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you want to look at birds edition

>What is /fag/?<
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines<
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7403834
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did a study of the animaniacs style
You can tell I did the left one first
Hey fag. I want to draw some furries, I find it so hard to source suggestions on /ic/. Please dump some broad suggestions for my characters, I'll work through as much as I can
A cute wolf girl laughing hysterically at her male friend's joke (whom she has a massive crush on).
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My first ever attempt at drawing a furry. Am I cooked?
unbelievably gay
never let bro cook again :skull:
discord grooming victim style
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I upgraded black widow lol
HAHAHa I love this, good idea
I got frustrated and deleted all of my wips again how do I keep from doing that?
Too black.
>too purple
>one wrist too thin
>hand gestures don't make sense for what she's doing
>the one eye is slightly off
>she's not giving me a BJ rn

I think that's all my critiques
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Stabilize your mental state and think through your actions.
I wanted her to be purple and dream on for the BJ. But thank you for answering! It's hard getting any kind of critique nowadays (especially for nsfw furfag shit).
Nice, what tools are you using ? I remember someone talking about special pens to do the white but I don't remember what they are called
Thanks, I’m just using a regular ballpoint and gellyroll pens for the highlights. I feel terrible though because right after drawing that I filled two pages with poorly drawn horses and heads that looked like ass.
Her arms seem short.
I'm under the impression that if she stood up her hands would only reach around her crotch, and not go down to her mid-thigh. Her right shoulder also seem a bit scrawny compared to the rest of her physique, no need to make her buff but a bit more volume on the right shoulder would feel more balanced. In fact her left shoulder seems rounder, meatier and set a bit wider than her right shoulder, which I think looks better.
I really like the thick more animal-like neck you went with, it makes her look impressive and doesn't detract from her sexiness. It's a really cool element and I love how it looks both on males and females.
- Certified black feline enjoyer.
very cool anon
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Draw ten thousand floating boxes first.
That's the only way you'll get into drawfag nirvana.
Hello my furry brethren i am one of you now
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Much older drawing, feel free to brutally lambast me.
stop chicken scratching
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More bullshit.
wtf is going on with that pose
Yeah, this is the furry general, not the feathery one!
That’s not what that word means
> pic of bird as thumbnail
> not the feathery one
No comment
Fun fact: nobody giving criticism on /ic/ knows WTF they’re talking about.
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wheres their child
At they nursery place baby daddy aint broke
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I immediately thought of the wolf on the left.
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haha thank you but its not my idea :P

got it from MangaKitsune's posts on X/twitter, they cooked with those edits
I don't know why, but this conversation made me chuckle. I hate you fags for making me laugh at something this dumb.
You reminded me that I should color an old sketch of my jaguar... Also, blog?
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Feedback on a new drawing? No genitals or nipples, but want to play it safe
Trying to learn to draw with colors. I need to escape sketch purgatory.
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Hey /fag/s, how’s it hanging?
i love you birdfag, never stop birdfag
your characters are cute and i love your art
holy shit, incredible. blog??
I love the face and the lineart, but how does her left leg work?
do you ever feel that your work is less legitimate for focusing on anthro/furshit?
I'm at a crossroads, anthro stuff is just what I find fun right now but I guess I have notions of being a "serious" artist some day.
For what it's worth, I was invited to a presentation of an animation course and quite a few of the student submissions they selected to show us had some anthro stuff (SFW, obviously). And since they often work with animation for advertisements and companies love corporate mascots, a fair number of comissioned work the teachers presented featured that. But I know that that's completely different than just drawing anthros for fun.
Unless you're trying to get furry oil paintings into a gallery I don't think it matters too much, but even then I know there's at least one dude doing oil painting of furries and actually selling them, but no galleries involved.
need a footjob from her
Any good guides for head shapes like this??
@ jamilsart :^)
It works by putting one foot in front of the other. And soon she’ll be walking ‘cross the flooooooor.
You and me both anon.
Something about the right foot's angle seems off.
Maybe I'm just dumb.
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Based. I struggle with the snoots
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What to draw tonight.
Its the first time doing something remotely for fun in months.
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I namely use the default brushes. Here’s what I use them for.
Screentones look nice. Good eyes, eyes are important.
wtf this sketching brush is great, never tried it before
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very sick! thank you! I have been getting Gpen pilled lately
God damn the head shapes
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Are there any guides for drawing sonic characters or tips for avoiding drawing them like DA oc's?
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Obligatory "Sonic is not a furry" cope post.
But the main gist of it is to think of them as rubberhose cartoons, simple bodies, noodle limbs, only hints of joints which should be thought of as bendy straws.
I absolutely suck at drawing them though so here's a jap guide.
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These are the main two ones I had saved. I'm sure there's a 2-hour video essay on Sonic's style somewhere on youtube.
I charge more for a full render and you're more skilled than me. Everything's way more expensive now. Maybe we bough ought to raise our prices more.
we control the supply, we control the prices
Well, yes, but no. There's more supply than demand by far. It's just that any artist not charging a fair amount is harming other artists, because everything is so expensive now.

Kind of a double-edged sword...
amazing! you got a blog?
Any good resources for feral please?
This is neat. I kind of want to draw out this idea.
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No problem, anon.
Best of luck on your feral endeavors.
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Wowe, rules
Mr Tori?
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Ok wtf, Blocking the head but how the fuck you do the rest (like the fur ?)
That’s one angry shadow
What do you mean?
I understood that to make furries (head and body), you have to simplify by making boxes and simple shape. However what about the furs, how do you go from simple shape to rendering furs ?
You just posted the answer in your own picture. draw pointy shapes protruding from the body
This is going to be posted a lot in the coming weeks/months/years.
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This is my first serious attempt at drawing a furry/kemono head. Thoughts?
Extremely cute!
this guy is good I like his content learned a lot as a /beg/
I mean I've been drawing for five years and he's the only person to lay it out in a way I consistently understand. I'm still learning from him. Don't know if that says anything about him or me but there it is.
I mean there’s nothing wrong with learning stuff, I’ve played guitar for 10 years and I still learn shit off youtube
Very interesting. It's a little hard to place why, but I highly suspect this guy uses AI in his process. I think he knows how to draw decently enough, but maybe heavily references an AI prompt.
That actually makes me feel better. I beat myself up a lot for not being better than I am at five years, but it's all part of the journey. And you're right, there's nothing wrong with learning. I hope I never stop learning, of course; but I also hope I can learn to give myself more of a break.
his art style is a very generic cartoon slop that AI uses often
Actually yeah, I just found this on his Newgrounds page. This one is particularly egregious
Yeah, I can see the resemblance, but I think it's just that his style tends to heavily replicate the aggregate styles of AI. I mean, the guy shows his process from beginning to end multiple times, and has done so for months. I think the issue, if there even is one, is that some of his poses can be somewhat 'generic'. And again, AI by its very definition is generic, so that could explain it.

I've used his process methods myself and they work for measuring stuff out, so I think that's evidence enough that he doesn't use AI. He also regularly streams his stuff to his Discord so his process is very transparent.
I don’t think he meant that he is presenting Generated AI images as his own work, but using them as reference.
I don't want to derail the thread much further since it's pretty off topic, but after checking out more of his work the usage of AI is pretty blatant. I assume for his longer process videos he has a pre-prompted drawing that he's using for reference and then he's just going through the motions of redrawing it. I suppose it doesn't really matter since the educational content is still informative, but there are a few pieces on Newgrounds where people accuse him of using AI and he denies it.
This is pretty blatant ngl
Too bad I absolutely suck cock at simple forms and perspective
And proportions, obviously
or incredibly lazy, despite high skill
Much like Sakimichan drawing 6 fingers before AI was around.
Sakimichan was like an AI artist before AI art
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captured by the Tripod Tribe
the buildings are a bit off but eh, given >>7434445
keeping the same style on BG I doubt its AI. If it was he must've redrawn a shit ton to the point where it doesn't really matter if it was gennd by AI at some point
They thirst for milk.
Now that I’m sober, I think raccoon girl is the prettiest I’ve ever drawn her. Fox girl’s legs are freaky long, they though. Will need to fix that up before I progress.
she is very cute there
i think your very rough sketch behind the too tall legged version was a way better pose, you should use that one
How do you guys come up with appealing colors?
Paintover, tips and any other attempts at helping me would be very much welcomed.
Here's censored version.
The colours are fine, I dont think that even matters. Everything looks blurry, especially the background, the background looks really bad, it looks like theyre floating in a blurry void. If youre going to paint this, work on your values, if you do really soft subtle shading on everything, it ends up looking less legible than if it was just flat coloured, give this some hard shadows. The feet are a focal point, youve put them closer in perspectibe than the head, colour them properly. I think your design is cute, I dont know why a dragon has a butthole though.
Oh, thanks! I'll keep those tips in mind, but I probably should've explained that, despite it having a lineart, I'm still at a thumbnailing stage. I'm still trying to figure out what colors I'll use in a finished painting. I can't really work on all those details you've mentioned like background or shadows, if I don't even know what the local colors will be, what the general color palette should be.

Still looking for tips on choosing colors.
At the moment my workflow for choosing colors is going just with my intuition (aka: random). Problem is that my results vary a lot in quality and I don't really know what I'm doing. Do you guys have a more systematic approach to this problem?
I know that just color picking from someone elses work is an option, but I don't want to spend hours looking up references every time I want to draw something. Learning how to do it on my own would be preferable.
I love the style of Lethaldoors. How do you think he draws bodies so well? Such great grasp of anatomy. How can you learn this?
I’m tired of getting banned for posting furry smut.
Is being a furry artist a lucrative direction to take?
A few years ago, sure. Now everybody just prompts what they want to see.
Yeah. You still have a lot of people who want genuinely human made art and/or have a general disdain-to-total-loathing for AI art and if you have the knack for it you could totally create a comic, an animated series or a game starring cute animal characters.
Also we're thankfully not at the stage where the only people who still want furry art are obscenely wealthy trust fund kids who want to look eccentric and pretentious by buying art to use as a form of stocks or whatever the fuck, you still have (relatively) alright people to deal with.
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2nd verse same as the first
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My second serious attempt at a furry character
I like tall girl's expression more in this one, she's feistier.
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Made kobold.
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Did a Yagi The Goat study last night to better understand their kemono style. It’s surprisingly freeing to draw characters in such a simplified style.
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Man, I love Braixen!
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Seriously what is the name of type of this type of art style (like in picreal : cocadope and frencore) and how do I study, copy and go far beyond this art.

Because it's so cool and I don't want to stalk the artist when they don't respond to me.
Why are you cucking yourself by drawing her with another braixen? That should be a human male next to her.
Made for tribadism.
It's an american-ized manga style. Bryan Lee O'Malley, Jake Wyatt, and Kim Hu do similar art. Kind of a blend of anime and ligne claire.
>Not wanting to be with both of them
Your lack of ambition shows, anon
>those pics of two pokemon sucking one dick
Diamonds. Was gonna do this with pikachu but it's pretty tough to get right.

I don’t know if this has a genre other than “anthropomorphic cartooning” but if you want to go beyond this style, you gotta do a master study of Cocadope’s work.

Seriously, look at his work, break down how he draws into forms and shapes by drawing it yourself. Once you get a handle on understanding how he draws, inject your own spin on things and you’re golden.

This is the only way. Don’t overthink it.
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does the perspective of the gun look all right? I feel as if it should have some foreshortening going on with the barrel but I have no clue on how to get that to look proper (the gun is traced from some 3d model i found)
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or does this look better? I just messed about a bit with the liquifier tool and then fixed up some lines
I'm so bad at perspective and proportion. Even from reference. I fucking hate myself so much
cheer up bud, it gets better. you just have to draw
I draw every day
keep it up !
Proportion is a bit easier if you're digital since you can just transform stuff infinitely and at will. I'm really bad at perspective too though, and I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to do it intuitively. The best I can do is faking it until I make it and hope no one who knows their shit ever sees it.
File deleted.
The cat's rear
The barrel looks way to short, in the second image it's a bit better but still not enough. I don't have that much experience drawing guns, but I can recommend using a 3d model on sketchfab for reference instead of a image. Being able to rotate and change the perspective at will it's way better than using a random image from google.
Her boobs look smaller. I like how you paint though
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do men still love women this size?
This is the best thing I've seen you draw. Good palette
thanks! and figures, its always the ones you don't give a shit about that people like lmao
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anybody got pinkieposh's old patreon tutorials, all i could find was a reupload from a short youtube preview but thats it
i know i should've pay and downloaded them back then but i was a literal poor third world teen back then
I had imported a 3d file into CSP for when I was tracing it but I think I might've placed it too far away, perspective wise. Had no idea what I was doing.
Will check if I can place it closer and if that makes it look better. wouldnt have thought about that without your reply. Thanks
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would. raw. next question?
I feel like my actual vision is just totally fucked up. I can't even draw faces aligned properly anymore
Then stop posting it retard
Thank you bro...
Oh god yes.
Such a rare treat so see Vivs in the buff. Or maybe I'm tripping. I feel like you always draw her in outfits...
But dragons are evil. And women.
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Hello /fag/,
So someone advices me to use LinesSensei to draw furry. And guess what, even tho, I sucked I like it and it was very useful (even tho the guy draw mostly girl and few male, and it don’t balance, but still thankful to Lines).

However to the mid of the video, I realized that I didn’t master the basic elipse (on the right up corner) of the eclipse thus my bad drawing. So I stoped the video. I plan on focusing on the basic before continuing. But what should I do to at least make basic blocking furry.
Could you recommend me video, on sphere, elipses and lines making.
Oh yeah fuck you
Yeah, neither can I. There's always the symmetry tool for that, although don't rely on it too heavily since 1:1 symmetry can be just as uncanny. Can be good for a basic sketch foundation, though.

Well, one thing to keep in mind is that Lines hasn't mastered drawing an ellipse either. He just chick scratches curves until they form a kind of circle. Try that, or perhaps use a figure tool; since it looks like you're drawing digitally, find some kind of stencil maybe, like a bottle or cup, or a drawing compass if you have one.
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ty! yeah I've never drawn her really naked, shes always covered by something
do you use any sort of screen protector for your ipad? i got one for christmas and it's been a bit of a challenge getting used to a glass display coming from paper and pen tablets but i heard
>forgot to finish my post
but i heard that they lower the clarity of thes creen
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been a long time since i lurked here, whazzup
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love the middle girl... short hair, embarrassed thick/curvy girls hit all the right spots
I don't know what to do anymore. My sense of perspective and proportion is so bad.
what if i like a little bit of snark here and there, huh?? have you ever thought about that anon?
Try not to worry about it. Just make art if that's what you wanna do. Unironically become a "that's just my style" guy.
Or, put in the thousands of hours people want you to do to study and become an expert. Personally I like a mix of the two.
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i want to start drawing anthro characters and i'm trying to start with heads but i'm struggling to apply the loomish-like method i use for regular people
is there any improvements to apply to make this method work or do i need to forgo and learn another way?
don't have much at the moment but some poor sketches trying to figure out what i'm doing
Great taste
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It's been a long time since I posted anything here, so might as well and ask. How should I color the cat's hair?
Also, any thoughts about it in general?
would snag the white one, black cat looks like a not like other girls snark, not touching it
No because I’m not a cuck faggotry nigger.
Really like the bushes. Wanna whisper to 'em that a second plane has hit the tower.
As for coloring the hair, I think since she's got those dark eyes a light tone would go well, maybe with the same value as the gray you applied, that way you can read her makeup, eyebrows and eyelashes clearly.
if im in control of my made up fantasy world where anything goes why wouldnt i turn myself into something i find appealing?
>Incoming troon drama bait
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this is what happens if you let your braixen evolve
People always warned me about grease fires and now I understand why.
Another reason why Braixen is better
She probably only uses her fire-type moves for cooking
design for a pal's story
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Almost done..
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This isn’t working out giving up
Blog? I like a good mix of the high and low-brow.
Do you come from an Islamic family, or do you just appreciate the culture?
Cute. Would, raw + marry
here >>7433639
more I'm just a general history geek or whatever.
also my 3rd grade teacher was a muslim woman with a pornstar body who only wore tight clothing.
I never had a chance
Maybe add some highlights
And also a penis
This >>7441722 but ignore the benis and give her puffier vulva
Is there anyone doing commissions on FA? How much time did it take for you from creating an account to getting paid? Frequency of posting? Full render, sketch, animations, 3d?
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Really cute, I love it
So you have a twitter account? I wanna see more
Thigh too short, if it was digitigrade type the calves would be angled back. Left arm not showing the effect of perspective so ends up looking short. The ears are too different; Amount of top showing, different distance/amount of fluff going to the borrom of ear. Left tiddy not looking very good, go grab a reference. At the least the nipple towards the forefront.
Also no penis
Adorable anon, keep it up
Thanks. Raccoon girl getting kind of thicc, though.
In my eyes, I'm starting to pick up more mature vibes from her, while fox girl appears to me as her younger friend.
Foreshortening attempt. Went to shit. Fuck it, I tried
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I keep coming back to this page. I can't wait to draw her in panties
I respect the effort and quality you did achieve.
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Trying to figure out proportions and ratios is just killing me
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We are decent citizens here so I put them some clothes now.
Understandable, I like both the same hehe
thanks anon, I bet they would be amazed by the news. Also, on the hair thing, I tried changing it into a clearer tone now.
Still have some doubts about it though.
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Tried making a really simple design sticker of that naked whore from rivals of aether.
Those you just have to learn, but they're not that bad. For example: deltoid and bicep = length of forearm (roughly). The tips of the fingers align to the crotch; the elbows at the base of the rib cage. When you're making guide boxes or shapes for the torso and pelvis, they're about the same size, though the pelvis itself only accounts for about half of the second box (the rest of it is the lats, and the abs and stuff). The palm is about as big as the face (way bigger than most people think). The collarbones attach to the upper portion of the shoulders when viewed head-on, always (i.e., when arms raise, so too do the collarbones). The trapezius (the muscle covering most of the back, from waist to neck) is viewable from the front; the collarbone, collar, and traps form a diamond when viewed from the front, and this is where the neck attaches to. Those are some shortcuts I've learned. There are a lot more. Unironically study the Vitruvian Man.
The head has a COMPLETELY separate set of ratios unique to it, and different skulls, and so those have to be learned separately. Don't be worried if it takes you as long as or longer to do the head compared to the torso or body; torsos are actually pretty easy once you get used to them. Same for hands and feet. If you spend ten minutes on the body, and an hour each on the head and hands, that's pretty normal.

Just go into it with an open mind and don't fret too much when it's hard. It IS hard, but you'll make it.
What's the appeal of pregnancy?
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hell yeah
you are gay, thats probably the issue.
calm down, chuddy
its always funny seeing anons white knighting for other anons
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featureless hnngg
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looking good
I see I like it, the head shape is more obvious now because the contrast between fur and hair provides separation of the forms and I think it looks nice, but if you're not feeling it you should experiment. For what it's worth, I think having the hair the same color as the fur (like you had before) is also a good choice, fully black cats are always cute.
The feet could be hornier desu but good job!
Those grippers are a feature.
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As always I start hating it once I start trying to ink it FML
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Longer, smoother strokes, dude. And I'm not even one of those, "OOOH, I've got to draw the entire contour in one perfect swoop or else I'm a FRAUD!" idiots, as I'm sure you can see. But yeah, textbook chicken-scratching, I'm sorry to say.

Anyway here's a palace guard/gladiator type.
what do horny feet look like?
Oh you know. ;)
Draw protruding dicks on her toes, got it
>chicken scratching
Oh yeah? Well chicken scratch this!
>Attempts suicide with lots of little, shallow cuts down the wrists.
This really stings and then it might get an infection!
based retard crabs calling lines work AI
stay noided
>based retard crabs
So everyone here?
Fried Green Tomatoes type beat. Very nice again anon.
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I didn't know :(
why did people think his work was AI
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more sketches
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even more sketches
he does use AI, you're telling me these two drawings weren't AI generated?
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also, people can of course improve a lot over a short period of time, but according to upload dates the wizard mech drawing (>>7434445) and this diane foxington drawing were made a year apart
Does the left hand look too rigid in this? Pls forgive the pixelation
Oh so even when it’s not furry porn you faggot mods will ban me you know what fuck this board and fuck this thread you’re all a bunch of faggot freaks I hope you get raped to death by feral niggers

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