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File: 88112495_p0.jpg (657 KB, 1641x1915)
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657 KB JPG
This artist did some typical cell shading...but there seems to be some kind of effect that kills the monotony of the colors. How do you accomplish this?
It's just a noise texture over the whole piece.
Search noise on Google or Clip Assets and you'll get hundreds of them to choose from.
I don't know how he did it exactly, but:
- Start with a noise texture, pretty small grain size
- Posterize it down to 2-3 colors; one of them must be middle grey #888888. Use the curves adjustment beforehand to change the ratio of the colors.
- Set it to overlay, reduce the opacity to your liking, around 5-20%
- Blur a bit if it feels too jagged.

I believe he also has the colors separated from the values and shifted by a few pixels. That's what looks like chromatic aberration on the edges.
Thank you very much anons. I will try this.
>Pride month characters
>Posted these on twitter and Instagram for pride month
Why would you want to do what he does?
Whut? Pixy Misa is straight. She even has a canon boyfriend. Sounds like shipping googles to me.
I mean the "artist" draws that garbage on his pixiv. Why would you want to copy anything from him
I don't.I just liked the noise filter effect.
Soery but what effect am I supposed to see?
>The noise filter effect that two kind anons already explained in the first post, but you ignored and posted this instead.
I read them but can't see it
You might need glasses bud
>has the colors separated from the values and shifted by a few pixels
Anyone can explain what this means? And how to achieve it on the usual programs?
- Duplicate all your layers and merge them together
- Set merged layer to Color blending mode
- Press the arrow keys a few times
>Color blending mode
I need to read more about this. Thanks, anon.
Thank you kind anon.
who do you copy?

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