagreeing? i genuinely didn't know how that worked and your answer DID help me understand how it works. like, thank you !!!!
well, hatching is still rendering, it's just a bunch of thin and small lines organized in a way to mimic form and dimensions, just like rendering with a big brush
wait, you're actually right...
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I'm saying I agreed with you, then I presented another view where I disagreed i.e. 'a lot of lines can be good, so what's the difference?'.
Agreed, I would say hatching is a proxy for value/tonal drawing. More lines is the same as less light. And if you combine lines with hatching like the guy in >>7422837 then you compress/lessen the unnatural effect of lines. Of course, you can play with this and get more abstract.
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holy shit yes, i guess i find better success by adding less rather than indicating form with lines or rendering like this one guy did it here >>7422837
tho, i might just be bad at it really, which is funny cuz i'm really good at rendering in a painterly medium
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Any will help.
Is the mouth too narrow or is she pouting? If she's pouting are you missing indications of the cheek stretch/dimples? Mind posting the reference?
this reference is kinda poopoo, desu...
Betty Boop?
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the placement of the features is inaccurate, throwing off the entire portrait. learn and memorize some of the rhythms and measurements (Loomis, Reilly).

for example: observe in the original reference that the the inside corner of the right eyebrow is almost a straight line down to the inside corner of the right eye, and almost a straight line down to the outside of the right nostril.

in your drawing, the eyebrow is very far to the right. very many other similar mistakes. learn a cross between the anatomical understanding, rules, and visual triangulation.
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quick mock-up of what i'm describing. hope this helps.
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What do you recommend for studying emotions?
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drawing guidelines and measuring is soooo boring I hate not eyeballing it

how are my values/shapes here?
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Sometimes I watch YouTube and draw the guy talking without hitting pause to make it challenging.
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I think this is one of my best portraits but some of the people I've been showing it to were upset because the guy portrayed has been accused of sexual assaults and rape and not being a leftist.
It's pretty good
I mean if you're not praisng him for being a rapist I don't see why they would get upset. It's a really good portrait though, you should post more of your stuff
This is good shit anon
Darks could stand to be pushed a bit more imo but the portrait itself looks really good and I like your style. Shape language is nice too, making the ears blocky was a nice touch but add those shapes in conjunction to details because they just look like squares on his head right now
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I suppose they wish to erase all traces of his existence. People get upset excessively, these days.
And thanks !
Thanks to you too
are you French? i wonder how many Americans would recognize Depardieu. what pencils and paper are you using?
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Short-ish study I did at work today. Still trying to get a better grasp of how to convey softer features in a sketch before moving onto digital greyscale and color portraits.
Yes I am.

Graphite 2h, 4b and 8b for the grays, charcoal for the black, sanguine for the red, and the white is I think an oil pastel pencil. Or were you asking about the brands ? I don't have a specific one.
The paper there wad the cheapest kraft paper I could find. Wouldn't recommend, too smooth.
why did you give her a nose ring
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My first real portrait from life. Used the block-in method for this which I normally really hate and never use for figure drawing but for portrait drawing I find it helpful.

> maybe if you're drawing exclusively from photographs. i regularly attend figure drawing sessions, drawing a live model is exciting and challenging in its own right. pic related.

lol you will never convince the idiots on this board that 1.drawing from life is COMPLETELY different than copying from photos
2. That drawing from life is far more than just “copying”.
Nice work, very aesthetically pleasing. Keep mogging these in-denial anons too pussy to draw from life.
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How is it?
CUTE! Blog?
the classic 3 color zones, ochre for the forehead, red for the cheeks, and poopoo grey for the jaw
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first time drawing portrait, I mostly draw birds and cars any critiques are welcome
soft features are very hard to draw. You should focus on getting better at basic drawing before going for something advanced.
Yeah this >>7430889
Youre just copying pencil marks and the darks and lights without knowing anything about facial planes or anatomy.
I'm a euro, know Depardieu and didn't recognize him, and I'd recognize a cropped photo of his nose if I saw it
Realizing it's meant to be him, I see you completely lost the forms of the nose
i don't think i would have recognized him if it hadn't been for the description that he's a creeper. there's only so many old guys that look like that.
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Oh... :/ I thought it was close enough. Now that you say it I yandex'd the original picture and I guess you're right, I should have made it more bulbous.
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how are my portraits
more character studies, no?
could you post a reference for one of these
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Might try using some white conte or smth to bring out the brightest highlights, assuming ur using toned paper. could add another layer of depth.
this isn't a good reference. it's a high resolution but low quality. there's significant deviance between the photograph and what you painted. you should work on your measurements first.
i was trying to focus more on light than measurements but you're right
light and stylization
Has anyone cut their watercolor brushes in half? I want to make it portable with my DIY palette.
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new years reflection self portrait/vent art
1. cringe

2. that's not portraiture

i hope you get the help you need, or grow up, or both.
If you were black you could sell that
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posted this in another thread but I was pretty happy with this one
Basquiat is so fucking overrated.
In a free market everything is rated precisely right.
what makes a good reference? especially if you want to study effects
i'm not sure what you mean by "effects", are you talking about lighting and shadow?

for a beginner, a good photo reference will have 1. a high resolution and sufficient level of detail 2. good composition (ie not an arm's length selfie) and 3. contain sufficient contrast between light and shadow in order for you to observe and understand the planes of the face (ie, not a photo taken on a cloudy day)
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>make frontal portrait
>everything is skewed
>can barely see it even when mirrored but I KNOW somethings off
this makes me seethe desu
tried to recreate the problem in mspaint for illustration purposes
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Day 2 of portrait class. Anyone else here /lowstamina/ or ADHD? I always find myself getting bored or lazy a couple hours in and end up leaving class early
i also struggle with ADHD and am not yet medicated but for the most part i'll leave a figure drawing session early if i don't find my groove or if the model sucks.
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here is a quick rolfe that I did. critique would be very much appreciated. I think I fucked up the expression and shape of the eyes the most
Saw an old man with a crazy nose at the ihop today, tried to re-imagine him

Every single time, its a struggle

Anon this is spectacular

Didnt see your question earlier sorry but its just a random digimon I saw kek

Not bad anon, yes I would definitely study the 3D forms of facial features more especially the eyes and also keep track of proportions (his nose eyebrows to nose section should be more smaller for better likeness)
you literal nigger this shit is like 4 years old what the fuck are you doing do you not have any new work do you even draw
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whoa whoa whoa, coming in too hot there. post your work and be the change you want to see
is this that filipina tattoo artist ive been seeing, or are you her? this looks like how she draws herself
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Something small.
>Every single time, its a struggle
It really is. I suddenly noticed I always put the right eye like cm higher. I put the eye lower and now the nose points the wrong way somewhat relative to the eyes. I guess I need to make another portrait instead of fixing endlessly.

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