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Sorry for the huwie tier question but how do i start studying perspective in depth?
start with the Krenz course, you can find it in the archive or the video courses thread. There's also Erik Olsen's 111 hour course or whatever, I have no idea if it's any good as I've never done it. If you're totally new check out Framed Perspective or Scott Robertson's How to Draw. People will recommend Norling's Perspective Made Easy and it's OK but I find the stuff he's talking about is already encompassed in Framed Perspective.
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How in depth are we talking?
In depth enough to get out of /beg/
>Get out of /beg/
Then I think this book is exactly the kind of simple, pragmatic approach you need.
Is there a link to this in the sticky?
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>guy isn't even looking at where the plane is
doesn't inspire confidence
Has anyone tried Marshall's latest perspective course yet?
What for? You will never use it. Just eyeball it.
I recently got criticized that my art looks flat
That gook book is good
Thanks for all of your contributions so far everyone.
I've been already trying out one method (and to be honest I'm not feeling it) but i try now to amass some more knowledge
A lot of the Krenz stuff isn't translated
>huwie tier
what did he mean by this
I understand how you feel. These people keep contradicting themselves.
He meant Howie tier. A Howie is someone who never draws because he is too busy asking questions about how to draw.
Big recommend on this one, it’s a daunting watch time and will take you twice as long at least to get through while doing the exercises/taking notes but you will never un-learn something this thorough and need to come back. If you want to master the fundamentals of perspective do atleast the first half of this series (I think dedicating 50 hours to small variations in 3 point perspective is a bit excessive so I’d cherry pick a few of the later chapters and judge for yourself)
Can I get a link to it as well?
oh I see


It’s a paid course, not it specifically but it’s hosted on New Master’s Academy which requires a monthly subscription. If you’re dedicated to this to the degree that you want to draw for a living, it’s worth the money if you can finish 150-200 hrs of effortful studying & practice in 2 months (thereby only paying the monthly fee twice). Obviously you can go longer but it’s paying more to go slower and retain less, so I wouldn’t recommend it. If you can sink at least 20 hrs a week into this you’ll come out of it with better perspective skills than 99.9% of twitter artists.
Post some more stuff please
You can't download more skills, no matter how much you collect. No matter who tells you, the rules and principles will always be the same.
You gotta study it first to be able to eyeball it you cheeky bugger

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