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>tries to learn JC Leyendecker bold brush strokes method because exactly what needed this whole time
>bought JC Leyendecker artbook, nothing on his process despite collections of illustrations
>subscribed to Saturday Evening Post online just to access the archive of his cover art, enlarged to inspect the brushes flow
>found a blogspot that says Leyendecker's method, couldn't understand the process as a visual learner
>tries to find online of step by step process of JCL
>found video that might be promising, paid for it
>rambling on his anal sex with Charles, nothing on painting process
>watch another video, even more anal sex stories
>search hashtags & keywords on almost every nooks of the internet.
Do you have such hurdle and frustration when you just wanna learn art styles?
Bigger version: https://files.catbox.moe/o772dw.png
you already had your thread you autistic fuck

maybe you should bold brush stroke his penis for a personal class you fucking multi-thread faggot.
please kill yourself
not a single example in your "expectations" actually looks like leyendecker
are you sure you even know what youre trying to achieve?
Please kill yourself you gigantic fucking faggot.
please be nice. thanks
kill yourself, retard
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did you read the gurney post you included on the expectation side? it's leyendecker's letter to a student explaining his painting process. do studies with a high quality ref and use the same tools to learn the technique
I don't understand those words tho

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