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File: Art_of_Jordi_Lafebre_79.jpg (188 KB, 1000x1000)
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Can someone please point me in the right direction for learning stylized, expressive drawing? From what I can find there's no shortage of "how to draw manga" types in every variation, but not much in terms of this kind of actual cartooning. Picrel is one of my favorite artists Jordi Lafebre, but I also admire eastern cartooning like the kind Eiichiro Oda does or 1980s Akira Toriyama. I know this style isn't in vogue anymore but this kind of stuff really makes me happy.
I have my basic fundies down (been drawing for a few years) and even have my own style that I'm happy with, but I can't help but feeling like I'm missing some kind of book or course that covers the very basics of cartooning.
Famous Artists Cartoon Course
If you don't know how to study another artist's style, then I don't think you really know the basics. Construction is applicable to virtually every style there is, it's a matter of expanding your library of symbols to represent facial features and defining anatomy, as well as quirks that may defy conventions, but still are rules the artist themselves follow.

So for this artist you posted here, you might ask how they do eyes. That's a good point to start from since we see how they depict eyes on people as well as several different animals. You get a feel for what "rule" they might have made for themselves. Then you might look at the anatomy. Plenty of details that hem closer to realism, the cloth folds, the suggested tufts of fur and feathers, and lines that define kneecaps, underlying muscle (note the defined muscle even on the girl's neck). You might think about the line work - not entirely clean, but intentionally so, they feel somewhat thick and with confidence - which works well with the shape language in all the subjects shown here. All curves and rounded forms. And heavy use of lines to suggest texture and volume within those forms.

All that from one image, man. Seriously, take an image like this and write down every observation you can possibly make. Cartooning don't just come from exaggeration, it comes from having a vision, a worldview. What's your worldview? How do you think of people overall? What do you find funny, what makes you laugh?

Two amazing advices in a row, You have no idea how lucky you are OP.
imagine starting the thread with an ai image ew
AI wishes it could do something like OP
File: mort drucker-1858.jpg (2.05 MB, 2211x2938)
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I have not seen AI try to duplicate the style of classic MAD cartoonist like Mort Drucker or Jack Davis.....I think they were so good and unique that a machine cannot draw anything equal to such a unique human style.
I get so excited when I look at this image and imagine a scenario where the girl sitting isn't pregnant, but overweight. There's something about the way she sits, with her legs spread and her large belly resting between them. It's so big that she's forced to spread her legs because of its weight. Her stomach is so round that her breasts rest on top of it, like a table. Her pose and expression give off a vibe that's both submissive and mischievous. Her demeanor seems as if she would say, 'I'm submissive to someone, but not to you, hehe.' It's almost as if, in a moment's notice, she could call her master to come and beat you up.

Giwtwm Thank you for posting this, anon.
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If it has more than 4 fingers, it isn't a cartoon
Don't scare me like that. I was about to slit my neck if AI is this good.
Odd to remember that in the past, there was some overweight women with belly as this big and heavy, I still want to know how in the past (at least in 1990s and 2000s) women had bigger bellies in general, even to the point of what I call as "faux preg" was so common that like 1 in 10 chicks had this kind of physic
You are a man of taste. Mort Drucker was the best — his bouncy line, the way he drew hands, shoes, folds, hair. It's a pleasure to look at. I don't expect the anime coom-brains to understand, but we MAD kids had it good.
Besides FACC you should read Akira Toriyama's drawing book.
>Akira Toriyama's Hetappi Manga Kenkyūjo
Pre-2000s MAD was fucking amazing, peak american culture. I love anime but japs WISH they could produce something like MAD
I can.
I won't.

Study harder or give up.
ok grandpa, it's time for meds.
>look at me, i am le refined european cartoon taste haver
>i am too good to learn how to stylize from any other source than what my tastes are
>but don't ask me to post my work or copy work i enjoy, that's not learning
Get off my lawn, you little bastard!

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