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File: ArtAndEngineering.jpg (102 KB, 891x1006)
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Is this true, /ic/?
Can art be learned like one would learn AutoCAD or architecture?
Can I draw like one would do math?
And why is everyone orgasming over a fisheye drawing? Isnt perspective the first thing taught in every single art course?
so do a fisheye drawing then
Artists like that will always draw what feels and looks right to them. It's intuition that took years to develop and you can't learn it from a textbook.
You can study music theory for decades and still be unable to play the flute.
Very very few artists would make great engineers and the vast majority of engineers are wagies who don't know anything beyond the textbook and a basic knowledge of multiple dozen software projects. Engineers spend much more time reading slop like pic rel than actual design work
Yes and no.

Drafting in both the architectural sense, and the art sense, are the same thing albeit to different degrees of accuracy.

The main difference, however is in appeal. Unlike drafting, there are no defined rules here. Literally no one knows what determines whether an art piece is successful or not. We can make educated guesses, put up some pseudo-rules based on those guesses, but at the end of the day it's still an intuitive process at it's core.
>artists would make great engineers
Lol, fuck no. Artistic competence and mathematic competence are two completely different universes

>engineers would make great artists
I agree with this, but only because I feel like it’s more feasible for an engineer to learn art than for an artist to learn engineering, plus based on what engineers are exposed to
depends on what you mean by artist
but in the middle of an artist and an engineer is a designer
literally everything I see on twitter a couple of hours later this nigga reposts that shit here
is /ic/ just a twitter repost board?
Mate, you would LOVE being a engineer in some third world shithole with barely any regulations.
Just wire and weld shit together and hope it doesnt end up killing too many operators.
it fucking rocks
No, art is about intuition and vibes
4chan is officially now reddit
This entire tweet is based on the fact that the perspective grid looks cool and science-y lol.
Baby's first exposure to perspective.
You can't learn visual art if you are not drawing/painting/sketching.

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