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Hello. I’m looking to be a concept artist for an entertainment company
I want to say I know what I should be doing for the job, but I’m not sure. Do I need to make up anything? Is it mostly like this?
>”we need a agent character”
>okay *searches up pictures of agents to copy and make something out of, nothing more straightforward than that*
If I’m wrong which I probably am, then I can actually learn the context of what the hell it is I’m supposed to do. I don’t know why but it just seems like I’m missing context that would help me understand what I need to do, whether I can do it or not. I just want to make it easier for practice and prepare for this job.
If you can provide any more info about where you do work if your a concept artist please tell me.
just watch FZDSCHOOL on youtube, he has literally everything
Maybe try to get a better description of what concept the writer wants. You don't have to be wholly unique, just be creative and have a striking style that fits the vibe of the story. Slop design like the Outer Worlds or that latest Bethesda space game is what you need to avoid, stuff that feels so bland and sterile you can't pin its style. I dunno tho, good luck
I don't think you get what I'm asking.
What's the context for what I'm supposed to DO
Like what am I supposed to do everyday and what am I supposed to know so I can keep my job and perform successfully with no room for confusion.
Do I need to make up anything? Is it all unintuitive as in I'm copying photographs related to the prompt multiple times?
This is why I would like someone who has a concept artist job to reply.
Anything ai can do is currently something you want to stay away from until the tech industry moves on to the next big thing.
Right now ai is causing a lot of chaos concerning the professional world. You might end up preparing for a job that will look very different in the near future.
Former concept artist, 3yrs

Your job is not only to design, but to document everything about your design so nothing has to be taken on interpretation. Full 360 orthos, some action shots to demonstrate how they're supposed to move, emotions, environment tests, maybe a small writeup to explain why you made some of the decisions you made, show some of the references you used.

Might not need to do all of that depending on the workload. If you have 10 characters to design by next week, photobashing pictures from the internet is pretty justified given the timeline. If all you have to do is draw one agent guy and you have an indefinite deadline to do it, it'd better be one solid ass design.
What would you consider the most important resource that let you be hired, and also made you know what you were doing at your job was correct?
Sometimes I think I’m making progress, sometimes I don’t, I wish I could have a metric where I could feel in no matter what mindspace I know what step to go to.
I think that you should make a listing of the job for some artist oriented headhunter website.
I started out doing free work for mods and got noticed by a friend of a friend and recommended for the job. Most of the on the job stuff I just learned from a very patient director.

If I had to pick one thing that really makes you stand out, it's empathy, in the most literal sense. You have to get out of your own headspace. You're working on a group project for an audience that isn't you. You might not even like the audience you're designing for. You have to prove that you can be flexible enough to draw whatever needs to be drawn, and aren't just a one trick pony.

But here's a good tutorial series that goes over some of the basics.
I’m going to watch this, thank you.

I know this board is bad, I wish there was some way I could ask you questions down the line if i have any. If I don’t then that’s fine but It’s difficult because I don’t live in an area where jobs like this, or anyone involved in these jobs, are here.
Why dont you just go to design or animation school? They will give you an ez pipeline to become a concept artist if you actually want to work in this specific role. I'm a design graduate and i worked as asset and character designer (animation and advertising project) for two years before moving to film. I mean its not like they are 'just' going to pick up a stray artist who designed something without any purpose at all, you need a project to kickstart your career and it can only be made if you do something
You don't even have the confidence to pyw so whats the point of giving you advice?
I would find some podcasts that have concept artists talking about their career. I know Draftsmen had a couple episodes with working concept artists, but those are a few years old and might not reflect the industry as it currently exists.
I swear, half you guys are chatGPT bots
>Former concept artist
so what happened
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lel are you the retard who can't hold a pencil that sperged out in the supply thread
Quit, private commissions are funner and I make about as much money.
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so this kind of stuff?
damn the industry truly is collapsing
better CA died while being a bright light rather than remaining an undead drooling zombie
Presumably this also includes alot of 3d modelling and sculpting? As in, you're doing more than actual 2d drawing, considering some photobashing mixed in too
Good one, retards are out in full force tonight I guess.

Kinda is. A lot of the solid industry guys I know have all quit and switched to doing contracts or hopped into outsourcing studios. Corpo salary is just asking to get fucked over. Pulling 50 hour weeks because your dumbass boss keeps promising impossible shit upstairs is not fun. Contracting means you get to lay out terms and deliverables beforehand for every single project.

Not always. That's mostly a hardsurface thing, and usually just for saving time. Helps to know how to do, though.
if by retards you mean beglets making threads about what colour their ferrari should be when they make it as a big hollywood concept artist, then sure
Everyone you don't like is the same person.
The real people agree with you.
You are not projecting.
You are not paranoid.
You are normal.
You are happy.
>[schizo screeching intensifies]

what are some colleges that would help me get a job in concept art?

i have no idea how to start, where to apply. its pretty difficult, if i could join even a server online or community online that would let me talk to people, know what context to do things in would be for the job, or even get a foot in the door i would appreciate it.

im about to transfer colleges next year, on one site i hear that im supposed to not go to college and just apply with porfolios, on another site (and here) i read that i need to go to college.

i want to be the best fit for a company in this job
NTA but would like to ask - as someone who has this as their dream job, I obviously know that I’m romanticizing it. I would really like to know the black/red/ whatever pill so I wouldn’t embarrass myself, or worse, not know what the actual job entails…
Never underestimate the lack of taste of someone who isn't an artist. The best advice to give a concept artist: "Don't submit anything you don't love". If you draw a bunch of alternates for a concept, the higher-ups will invariably, every single fucking time, pick the one you like the least. Your job, more than drawing pictures, is to trick the suits into believing themselves more discerning than they actually are. You know what designs are good, most of the work is trying to funnel them toward it.
Any tips to get a portfolio made or a place to start if I may ask?
As in, is there a workflow for the specific program, layers and such, that I can do, which I can do exactly in the workplace?
There isn't really a set way to do things, everyone I've met does it differently. Just draw good. The things generally looked for in a portfolio is that you can set a goal, execute that goal, and explain how you reached that goal.

Like, say you want to draw a character as a portfolio piece. You want to do a write up laying out the personality of the character, their place in the story, explain a bit about the world.

Then draw the character.

Then explain why you made every decision you made in the drawing, and how it reflects the brief you did beforehand. What references did you use? How does this further the themes of the story?

Your portfolio is meant to demonstrate that you aren't just throwing shit at the wall until something sticks, but are actually deliberate and consistent in your process.

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